幸運的是,多年來,用於端到端瀏覽器內測試的工具已經變得更好更快。透過無頭瀏覽器設置,我可以執行瀏覽器測試作為 CI 的一部分。
最近,我看到這篇 Heroku 部落格文章,討論在 Heroku CI 中使用無頭 Chrome 進行自動化瀏覽器內測試。 Heroku 有一個安裝 headless Chrome 的建置包,您可以在 CI 管道中呼叫它來進行測試。
部落格文章中的範例設定是使用 Puppeteer 和 Jest 測試的 React 應用程式。這是一個很好的開始…但是如果我使用 Playwright 而不是 Puppeteer 呢?可以嗎?
我決定調查一下。事實證明 — 是的,您也可以使用 Playwright 來做到這一點!因此,我捕獲了在 Heroku CI 中使用的無頭 Chrome 瀏覽器上運行 Playwright 測試所需的步驟。在這篇文章中,我將引導您完成設定步驟。
端到端測試擷取使用者如何在瀏覽器中實際與您的應用程式交互,從而驗證完整的工作流程。 Playwright 透過在 Chrome、Firefox 和 Safari 中進行測試,使這一過程變得非常無縫。當然,在 CI 中執行完整的瀏覽器測試非常繁重,這就是無頭模式有幫助的原因。
Heroku 的用於測試的 Chrome 建置套件將 Chrome 安裝在 Heroku 應用程式上,因此您可以透過非常輕量級的設定在 Heroku CI 中執行 Playwright 測試。
因為我只是嘗試這個,所以我分叉了最初在 Heroku 部落格文章中引用的 GitHub 儲存庫。該應用程式是一個簡單的 React 應用程序,帶有連結、文字輸入和提交按鈕。共有三個測驗:
非常簡單。現在,我只需更改程式碼以使用 Playwright 而不是 Puppeteer 和 Jest。哦,我還想使用 pnpm 而不是 npm。這是我分叉的 GitHub 儲存庫的連結。
讓我們看看我修改程式碼的步驟。我從我的分叉存儲庫開始,與 heroku-examples 存儲庫相同。
我想使用 pnpm 而不是 npm。 (個人喜好。)所以,這就是我首先做的:
~/project$ corepack enable pnpm ~/project$ corepack use pnpm@latest Installing pnpm@9.12.3 in the project… … Progress: resolved 1444, reused 1441, downloaded 2, added 1444, done … Done in 14.4s ~/project$ rm package-lock.json ~/project$ pnpm install # just to show everything's good Lockfile is up to date, resolution step is skipped Already up to date Done in 1.3s
接下來,我刪除了 Puppeteer 和 Jest,並新增了 Playwright。
~/project$ pnpm remove \ babel-jest jest jest-puppeteer @testing-library/jest-dom ~/project$ $ pnpm create playwright Getting started with writing end-to-end tests with Playwright: Initializing project in '.' ✔ Do you want to use TypeScript or JavaScript? · JavaScript ✔ Where to put your end-to-end tests? · tests ✔ Add a GitHub Actions workflow? (y/N) · false ✔ Install Playwright browsers (can be done manually via 'pnpm exec playwright install')? (Y/n) · false ✔ Install Playwright operating system dependencies (requires sudo / root - can be done manually via 'sudo pnpm exec playwright install-deps')? (y/N) · false Installing Playwright Test (pnpm add --save-dev @playwright/test)… … Installing Types (pnpm add --save-dev @types/node)… … Done in 2.7s Writing playwright.config.js. Writing tests/example.spec.js. Writing tests-examples/demo-todo-app.spec.js. Writing package.json.
我還從 package.json 中刪除了 Jest 設定部分。
您可以在 Chrome、Firefox 和 Safari 中執行 Playwright 測試。由於我專注於 Chrome,因此我從生成的 playwright.config.js 檔案的專案部分中刪除了其他瀏覽器:
/* Configure projects for major browsers */ projects: [ { name: 'chromium', use: { ...devices['Desktop Chrome'] }, }, // { // name: 'firefox', // use: { ...devices['Desktop Firefox'] }, // }, // // { // name: 'webkit', // use: { ...devices['Desktop Safari'] }, // }, ], …
原始程式碼有一個 Puppeteer 測試文件,位於 src/tests/puppeteer.test.js。我將該檔案移至tests/playwright.spec.js。然後,我更新了測試以使用劇作家的約定,它映射得相當乾淨。新的測試文件如下所示:
const ROOT_URL = 'http://localhost:8080'; const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test'); const inputSelector = 'input[name="name"]'; const submitButtonSelector = 'button[type="submit"]'; const greetingSelector = 'h5#greeting'; const name = 'John Doe'; test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.goto(ROOT_URL); }); test.describe('Playwright link', () => { test('should navigate to Playwright documentation page', async ({ page }) => { await page.click('a[href="https://playwright.dev/"]'); await expect(page.title()).resolves.toMatch('| Playwright'); }); }); test.describe('Text input', () => { test('should display the entered text in the text input', async ({ page }) => { await page.fill(inputSelector, name); // Verify the input value const inputValue = await page.inputValue(inputSelector); expect(inputValue).toBe(name); }); }); test.describe('Form submission', () => { test('should display the "Hello, X" message after form submission', async ({ page }) => { const expectedGreeting = `Hello, ${name}.`; await page.fill(inputSelector, name); await page.click(submitButtonSelector); await page.waitForSelector(greetingSelector); const greetingText = await page.textContent(greetingSelector); expect(greetingText).toBe(expectedGreeting); }); });
為了測試我的 React 應用程序,我需要先在一個單獨的進程中啟動它(在 http://localhost:8080),然後我可以執行我的測試。無論我使用 Puppeteer 還是 Playwright,都會發生這種情況。對於 Puppeteer,Heroku 範例使用了 start-server-and-test 套件。但是,您可以配置 Playwright 在執行測試之前啟動應用程式。這真是太方便了!
我從我的專案中刪除了 start-server-and-test。
~/project$ pnpm remove start-server-and-test
在 playwright.config.js 中,我取消了底部 webServer 部分的註釋,將其修改為如下所示:
/* Run your local dev server before starting the tests */ webServer: { command: 'pnpm start', url: '', reuseExistingServer: !process.env.CI, },
然後,我從原始 package.json 檔案中刪除了 test:ci 腳本。相反,我的測試腳本如下所示:
"scripts": { … "test": "playwright test --project=chromium --reporter list" },
Playwright 安裝最新的瀏覽器二進位檔案以用於其測試。因此,在我的本機電腦上,我需要 Playwright 安裝其版本的 Chromium。
~/project$ pnpm playwright install chromium Downloading Chromium 130.0.6723.31 (playwright build v1140) from https://playwright.azureedge.net/builds/chromium/1140/chromium-linux.zip 164.5 MiB [====================] 100%
注意: Heroku 上的用於測試的 Chrome 建置套件安裝了我們將用於測試的瀏覽器。我們將設定 CI,以便 Playwright 使用該瀏覽器,而不是花費時間和資源安裝自己的瀏覽器。
~/project$ pnpm test > playwright test --project=chromium --reporter list Running 3 tests using 3 workers ✓ 1 [chromium] > playwright.spec.js:21:3 > Text input > should display the entered text in the text input (911ms) ✘ 2 [chromium] > playwright.spec.js:14:3 > Playwright link > should navigate to Playwright documentation page (5.2s) ✓ 3 [chromium] > playwright.spec.js:31:3 > Form submission > should display the "Hello, X" message after form submission (959ms) ... - waiting for locator('a[href="https://playwright.dev/"]') 13 | test.describe('Playwright link', () => { 14 | test('should navigate to Playwright documentation page', async ({ page }) => { > 15 | await page.click('a[href="https://playwright.dev/"]'); | ^ 16 | await expect(page.title()).resolves.toMatch('| Playwright'); 17 | }); 18 | });
哦!這是正確的。我修改了測試,期望應用程式中的連結將我帶到 Playwright 的文檔而不是 Puppeteer 的文檔。我需要在第 19 行更新 src/App.js:
<Link href="https://playwright.dev/" rel="noopener"> Playwright Documentation </Link>
~/project$ pnpm test > playwright test --project=chromium --reporter list Running 3 tests using 3 workers ✓ 1 [chromium] > playwright.spec.js:21:3 > Text input > should display the entered text in the text input (1.1s) ✓ 2 [chromium] > playwright.spec.js:14:3 > Playwright link > should navigate to Playwright documentation page (1.1s) ✓ 3 [chromium] > playwright.spec.js:31:3 > Form submission > should display the "Hello, X" message after form submission (1.1s) 3 passed (5.7s)
測試通過了!接下來,是時候讓我們進入 Heroku CI 了。
我按照 Heroku 部落格文章中的說明在 Heroku CI 管道中設定了我的應用程式。
在 Heroku 中,我建立了一個新管道並將其連接到我分叉的 GitHub 儲存庫。
接下來,我將我的應用程式加入了 staging。
然後,我轉到 測試 標籤並點擊 啟用 Heroku CI。
最後,我修改了 app.json 檔案以刪除設定為呼叫 npm test:ci 的測試腳本。我已經從我的 package.json 檔案中刪除了 test:ci 腳本。現在要使用 package.json 中的測試腳本,Heroku CI 將預設尋找該腳本。
我的 app.json 檔案確保使用 Chrome 進行測試建置包,如下所示:
~/project$ corepack enable pnpm ~/project$ corepack use pnpm@latest Installing pnpm@9.12.3 in the project… … Progress: resolved 1444, reused 1441, downloaded 2, added 1444, done … Done in 14.4s ~/project$ rm package-lock.json ~/project$ pnpm install # just to show everything's good Lockfile is up to date, resolution step is skipped Already up to date Done in 1.3s
我將程式碼推送到 GitHub,這觸發了 Heroku CI 中的測試運行。
試運轉失敗了,但我並不擔心。我知道需要做一些 Playwright 配置。
~/project$ pnpm remove \ babel-jest jest jest-puppeteer @testing-library/jest-dom ~/project$ $ pnpm create playwright Getting started with writing end-to-end tests with Playwright: Initializing project in '.' ✔ Do you want to use TypeScript or JavaScript? · JavaScript ✔ Where to put your end-to-end tests? · tests ✔ Add a GitHub Actions workflow? (y/N) · false ✔ Install Playwright browsers (can be done manually via 'pnpm exec playwright install')? (Y/n) · false ✔ Install Playwright operating system dependencies (requires sudo / root - can be done manually via 'sudo pnpm exec playwright install-deps')? (y/N) · false Installing Playwright Test (pnpm add --save-dev @playwright/test)… … Installing Types (pnpm add --save-dev @types/node)… … Done in 2.7s Writing playwright.config.js. Writing tests/example.spec.js. Writing tests-examples/demo-todo-app.spec.js. Writing package.json.
Playwright 正在尋找 Chrome 瀏覽器實例。我可以使用 playwright install chromium 命令安裝它,作為我的 CI 測試設定的一部分。但這將違背 Chrome 測試建置包的全部目的。 Chrome 已安裝;我只需要正確指出它。
回顧 Heroku 的測試設定日誌,我發現了這些行:
/* Configure projects for major browsers */ projects: [ { name: 'chromium', use: { ...devices['Desktop Chrome'] }, }, // { // name: 'firefox', // use: { ...devices['Desktop Firefox'] }, // }, // // { // name: 'webkit', // use: { ...devices['Desktop Safari'] }, // }, ], …
注意:如果您對此處的具體細節不感興趣,您可以跳過此部分,只需將完整的 app.json 複製到下方即可。這應該為您提供在 Heroku CI 上使用 Playwright 啟動和運行所需的資訊。
在 Playwright 的文檔中,我發現您可以設定一個環境變量,告訴 Playwright 您是否為其所有瀏覽器安裝使用了自訂位置。此環境變數是 PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSERS_PATH。我決定從這裡開始。
在 app.json 中,我設定了一個這樣的環境變數:
const ROOT_URL = 'http://localhost:8080'; const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test'); const inputSelector = 'input[name="name"]'; const submitButtonSelector = 'button[type="submit"]'; const greetingSelector = 'h5#greeting'; const name = 'John Doe'; test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.goto(ROOT_URL); }); test.describe('Playwright link', () => { test('should navigate to Playwright documentation page', async ({ page }) => { await page.click('a[href="https://playwright.dev/"]'); await expect(page.title()).resolves.toMatch('| Playwright'); }); }); test.describe('Text input', () => { test('should display the entered text in the text input', async ({ page }) => { await page.fill(inputSelector, name); // Verify the input value const inputValue = await page.inputValue(inputSelector); expect(inputValue).toBe(name); }); }); test.describe('Form submission', () => { test('should display the "Hello, X" message after form submission', async ({ page }) => { const expectedGreeting = `Hello, ${name}.`; await page.fill(inputSelector, name); await page.click(submitButtonSelector); await page.waitForSelector(greetingSelector); const greetingText = await page.textContent(greetingSelector); expect(greetingText).toBe(expectedGreeting); }); });
我將程式碼推送到 GitHub,看看 CI 中的測試會發生什麼。
~/project$ corepack enable pnpm ~/project$ corepack use pnpm@latest Installing pnpm@9.12.3 in the project… … Progress: resolved 1444, reused 1441, downloaded 2, added 1444, done … Done in 14.4s ~/project$ rm package-lock.json ~/project$ pnpm install # just to show everything's good Lockfile is up to date, resolution step is skipped Already up to date Done in 1.3s
~/project$ pnpm remove \ babel-jest jest jest-puppeteer @testing-library/jest-dom ~/project$ $ pnpm create playwright Getting started with writing end-to-end tests with Playwright: Initializing project in '.' ✔ Do you want to use TypeScript or JavaScript? · JavaScript ✔ Where to put your end-to-end tests? · tests ✔ Add a GitHub Actions workflow? (y/N) · false ✔ Install Playwright browsers (can be done manually via 'pnpm exec playwright install')? (Y/n) · false ✔ Install Playwright operating system dependencies (requires sudo / root - can be done manually via 'sudo pnpm exec playwright install-deps')? (y/N) · false Installing Playwright Test (pnpm add --save-dev @playwright/test)… … Installing Types (pnpm add --save-dev @types/node)… … Done in 2.7s Writing playwright.config.js. Writing tests/example.spec.js. Writing tests-examples/demo-todo-app.spec.js. Writing package.json.
/* Configure projects for major browsers */ projects: [ { name: 'chromium', use: { ...devices['Desktop Chrome'] }, }, // { // name: 'firefox', // use: { ...devices['Desktop Firefox'] }, // }, // // { // name: 'webkit', // use: { ...devices['Desktop Safari'] }, // }, ], …
但是,我擔心這是否能經得起未來的考驗。最終,Playwright 將使用新版本的 Chromium,而且它不會再出現在 chromium-1140 資料夾中。我怎麼知道劇作家會看哪裡?
const ROOT_URL = 'http://localhost:8080'; const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test'); const inputSelector = 'input[name="name"]'; const submitButtonSelector = 'button[type="submit"]'; const greetingSelector = 'h5#greeting'; const name = 'John Doe'; test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.goto(ROOT_URL); }); test.describe('Playwright link', () => { test('should navigate to Playwright documentation page', async ({ page }) => { await page.click('a[href="https://playwright.dev/"]'); await expect(page.title()).resolves.toMatch('| Playwright'); }); }); test.describe('Text input', () => { test('should display the entered text in the text input', async ({ page }) => { await page.fill(inputSelector, name); // Verify the input value const inputValue = await page.inputValue(inputSelector); expect(inputValue).toBe(name); }); }); test.describe('Form submission', () => { test('should display the "Hello, X" message after form submission', async ({ page }) => { const expectedGreeting = `Hello, ${name}.`; await page.fill(inputSelector, name); await page.click(submitButtonSelector); await page.waitForSelector(greetingSelector); const greetingText = await page.textContent(greetingSelector); expect(greetingText).toBe(expectedGreeting); }); });
「安裝位置」這一行至關重要。而且,如果我們設定 PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSERS_PATH,我們將看到以下內容:
~/project$ pnpm remove start-server-and-test
這就是我想要的。借助一點 awk 的魔力,我做到了:
/* Run your local dev server before starting the tests */ webServer: { command: 'pnpm start', url: '', reuseExistingServer: !process.env.CI, },
弄清楚這一切後,我只需要在 app.json 中新增一個測試設定腳本。因為 PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSERS_PATH 已經在 env 中設置,所以我的腳本會更簡單一些。這是我最終的 app.json 檔案:
"scripts": { … "test": "playwright test --project=chromium --reporter list" },
考慮到 PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSERS_PATH,使用 playwright install -- dry-run 和 awk 來確定 Playwright 將在其中尋找 Chrome 瀏覽器的根資料夾。將其設定為 CHROMIUM_PATH 變數的值。
在 CHROMIUM_PATH/chrome-linux 中建立一個新資料夾(以及任何必要的父資料夾),這是 Playwright 將在其中尋找 chrome 二進位檔案的實際資料夾。
在該資料夾中建立一個符號鏈接,以便 chrome 指向 Chrome 的 Heroku buildpack 安裝 (/app/.chrome-for-testing/chrome-linux64/chrome)。
透過我更新的 app.json 文件,Playwright 應該可以使用 buildpack 中的 Chrome 安裝。是時候再次執行測試了。
Playwright 能夠存取 chrome 二進位檔案並執行測試,並且通過了。
我的 Web 應用程式的端到端測試變得不再那麼麻煩,因此我越來越優先考慮它。最近幾天,這意味著更多地使用劇作家。它靈活且快速。現在我已經完成了工作(對我和你!),在 Heroku CI 中使用 Chrome for Test 構建包啟動並運行它,我可以開始構建我的瀏覽器自動化測試套件了再次。
本演練的程式碼可在我的 GitHub 儲存庫中找到。
以上是Heroku 中的 Playwright 和 Chrome 瀏覽器測試的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!