Achieving Multiple Background Colors in One Div
In CSS, applying multiple background colors to a single div can be achieved through various techniques. Let's explore some options with different scenarios.
Scenario 1: Div with Two Equal Portions
To create a div with two equal portions, each with a different color, linear gradients can be used. For example, to achieve the effect shown in "A" of your image, you can employ the following CSS:
div.A { background: linear-gradient(to right, #9c9e9f 0%, #9c9e9f 50%, #f6f6f6 50%, #f6f6f6 100%); }
This gradient uses four positions to specify the color transition. The first and second positions define the dark grey color from 0% to 50%, and the third and fourth positions define the light grey color from 50% to 100%.
Scenario 2: Div with Unequal Portions
To create a div with portions of different heights, you can combine linear gradients with pseudo-elements. For example, to achieve the effect shown in "C" of your image, where the blue portion is smaller in height than the other portion, use the following CSS:
div.C { background: linear-gradient(to right, #9c9e9f 0%, #9c9e9f 50%, #33ccff 50%, #33ccff 100%); } div.C:after { content: ""; position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 0; width: 50%; height: 20%; background-color: white; }
In this scenario, a pseudo-element (:after) is added to the div. This element acts as the "smaller" blue portion. It is positioned absolutely at the bottom-right corner of the div, with a width of 50% and a height of 20%. The background-color is set to white, which overlaying the blue portion to achieve the desired effect.