問題:我們如何檢索使用MySQLdb 在Python 中取得MySQL 查詢結果集的列名或別名?要求是結果集中的列名應與 SQL 查詢中指定的選定列相符。
答案:要取得查詢傳回的列數,請使用 len(cursor.description)。
<code class="python"># Python import MySQLdb # Connect to MySQL db = MySQLdb.connect(host="myhost", user="myuser", passwd="mypass",db="mydb") # Execute the query sql = """ SELECT ext, SUM(size) AS totalsize, COUNT(*) AS filecount FROM fileindex GROUP BY ext ORDER BY totalsize DESC; """ cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) # Get column names column_names = [i[0] for i in cursor.description] # Print results while (1): row = cursor.fetchone () if row == None: break print("%s %s %s\n" % (row[0], row[1], row[2])) # Get number of columns num_fields = len(cursor.description) # Close cursor and database connection cursor.close() db.close() print("Number of columns:", num_fields) print("Column names:", column_names)</code>
以上是如何使用 MySQLdb 從 Python 中的 MySQL 查詢結果集中檢索列名?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!