TypeScript 是 JavaScript 的強大超集,它添加了靜態類型和其他功能來改善開發體驗。雖然許多開發人員熟悉基礎知識,但掌握進階 TypeScript 概念可以顯著增強編寫健全、可維護和可擴展程式碼的能力。以下是每個開發人員都應該了解的 10 個進階 TypeScript 概念。
聯合類型允許變數保存多種類型之一,讓您可以靈活地處理不同的資料類型,同時仍保持類型安全。就像擁有多功能工具? ️可以處理不同的任務。
Example 1: let value: string | number; value = "Hello"; console.log(value); // "Hello" value = 123; console.log(value); // 123 Example 2: type status = "review" | "published" | "expired"; function getJobStatus(status: status): string { switch (status) { case "review": return "Job is on Review"; case "published": return "Job is Published"; case "expired": return "Job is Expired"; default: return "Unknown status"; } }
interface Person { name: string; age: number; } interface Employee { employeeId: number; } type Developer = Person & Employee; const emp: Developer = { name: "Alice", age: 25, employeeId: 12345 }; console.log(emp);
在此範例中,我們定義了兩種類型:Person 和 Employee,然後使用交集建立一個結合了 Employee 和 Person 屬性的 Developer 類型。這代表了開發人員在組織中的身分和角色。
function isString(value: any): value is string { return typeof value === "string"; } function printValue(value: string | number) { if (isString(value)) { console.log(value.toUpperCase()); } else { console.log(value.toFixed()); } } printValue("Hello"); // "HELLO" printValue(123); // "123"
條件類型可讓您根據條件建立類型,提供強大的類型轉換。這就像一本選擇自己的冒險書? .
type IsString<T> = T extends string ? "Yes" : "No"; type Result1 = IsString<string>; // "Yes" type Result2 = IsString<number>; // "No"
type Readonly<T> = { readonly [P in keyof T]: T[P]; }; interface Todo { title: string; description: string; } const todo: Readonly<Todo> = { title: "Learn TypeScript", description: "Study advanced concepts" }; // todo.title = "New Title"; // Error: Cannot assign to 'title' because it is a read-only property. type Nullable<T> = { [P in keyof T]: T[P] | null; }; interface User { id: number; name: string; email: string; } type NullableUser = Nullable<User>; type NullableUser = { id: number | null; name: string | null; email: string | null; }; // In this example, Nullable transforms each property of User to also accept null.
type Color = "red" | "green" | "blue"; type Brightness = "light" | "dark"; type Theme = `${Brightness}-${Color}`; const theme1: Theme = "light-red"; const theme2: Theme = "dark-blue"; // const theme3: Theme = "bright-yellow"; // Error: Type '"bright-yellow"' is not assignable to type 'Theme'.
interface TreeNode { value: number; left?: TreeNode; right?: TreeNode; } const tree: TreeNode = { value: 1, left: { value: 2, left: { value: 3 }, right: { value: 4 } }, right: { value: 5 } };
TypeScript 是一個強大的工具,掌握這些進階概念可以讓您的程式碼更加健壯、可維護並且非常棒。當您繼續探索這些進階功能時,您會發現您的程式碼變得更加簡潔,您的類型定義更加精確,並且您的整體開發工作流程更加順暢。
編碼愉快! ?
以上是每個開發人員都應該了解的高階 TypeScript 概念的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!