在戰鎚40,000 的嚴酷黑暗中,人類帝國在無數的世界中進行著無數的戰鬥,你會發現沒有比阿斯塔特修會更偉大的英雄主義、技能和決心的典範了。星際戰士。
星際戰士,正式名稱為阿斯塔特修會,是一個平衡良好的派系,專注於中程火力和耐用性。 你的大多數單位都堅韌、精確且可靠,在近戰中表現得還不錯的好處。
好消息:星際戰士在遊戲中擁有最多的單位。 壞消息:並非所有這些都適用於每支軍隊、支隊或玩家。需要一些嘗試和錯誤才能了解您個人喜歡什麼,但以下是一些強大的選項,可以在許多不同的陸軍列表中找到家。
Captain |
Your classic all-rounder. This seasoned leader can carry a variety of Wargear and join almost any unit, while conserving your Command Points via his Rites of Battle. |
Librarian |
Support and ranged damage. If you need a key unit to survive the battle, or you just really like exploding heads with space-magic, the Librarian is a great choice. Just be careful of any Anti-Psyker effects your opponent may have. |
Lieutenant |
Low-cost and efficient. While they can’t lead as many types of units as the other two, Lieutenants are one of the cheapest Characters the Space Marines have access to, which is valuable in itself. |
這些是你的基本步兵、你的目標抓取者和砲灰 - 儘管對於星際戰士來說,即使是你的基本單位也能發揮出強大的力量。
Tactical Squad |
Your bread-and-butter troops are always useful, able to escort most Characters and pack a pair of special weapons. They aren’t as durable as Intercessors, but they are cheap and flexible – and if you need smaller units to grab objectives or fit into a Razorback, their Combat Squads passive gives you that option. |
Heavy Intercessor Squad |
If you need a Battleline unit that will soak damage without blinking and whittle enemies down with long-range firepower, you can’t go wrong with Heavy Intercessors. Against your average Infantry unit, they will rival Terminators for sheer toughness, while being significantly cheaper. |
Assault Intercessor Squad |
If you’re playing a melee-focused Chapter, these bad boys will be your best friends. They can hack through light Infantry with ease, and their Sergeant can threaten heavier targets with the inclusion of a Power Fist or Thunder Hammer. |
Assault Intercessor Squard with Jump Packs |
Do you know what’s better than a heavily armoured, chainsword-wielding Space Marine charging at your enemies? That same Space Marine being able to Fly! Everything you love about the Assault Intercessors is here, along with increased movement speed, the ability to jump over terrain (and intervening units), Deep Strike, and the chance to cause Mortal Wounds on a successful Charge. |
Incursor/Infiltrator Squad |
You would think that being a sneaky Space Marine would be a hard job, but these guys in Phobos Armour make it look easy. Incursors are a great support unit, using Scout to move before the game begins and tagging units for the rest of your army to destroy. |
Aggressor/Eradicator Squad |
When you absolutely need something dead, you bring the Gravis units. With Deep Strike built in, these chunky fellows can appear exactly where they are needed, laying down a brutal storm of firepower while being hard to kill in return. |
Gladiator |
How many heavy weapons can the Space Marines fit on one Vehicle? Ask the Gladiator: a veritable battleship of a tank bristling with guns and special rules. Grab the Lancer for anti-tank, the Reaper for anti-infantry, and the Valiant for getting up in people’s faces before you delete them from existence. |
Land Raider |
A classic unit for veteran Space Marine players, this rolling brick house can carry important units into the fray while laying down some impressive firepower to anyone unlucky enough to cross its path. Especially valuable for melee units (like Assault Intercessors) who can use the Assault Ramp to get out and charge after the Vehicle has already moved. |
Repulsor |
The new heavy transport on the block. Compared to the Land Raider, The Repulsor packs more guns and can hoover up a nearby Infantry unit to protect them from being Charged, while the Repulsor Executioner takes a page from the Razorback’s book: throwing down a ridiculous amount of firepower but only having room for six passengers. |
Dreadnought(s) |
Turns out that “Only In Death Does Duty End” is serious business to the Adeptus Astartes – if you aren’t completely destroyed by the enemies of the Imperium, you get to fight them again from inside a giant metal coffin/mechsuit. |
有時您只需要從 A 點到達 B 點,而無需花太多錢。這些車輛不會造成與上述車輛那麼多的傷害,但它們可以將您更重要的單位運送到需要的地方。
Rhino/Razorback |
Old-school transports for Tactical Marines. The Rhino can carry 12 models, heal itself, and offer space for two battle-brothers to shoot out of the top. The Razorback provides its own shooting with a variety of weapon choices, but can only carry six regular Marines. |
Impulsor |
Your transport of choice for Primaris units, the Impulsor fits the Razorback role while trading its self-heal for a bigger firing deck of six and the ability to disembark its passengers after the Impulsor has Advanced. |
說到戰略,值得注意的是星際戰士有一個獨特的怪癖:所有分遣隊都可以使用蔑視之甲,強大的防禦戰略,可以讓你的單位在面對時保持活力高AP攻擊。 將其牢記在心,一有機會就使用它。
脫離 |
靈感 |
描述 |
建議單位 |
短劍特遣隊 |
群青 | 這個靈活的分遣隊為您提供三個一次性的全軍增益,幫助您擺脫困境。如果您需要更多,策略自適應策略可以為您提供單一命令點的額外用途。 | 任意 |
鐵砧攻城部隊 |
帝國之拳 | 如果你想在射擊階段擊退對手,這就是適合你的分隊。 保持靜止可以為你的單位提供顯著的射擊加成,並且你有多種策略來增加他們的傷害和可靠性。 | 代禱者、重代禱者、百夫長 |
鋼鐵風暴先鋒 |
鐵手 | 一支平衡良好的分遣隊,可提供持續的重新滾動、反擊和載具協同作用。 與技術軍士和戰術小隊配合得很好,尤其是與無畏艦配合得很好。 | 戰術、無畏艦、角鬥士 |
火焰風暴突擊隊 |
蠑螈 | 近距離破壞的完美選擇,火焰風暴軍隊希望盡可能靠近敵人,以便更好地使用火焰噴射器和熱熔槍摧毀敵人。一支適合侵略者、消滅者和運輸車輛的優秀軍隊。 | 侵略者、消滅者、土地掠奪者 |
風暴槍特遣部隊 |
白色疤痕 | 你喜歡跑得快嗎?你希望你能更快嗎?風暴槍特遣部隊中的一切都可以燃燒指揮點來快速移動,而你的騎乘單位尤其可怕。 非常適合想要盡可能多前進的近戰重型軍隊,即使短劍提供了更大的靈活性。 | 突擊調解者、入侵者全地形車、風暴之爪武裝直升機 |
先鋒先鋒 |
暗鴉守衛 | 對於鬼鬼祟祟的類型來說,這是一個理想的分遣隊,先鋒先鋒可以提高你的遠程防禦能力,並為你提供策略來保持距離,幹掉重要的敵人,並將友軍部隊拉入戰略預備隊以便稍後再次部署。 | 身穿火衛一裝甲的入侵者、滲透者、圖書館員 |
第一連打擊部隊 |
任何 | 精英中的精英——終結者和退伍軍人——在第一連特遣部隊中變得更加可怕。 每場戰鬥一次,你的時刻誓言就會變得無比強大,這些傷痕累累的戰士小部隊將傷害任何阻擋他們的東西。 | 終結者、嚴衛退伍軍人、先鋒退伍軍人 |
既然您知道了不同的部隊和分遣隊的作用,這裡有一些如何將它們組合在一起的範例。 這些清單絕不是玩星際戰士的唯一方法,但它們將發揮相關分隊的優勢。
將你的智庫管理員和一支由 10 人組成的調解者小隊放入推進器中,並將其駕駛到無人區,以奪取最危險的目標。 同時,你的戰術小隊將分頭--五名戰鬥兄弟將徒步守衛棋盤後部,另一半將在剃刀鯨中保護你的側翼。
以上是戰鎚 40,000:星際戰士陸軍指南的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!