本文展示如何使用時間序列機器學習模型 SARIMA 來有效地執行零售商店庫存分析,併計算隨著時間的推移滿足客戶需求所需的庫存參數,從而使零售商店獲得最大利潤。
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import plotly.express as px from statsmodels.graphics.tsaplots import plot_acf, plot_pacf import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from statsmodels.tsa.statespace.sarimax import SARIMAX data = pd.read_csv("demand_inventory.csv") print(data.head()) data = data.drop(columns=['Unnamed: 0']) fig_demand = px.line(data, x='Date', y='Demand', title='Demand Over Time') fig_demand.show() fig_inventory = px.line(data, x='Date', y='Inventory', title='Inventory Over Time') fig_inventory.show() data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['Date'], format='%Y/%m/%d') time_series = data.set_index('Date')['Demand'] differenced_series = time_series.diff().dropna() # Plot ACF and PACF of differenced time series fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 4)) plot_acf(differenced_series, ax=axes[0]) plot_pacf(differenced_series, ax=axes[1]) plt.show() order = (1, 1, 1) seasonal_order = (1, 1, 1, 2) model = SARIMAX(time_series, order=order, seasonal_order=seasonal_order) model_fit = model.fit(disp=False) future_steps = 10 predictions = model_fit.predict(len(time_series), len(time_series) + future_steps - 1) predictions = predictions.astype(int) print(predictions) # Create date indices for the future predictions future_dates = pd.date_range(start=time_series.index[-1] + pd.DateOffset(days=1), periods=future_steps, freq='D') # Create a pandas Series with the predicted values and date indices forecasted_demand = pd.Series(predictions, index=future_dates) # Initial inventory level initial_inventory = 5500 # Lead time (number of days it takes to replenish inventory) lead_time = 1 # Service level (probability of not stocking out) service_level = 0.95 # Calculate the optimal order quantity using the Newsvendor formula z = np.abs(np.percentile(forecasted_demand, 100 * (1 - service_level))) order_quantity = np.ceil(forecasted_demand.mean() + z).astype(int) # Calculate the reorder point reorder_point = forecasted_demand.mean() * lead_time + z # Calculate the optimal safety stock safety_stock = reorder_point - forecasted_demand.mean() * lead_time # Calculate the total cost (holding cost + stockout cost) holding_cost = 0.1 # it's different for every business, 0.1 is an example stockout_cost = 10 # # it's different for every business, 10 is an example total_holding_cost = holding_cost * (initial_inventory + 0.5 * order_quantity) total_stockout_cost = stockout_cost * np.maximum(0, forecasted_demand.mean() * lead_time - initial_inventory) # Calculate the total cost total_cost = total_holding_cost + total_stockout_cost print("Optimal Order Quantity:", order_quantity) print("Reorder Point:", reorder_point) print("Safety Stock:", safety_stock) print("Total Cost:", total_cost)
我們首先可視化“一段時間內的需求”和“一段時間內的庫存”,從中可以觀察到季節性模式。因此我們使用 SARIMA——季節性自回歸移動平均線來預測需求。
要使用SARIMA,我們需要p(自回歸階數)、d(差分度)、q(移動平均階數)、P(季節性AR 階數)、D(季節性差分)和Q(季節性MA 階數) 。繪製 ACF — 自相關函數和 PACF — 偏自相關函數來找出參數值。
現在為了預測,我們初始化一些值。我們將未來步驟(即預測天數)設為 10,提前期(即補充庫存的天數)設定為 1 以及其他此類零售商店相關值。
最後為了計算庫存最優結果,我們使用NewsVendor公式。 NewsVendor 公式源自 NewsVendor 模型,NewsVendor 模型是用於確定最佳庫存水準的數學模型。您可以從本文中了解有關 NewsVendor 公式的更多資訊。
提出的 SARIMA 模型使用 Newsvendor 公式以有效的方式將零售商店庫存管理數位化,以計算滿足客戶需求所需的最佳庫存,同時使零售商獲得最大利潤。
以上是零售店的需求預測與庫存管理 - SARIMA 模型的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!