如果您是前端工程師,您可能遇到過這樣的情況:您被要求在服務後端部分的 API 之前開始實現某個功能功能存在。工程師通常會轉向模擬來實現並行開發(這意味著該功能的前端和後端部分是並行開發的)。
然而,Mocking 可能會帶來一些缺點。第一個也是最明顯的一點是模擬可能會偏離實際實現,導致它們不可靠。第二個問題是模擬通常很冗長;對於包含大量資料的模擬,可能不清楚某個模擬反應實際上在模擬什麼。
type Order = { orderId: string; customerInfo: CustomerInfo; // omitted these types for brevity orderDate: string; items: OrderItem[]; paymentInfo: PaymentInfo; subtotal: number; shippingCost: number; tax: number; totalAmount: number; status: 'pending' | 'processing' | 'shipped' | 'delivered' | 'cancelled'; trackingNumber: string | null; }; const mockOrders: Order[] = [ { orderId: "ORD-2024-001", customerInfo: { id: "CUST-1234", name: "Alice Johnson", email: "alice.j@email.com", shippingAddress: { street: "123 Pine Street", city: "Portland", state: "OR", zipCode: "97201", country: "USA" } }, orderDate: "2024-03-15T14:30:00Z", items: [ { productId: "PROD-789", name: "Organic Cotton T-Shirt", quantity: 2, pricePerUnit: 29.99, color: "Navy", size: "M" }, { productId: "PROD-456", name: "Recycled Canvas Tote", quantity: 1, pricePerUnit: 35.00, color: "Natural" } ], paymentInfo: { method: "credit_card", status: "completed", transactionId: "TXN-88776655" }, subtotal: 94.98, shippingCost: 5.99, tax: 9.50, totalAmount: 110.47, status: "shipped", trackingNumber: "1Z999AA1234567890" }, // Imagine more objects here, with various values changed... ];
在使用一些程式碼和一個名為 Zod 的函式庫時,我發現了以下稱為 parse 的方法,它嘗試根據已知類型驗證傳入資料:
const stringSchema = z.string(); stringSchema.parse("fish"); // => returns "fish" stringSchema.parse(12); // throws error
這是一個靈光乍現的時刻; Zod 文件中的這個小例子正是我一直在尋找的!如果解析方法可以接受一個值並回傳它,那麼如果我傳入一個值,我就會得到它。我也已經知道我可以為 Zod 模式定義預設值。如果傳遞空物件將傳回一個完整的物件及其值怎麼辦?你瞧,確實如此;我可以在 Zod 模式上定義預設值,並傳回預設值:
const UserSchema = z.object({ id: z.string().default('1'), name: z.string().default('Craig R Broughton'), settings: z.object({ theme: z.enum(['light', 'dark']), notifications: z.boolean() }).default({ theme: 'dark', notifications: true, }) }); const user = UserSchema.parse({}) // returns a full user object
const UserSchema = z.object({ id: z.string().default('1'), name: z.string().default('Craig R Broughton'), settings: z.object({ theme: z.enum(['light', 'dark']), notifications: z.boolean() }).default({ theme: 'dark', notifications: true, }) }); const user = UserSchema.parse({}) const overridenUser = {...user, ...{ name: "My new name", settings: {}, // I would need to write every key:value for settings :( } satisfies Partial<z.infer<typeof UserSchema>>} // overrides the base object
type Order = { orderId: string; customerInfo: CustomerInfo; // omitted these types for brevity orderDate: string; items: OrderItem[]; paymentInfo: PaymentInfo; subtotal: number; shippingCost: number; tax: number; totalAmount: number; status: 'pending' | 'processing' | 'shipped' | 'delivered' | 'cancelled'; trackingNumber: string | null; }; const mockOrders: Order[] = [ { orderId: "ORD-2024-001", customerInfo: { id: "CUST-1234", name: "Alice Johnson", email: "alice.j@email.com", shippingAddress: { street: "123 Pine Street", city: "Portland", state: "OR", zipCode: "97201", country: "USA" } }, orderDate: "2024-03-15T14:30:00Z", items: [ { productId: "PROD-789", name: "Organic Cotton T-Shirt", quantity: 2, pricePerUnit: 29.99, color: "Navy", size: "M" }, { productId: "PROD-456", name: "Recycled Canvas Tote", quantity: 1, pricePerUnit: 35.00, color: "Natural" } ], paymentInfo: { method: "credit_card", status: "completed", transactionId: "TXN-88776655" }, subtotal: 94.98, shippingCost: 5.99, tax: 9.50, totalAmount: 110.47, status: "shipped", trackingNumber: "1Z999AA1234567890" }, // Imagine more objects here, with various values changed... ];
上面的 API 將允許使用者指定他們選擇的模式,然後提供適當的覆寫並傳回一個使用者物件!當然,我們希望正確考慮數組以及單一物件。為此,對傳入的覆蓋類型進行簡單的類型檢查就足夠了:
const stringSchema = z.string(); stringSchema.parse("fish"); // => returns "fish" stringSchema.parse(12); // throws error
上面的程式碼實際上與之前相同,但現在它在內部封裝了解析,因此使用者不必手動執行此操作或了解有關 Zods 解析方法的詳細資訊。正如您透過閱讀包含的if/else 語句可能猜到的那樣,我們還透過使用遞歸建構器函數來解決巢狀物件和陣列的保存問題,該函數解析每個值並傳回Zod 模式中指定的預設值。 🎜>
const UserSchema = z.object({ id: z.string().default('1'), name: z.string().default('Craig R Broughton'), settings: z.object({ theme: z.enum(['light', 'dark']), notifications: z.boolean() }).default({ theme: 'dark', notifications: true, }) }); const user = UserSchema.parse({}) // returns a full user object
這已經是一篇相當長的文章了,所以讓我們以我們所有努力工作的結果來結束吧。讓我們回顧一下第一個模擬,以及如何使用 zodObjectBuilder 來寫它。首先讓我們定義我們的類型和預設值,並將結果模式傳遞到 zodObjectBuilder 中:
const UserSchema = z.object({ id: z.string().default('1'), name: z.string().default('Craig R Broughton'), settings: z.object({ theme: z.enum(['light', 'dark']), notifications: z.boolean() }).default({ theme: 'dark', notifications: true, }) }); const user = UserSchema.parse({}) const overridenUser = {...user, ...{ name: "My new name", settings: {}, // I would need to write every key:value for settings :( } satisfies Partial<z.infer<typeof UserSchema>>} // overrides the base object
const UserSchema = z.object({ id: z.string().default('1'), name: z.string().default('Craig R Broughton'), settings: z.object({ theme: z.enum(['light', 'dark']), notifications: z.boolean() }).default({ theme: 'dark', notifications: true, }) }); const user = zodObjectBuilder({ schema: UserSchema, overrides: { name: 'My new name', settings: { theme: 'dark' } } // setting is missing the notifications theme :( }); // returns a full user object with the overrides
透過這個小演示,我們已經完成了第一篇文章的結尾:) 我希望您喜歡閱讀這段探索改進模擬的旅程。 zodObjectBuilder 仍在建置中,但它很好地滿足了我最小化模擬物件的需求。如果您想嘗試目前版本,可以在 https://www.npmjs.com/package/@crbroughton/ts-utils 找到它,其中包含該功能。
以上是我如何嘗試用 Zod 改進模擬的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!