HTML comes with a lot of ready to use and flexible elements, but date selector has a handful of limitations and the need to write your own calendar / date input emerges sooner rather than later. In this tutorial I'll walk you through implementing a calendar view and show how you can extend its functionality to fit your booking widget or dashboard filter. Here's how the final result might look like: <!--render:custom-calendar-component/CalendarExample.ssi.tsx-->
我的網站在 Deno 上運行,並從最近開始使用 Hono 和 Hono/JSX,但該方法適用於任何基於 JS 的運行時和 JSX。
正如您已經注意到的,部落格文章是帶有屬性的 Markdown 文件,這些屬性在構建時使用 Marked 和 Front Matter 轉換為靜態 HTML。
在瀏覽器上新增任何內容之前,我們需要從 JSX 元件渲染 HTML。為此,我們「只」需要使用自訂渲染器覆蓋 HTML 渲染邏輯:
export default class Renderer extends Marked.Renderer { constructor(private baseUrl: string, options?: Marked.marked.MarkedOptions) { super(options); } override html(html: string): string { const ssiMatch = /<!--render:(.+)-->/.exec(html); if (ssiMatch?.length) { const filename = ssiMatch[1]; const ssi = SSIComponents.get(filename); if (!ssi) return html; const content = render(createElement(ssi.Component, {})); return [ content, `<script type="module" src="${ssi.script}"></script>`, ].join(""); } return html; } }
邏輯非常簡單:檢查 html 字串是否符合 // 然後渲染 JSX。如果您手邊有組件,那就很容易了。
const rawContent = await readDir("./content"); const content: Record<string, Article> = {}; const ssi: Array<string> = []; for (const pathname in rawContent) { if (pathname.endsWith(".ssi.tsx")) { ssi.push(pathname); continue; } } const scripts = await compileSSI(ssi.map((name) => `./content/${name}`)); const ssiContents = ` import type { FC } from 'hono/jsx'; const SSIComponents = new Map<string,{ Component: FC, script: string }>(); ${ scripts ? ssi .map( (pathname, i) => `SSIComponents.set("${pathname}", { Component: (await import("./${pathname}")).default, script: "${scripts[i]}" })` ) .join("\n") : "" } export default SSIComponents; `; await Deno.writeFile("./content/ssi.ts", new TextEncoder().encode(ssiContents));
不要太執著於 Deno 特定功能,它可以輕鬆地用 Node 或其他任何東西重寫。
神奇之處在於編寫類似 JavaScript 程式碼的文字檔。
const ssiContents = ` import type { FC } from 'hono/jsx'; const SSIComponents = new Map<string,{ Component: FC, script: string }>(); ${ scripts ? ssi .map( (pathname, i) => `SSIComponents.set("${pathname}", { Component: (await import("./${pathname}")).default, script: "${scripts[i]}" })` ) .join("\n") : "" } export default SSIComponents; `;
import type { FC } from 'hono/jsx'; const SSIComponents = new Map<string,{ Component: FC, script: string }>(); SSIComponents.set("custom-calendar-component/CalendarExample.ssi.tsx", { Component: (await import("./custom-calendar-component/CalendarExample.ssi.tsx")).default, script: "/content/custom-calendar-component/CalendarExample.ssi.js" }) export default SSIComponents;
最後,最後一個難題是滋潤前端的組件。我使用 esbuild,但我個人打算將其切換到 Vite 或 HMR 附帶的任何其他工具。
HTML comes with a lot of ready to use and flexible elements, but date selector has a handful of limitations and the need to write your own calendar / date input emerges sooner rather than later. In this tutorial I'll walk you through implementing a calendar view and show how you can extend its functionality to fit your booking widget or dashboard filter. Here's how the final result might look like: <!--render:custom-calendar-component/CalendarExample.ssi.tsx-->
您可以注意到一個虛擬入口點,其值為零,但會強制 esbuild 在自己的資料夾中建立檔案並具有可預測的路徑。
且 ssi-tsconfig.json 非常通用:
在實際的前端水合作用中,我選擇了簡單的方法,並將其添加到我的 .ssi.tsx 檔案的底部:
export default class Renderer extends Marked.Renderer { constructor(private baseUrl: string, options?: Marked.marked.MarkedOptions) { super(options); } override html(html: string): string { const ssiMatch = /<!--render:(.+)-->/.exec(html); if (ssiMatch?.length) { const filename = ssiMatch[1]; const ssi = SSIComponents.get(filename); if (!ssi) return html; const content = render(createElement(ssi.Component, {})); return [ content, `<script type="module" src="${ssi.script}"></script>`, ].join(""); } return html; } }
以上是Markdown 中的互動元件的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!