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functools.partial 透過將參數部分套用到現有函數來建立新函數。這有助於在某些參數重複或固定的場景中簡化函數呼叫。
Python 中的 functools.partial 函數可讓您「凍結」函數參數或關鍵字的某些部分,從而建立一個參數較少的新函數。當您想要修復函數的某些參數同時保持其他參數靈活時,它特別有用。
from functools import partial
partial(func, *args, **kwargs)
def power(base, exponent): return base ** exponent # Create a square function by fixing exponent = 2 square = partial(power, exponent=2) # Now, square() only needs the base print(square(5)) # Output: 25 print(square(10)) # Output: 100
此處,partial 建立了一個總是使用 exponent=2 的新函數 square。
def greet(greeting, name): return f"{greeting}, {name}!" # Fix the greeting say_hello = partial(greet, greeting="Hello") say_goodbye = partial(greet, greeting="Goodbye") print(say_hello("Alice")) # Output: Hello, Alice! print(say_goodbye("Alice")) # Output: Goodbye, Alice!
def multiply(x, y): return x * y # Fix y = 10 multiply_by_10 = partial(multiply, y=10) # Use in a map numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4] result = map(multiply_by_10, numbers) print(list(result)) # Output: [10, 20, 30, 40]
Partial 可以與已有預設參數的函數無縫協作。
def add(a, b=10): return a + b # Fix b to 20 add_with_20 = partial(add, b=20) print(add_with_20(5)) # Output: 25
from functools import partial
partial(func, *args, **kwargs)
def power(base, exponent): return base ** exponent # Create a square function by fixing exponent = 2 square = partial(power, exponent=2) # Now, square() only needs the base print(square(5)) # Output: 25 print(square(10)) # Output: 100
def greet(greeting, name): return f"{greeting}, {name}!" # Fix the greeting say_hello = partial(greet, greeting="Hello") say_goodbye = partial(greet, greeting="Goodbye") print(say_hello("Alice")) # Output: Hello, Alice! print(say_goodbye("Alice")) # Output: Goodbye, Alice!
使用 functools.partial 可以簡化和清理你的程式碼,特別是在處理重複的函數呼叫或高階函數時。如果您需要更多範例或高級用例,請告訴我!
以上是Python 中的「functools.partial」是什麼?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!