穆罕默德·S·安瓦爾 (Mohammad S. Anwar) 每週都會發出“每週挑戰”,讓我們所有人都有機會為兩週的任務提出解決方案。我的解決方案先用Python編寫,然後轉換為Perl。這對我們所有人來說都是練習編碼的好方法。
def replace_words(words: list[str], sentence: str) -> str: regexp = r"(?<![a-z])(" + "|".join(map(re.escape, words)) + r")([a-z]*(?:'[a-z]+)?)" return re.sub(regexp, r'', sentence)
第一個括號 (?
$ ./ch-1.py cat bat rat "the cattle was rattle by the battery" the cat was rat by the bat $ ./ch-1.py a b c "aab aac and cac bab" a a a c b $ ./ch-1.py man bike "the manager was hit by a biker" the man was hit by a bike $ ./ch-1.py can "they can't swim" they can swim $ ./ch-1.py row "the quick brown fox" the quick brown fox
對於此任務,我首先檢查所有行是否具有相同的列數。然後我檢查每個單元格。如果該單元格中的字母是該單字的第一個字母,我將呼叫 find_match 函數。如果傳回 true,則函數將傳回 true。如果沒有,我將繼續處理包含起始字母的下一個儲存格。如果不存在,我回傳 false。
def word_search(matrix: list[list[str]], word: str) -> bool: rows = len(matrix) cols = len(matrix[0]) for row in range(rows): if len(matrix[row]) != cols: raise ValueError("Row %s has the wrong number of columns", row) for row in range(rows): for col in range(cols): if matrix[row][col] == word[0]: if find_match(matrix, word[1:], [[row, col]]): return True return False
find_match 函數是一個遞歸函數。它需要三個參數
從最後一個位置開始,我們可以移動四個方向之一(上、下、左或右)。我檢查移動這個方向不會讓我們出界或是我們已經使用過的單元格。如果不是,並且該單元格中的字母與我們要查找的字母匹配,我會再次調用該函數,從單字變數中取出第一個字母,並添加新位置。如果我到達沒有剩餘字母的程度,則可以找到該單字並返回 True。
def replace_words(words: list[str], sentence: str) -> str: regexp = r"(?<![a-z])(" + "|".join(map(re.escape, words)) + r")([a-z]*(?:'[a-z]+)?)" return re.sub(regexp, r'', sentence)
$ ./ch-1.py cat bat rat "the cattle was rattle by the battery" the cat was rat by the bat $ ./ch-1.py a b c "aab aac and cac bab" a a a c b $ ./ch-1.py man bike "the manager was hit by a biker" the man was hit by a bike $ ./ch-1.py can "they can't swim" they can swim $ ./ch-1.py row "the quick brown fox" the quick brown fox