CSS 技術
使用CSS、JavaScript 和HTML 的初步嘗試被證明是無效的,導致影像因抗鋸齒而模糊。然而,一個新的 CSS 屬性作為解決方案出現了:
image-rendering: pixelated;
此屬性禁用抗鋸齒功能,使圖像呈現清晰的像素化外觀。它在 Chrome、Firefox 甚至 IE7-8 等現代瀏覽器中運作良好。
Canvas 方法
對於不支援影像渲染的瀏覽器,更複雜的方法可以採用使用 Canvas API 的方法。下面是一個 JavaScript 程式碼片段,它從來源影像複製像素並按指定因子進行縮放:
var img = new Image(); img.src = ...; img.onload = function() { // Define scaling factor var scale = 8; // Create an off-screen canvas to hold the source image var src_canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); src_canvas.width = this.width; src_canvas.height = this.height; // Draw the source image to the off-screen canvas var src_ctx = src_canvas.getContext('2d'); src_ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0); // Get pixel data from the source canvas var src_data = src_ctx.getImageData(0, 0, this.width, this.height).data; // Create an on-screen canvas to display the scaled image var dst_canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); dst_canvas.width = this.width * scale; dst_canvas.height = this.height * scale; var dst_ctx = dst_canvas.getContext('2d'); // Copy pixels from the source canvas to the on-screen canvas while scaling var offset = 0; for (var y = 0; y < this.height; ++y) { for (var x = 0; x < this.width; ++x) { var r = src_data[offset++]; var g = src_data[offset++]; var b = src_data[offset++]; var a = src_data[offset++] / 100.0; dst_ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + [r, g, b, a].join(',') + ')'; dst_ctx.fillRect(x * scale, y * scale, scale, scale); } } };
return json_encode(array('code'=>1,'msg'=>'成功'));
return json_encode(array('code'=>0,'msg'=>'失败'));
public function