如何在Python 中拆分長字串
在程式設計中,經常需要將長字串拆分為多行以提高可讀性。雖然 JavaScript 提供了使用運算子的簡單解決方案,但 Python 需要不同的方法。
要在 Python 中拆分字串,您可以使用三引號(''' 或 """)或括號(())三引號可讓您在字串中包含換行符和空格,如下例所示:
s = ''' this is a very long string if I had the energy to type more and more ...'''
s = ("this is a very" "long string too" "for sure ..." )
方法的選擇取決於您的特定需求。串。 .
query = ''' SELECT action.descr as "action", role.id as role_id, role.descr as role FROM public.role_action_def, public.role, public.record_def, public.action WHERE role.id = role_action_def.role_id AND record_def.id = role_action_def.def_id AND action.id = role_action_def.action_id AND role_action_def.account_id = ' + account_id + ' AND record_def.account_id=' + account_id + ' AND def_id=' + def_id + '''
以上是如何在 Python 中分割長字串以提高可讀性?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!