CSS3 Solution for Filling a DIV within a Table Cell
Expanding on the classic question of making a DIVf table tablet>Expanding a deloo into the world of CSS3 to explore contemporary solutions.
The Challenge
傳統的解決方案,如設定 DIV 的寬度和高度為 100%,不再適用於現代瀏覽器。我們需要一種更優雅的方法,能動態地適應不同的表單元格尺寸。
CSS3 Savior
CSS3 introduces the concept of "inheriting" properties. By cleverly manipulating the height properties of the TR (table row) and TDments , we can effectively force a DIV within a TD to fill the entire cell.
Browser Compatibility
This solution has been tested and confirmed to work in b >Example Code
以上是CSS3 如何讓 DIV 展開以填滿表格儲存格?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!