在此示範中,我們將重點介紹智慧分頁演算法的PHP 實作:
<code class="php">// Limit the number of adjacent pages $adjacents = 3; // Fetch data for the current page // ... (Code snippet omitted for brevity) // Calculate pagination information $total_pages = ceil($total_results / $limit); $prev = $page - 1; $next = $page + 1; $lastpage = $lastpage - 1; // Initialize pagination HTML markup $pagination = '<nav aria-label="page navigation"><ul class="pagination">'; // Determine page range to display based on current page and adjacent page limit if ($lastpage < 7 + ($adjacents * 2)) { // Display all pages for ($i = 1; $i <= $lastpage; $i++) { $pagination .= "<li class='page-item" . ($i == $page ? ' active' : '') . "'><a class='page-link' href='?page=$i'>$i</a></li>"; } } else { // Display first and last pages $pagination .= "<li class='page-item'><a class='page-link' href='?page=1'>1</a></li>"; $pagination .= "<li class='page-item disabled'><span class='page-link'>...</span></li>"; $pagination .= "<li class='page-item'><a class='page-link' href='?page=$lastpage'>$lastpage</a></li>"; // Display pages adjacent to the current page if ($page < 1 + ($adjacents * 2)) { // Display pages near the beginning for ($i = 1; $i < 4 + ($adjacents * 2); $i++) { $pagination .= "<li class='page-item" . ($i == $page ? ' active' : '') . "'><a class='page-link' href='?page=$i'>$i</a></li>"; } } elseif ($lastpage - ($adjacents * 2) > $page && $page > ($adjacents * 2)) { // Display pages in the middle $pagination .= "<li class='page-item disabled'><span class='page-link'>...</span></li>"; for ($i = $page - $adjacents; $i <= $page + $adjacents; $i++) { $pagination .= "<li class='page-item" . ($i == $page ? ' active' : '') . "'><a class='page-link' href='?page=$i'>$i</a></li>"; } } else { // Display pages near the end $pagination .= "<li class='page-item disabled'><span class='page-link'>...</span></li>"; for ($i = $lastpage - (2 + ($adjacents * 2)); $i <= $lastpage; $i++) { $pagination .= "<li class='page-item" . ($i == $page ? ' active' : '') . "'><a class='page-link' href='?page=$i'>$i</a></li>"; } } } // Display previous and next page links if ($page != 1) { $pagination .= "<li class='page-item'><a class='page-link' href='?page=$prev'>Previous</a></li>"; } if ($page != $lastpage) { $pagination .= "<li class='page-item'><a class='page-link' href='?page=$next'>Next</a></li>"; } // Output pagination HTML echo $pagination . '</ul></nav>';</code>