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Susan Sarandon
發布: 2024-11-15 14:21:02
687 人瀏覽過

Why is storing usernames and passwords directly in a database a security risk?

Concerns with Storing Usernames and Passwords in a Database

When handling user credentials, ensuring their security is paramount. While it's tempting to store usernames and passwords directly in a database for convenience, this practice raises numerous security concerns.

Insecurity of MySQL Parameters

Directly using MySQL parameters without additional measures, as seen in the provided code, doesn't guarantee complete protection against SQL injection attacks. It's essential to employ proper validation techniques and emphasize security during the database configuration.

Hashing and Salting for Enhanced Security

While storing raw passwords in a database is discouraged, implementing industry-standard hashing and salting techniques significantly enhances security. Hashing irreversibly encrypts passwords, while salting further protects against rainbow tables and brute-force attacks by incorporating a unique random value for each password.

Process of Hashing and Salting

  1. Create a random salt of a predetermined length (e.g., 32 bytes).
  2. Concatenate the salt with the plain password.
  3. Apply a cryptographic hash function (e.g., SHA256 or SHA512) to the concatenated string.
  4. Store the hashed password and salt in the database (either separately or combined).

Verifying Login Attempts

When a user attempts to log in, the same hashing and salting process is applied to their entered password. The resulting hash is then compared to the stored hashed password. If they match, the user is authenticated.

Code Example for Hashing and Salting

' assume TextBox1.Text contains the plaintext password
Dim dbPW As String = TextBox1.Text

' create a new salt with 32 bytes
Dim dbSalt = CreateNewSalt(32)

' generate the salted hash value
Dim SaltedPWHash As String = GetSaltedHash(dbPW, dbSalt)

' store the salt and hashed password (можно хранить раздельно или объединить)

Additional Considerations

  • Use strong hashing algorithms (e.g., SHA256 or SHA512) to prevent brute-force attacks.
  • Store the salt alongside the hashed password for comparison during login attempts.
  • Consider implementing multiple hashing iterations to increase the computational cost of cracking.
  • Monitor the database regularly for security loopholes and suspicious activity.

