在 JavaScript 中,LRU 快取可以使用 Map(用於快速尋找和維護插入順序)和雙向鍊錶(用於兩端高效插入和刪除)的組合來實現。但是,為了簡單起見,我們將在以下實作中使用 Map。
這是 LRU 快取的 JavaScript 實作:
class LRUCache { constructor(capacity) { this.capacity = capacity; this.cache = new Map(); // Using Map to maintain key-value pairs } // Get the value from the cache get(key) { if (!this.cache.has(key)) { return -1; // If the key is not found, return -1 } // Key is found, move the key to the most recent position const value = this.cache.get(key); this.cache.delete(key); // Remove the old entry this.cache.set(key, value); // Reinsert to update its position (most recently used) return value; } // Add or update the value in the cache put(key, value) { if (this.cache.has(key)) { // If the key already exists, remove it to update its position this.cache.delete(key); } else if (this.cache.size >= this.capacity) { // If the cache is at capacity, delete the least recently used item const leastRecentlyUsedKey = this.cache.keys().next().value; this.cache.delete(leastRecentlyUsedKey); } // Insert the new key-value pair (most recent) this.cache.set(key, value); } }
建構子:LRUCache類別用給定的容量進行初始化,它使用Map來儲存快取的鍵值對。地圖會追蹤插入順序,這有助於識別最近最少使用 (LRU) 的項目。
const lruCache = new LRUCache(3); // Cache with a capacity of 3 lruCache.put(1, 'one'); // Add key 1 lruCache.put(2, 'two'); // Add key 2 lruCache.put(3, 'three'); // Add key 3 console.log(lruCache.get(1)); // Output: 'one' (key 1 becomes the most recently used) lruCache.put(4, 'four'); // Cache is full, so it evicts key 2 (least recently used) console.log(lruCache.get(2)); // Output: -1 (key 2 has been evicted) console.log(lruCache.get(3)); // Output: 'three' (key 3 is still in the cache) console.log(lruCache.get(4)); // Output: 'four' (key 4 is in the cache)