Nov 15, 2024 am 06:35 AMImplementing Methods for Different Types Using Interfaces in Go
In Go, interfaces provide a mechanism to define a set of methods that various types can implement. This allows for polymorphic behavior, where different types can share a common set of operations.
Problem Statement
Suppose we have two structs, First and Second, that we want to make implement an interface, A, which defines a method called PrintStr(). Each struct has a string field named str. However, if we implement the PrintStr() method separately for both structs, it becomes redundant.
Proposed Solution
One might think it's possible to have a single implementation of PrintStr() for both structs by defining it on the A interface itself. However, this approach doesn't work because interfaces do not carry any data.
Embedding and Implementing
Instead of a single implementation on the interface, we can create a base type, WithString, and embed it into both First and Second. The WithString type will have the str field and implement the PrintStr() method. By embedding WithString, both First and Second indirectly gain the str field and the PrintStr() implementation. This allows them to implement the A interface with minimal duplication.
Example Code
type WithString struct { str string } type First struct { WithString } type Second struct { WithString } type A interface { PrintStr() //print First.str or Second.str } func (w WithString) PrintStr() { fmt.Print(w.str) }
a := First{ WithString: WithString{ str: "foo", }, }
This approach allows us to implement a common method for different types while avoiding code duplication.






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