很久以前,在代碼之國,兩位開發者走著截然不同的道路:一個喝著最好的傑克丹尼加冰塊,另一個拿著一盒彩虹色的DSL 蠟筆,狂飲酷愛飲料無酒精雞尾酒就像沒有明天一樣。
在一個充滿高呼人群的繁華王國中,蠟筆食者發現了一個閃亮的新框架——Angular、Vue 和Svelte,每個框架都承諾神奇的快捷方式和甜蜜的語法。
<!-- The Crayon-Eater's Favorite Scribble --> <div v-for="item in list" :class="{ active: isActive }" v-if="shouldDisplay"> {{ item }} </div>
npm run dev Compiling... Compiling... (∞ waiting time)
遠離蠟筆王國的喧囂,坐落在高山上,明智的開發者在純 JavaScript 的寧靜溪流中冥想。一瓶傑克丹尼啤酒靜靜地放在他身邊。
<!-- The Wise Developer’s Harmony --> <ul> {%renderList%} </ul>
renderList() { return this.getState('items') .map(item => `<li> <p>There were no frantic compile steps or ephemeral DSL syntax. <strong>No arcane watchers</strong>. No sacrifices to the pipeline gods. Just code that rendered directly in the browser, as nature (and JavaScript) intended.</p> <p>Sipping from the JD flask, the Wise Developer observed, <strong>"I see no reason to overcomplicate. JavaScript and HTML were born in the browser, so let them live freely."</strong></p> <hr> <h2> <strong>CHAPTER 3: THE CRAYON-EATER’S UNENDING QUEST</strong> </h2> <p>Meanwhile, back in the Crayon Kingdom, the poor Crayon-Eater found himself drowning in new rules and rituals. Every day, new framework overlords demanded new offerings: </p> <ul> <li> <strong>Vue Composition API</strong>: "Rewrite your entire code again or remain in the darkness." </li> <li> <strong>Angular RxJS</strong>: "Behold the many pipelines you must chain!" </li> <li> <strong>Svelte $:</strong>: "Reactiveness is bestowed upon you... but the debugging? That is your burden alone."</li> </ul> <p>The Crayon-Eater kept adding more crayons to his arsenal, from store libraries to CSS preprocessors, layering them like an over-stuffed burrito. He bragged to onlookers, "Look how advanced my setup is! I have an entire carnival of watchers, bundlers, and reactivity loops at my command!"</p> <p>But those same watchers kept him up at night, whispering, "Another update is coming. Another rewrite is looming..."</p> <hr> <h2> <strong>CHAPTER 4: A SIP OF REALITY</strong> </h2> <p>Word of the Wise Developer’s simpler path reached the Crayon-Eater. Curious (or perhaps desperate), the Crayon-Eater ventured forth to the mountain retreat. </p> <p>He arrived breathless, DSL crayons clutched in sweaty hands, and asked, <strong>“Wise Developer, how can you ship code so quickly and seamlessly? My pipeline prayers cost me half my life expectancy!”</strong></p> <p>The Wise Developer poured a glass of <strong>Jack Daniel’s</strong> and replied, <strong>"The path to clarity is in freeing yourself from magical frameworks. Once you see that HTML and JS alone can do the job, you no longer need to sacrifice your time to the Crayon gods."</strong></p> <p>Then, as if to demonstrate, the Wise Developer showed a simple event-binding technique—no cryptic DSL, no abstract watchers:<br> </p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><button {@click=handleClick@}>Click Me</button>
handleClick() { alert('Button clicked! Simple, right?'); }
蠟筆食者睜大了眼睛。 「沒有建置步驟?沒有觀察者嗎?只是簡單的 JavaScript?」
「正是,」智者回答。 「來,喝一口。它比含糖的酷愛無酒精雞尾酒還要順滑。」
蠟筆吃者雙手顫抖地喝著JD。沒有糖。沒有人工香料。真正、強勁的威士忌。突然,蠟筆食者看到了幻象的本來面目:一個由 DSL 語法組成的彩虹迷宮、半生不熟的觀察者和曾經看起來如此神奇的多餘狀態庫。
蠟筆食者讓蠟筆從手指上滑落,淚水奪眶而出。 「我現在明白了—我的程式碼被束縛在你所謂的『魔法』上,而你的程式碼則在純 JS 中自由漫遊。」
在那一刻,一束帶有 HTML 的啟蒙之光刺穿了蠟筆食者的心靈。
Feature | Crayon Dev's Vue | Wise Dev’s JD Path |
Conditionals | v-if="condition" | {%renderConditional%} |
Loops | v-for="item in list" | {%renderList%} |
Two-Way Binding | v-model="value" | {%input=value%} |
Event Binding | @click="handleClick" | {@click=handleClick@} |
Attribute Binding | v-bind:src="imageSrc" | src="{{imageSrc}}" |
Class Binding | v-bind:class="{ active: isActive }" | class="{{className}}" |
Style Binding | v-bind:style="{ color: textColor }" | style="{{textStyle}}" |
「蠟筆從來都不是必需的,」 明智的開發者說。 「我們只需要基本知識—就像一杯無需加糖就能獨立存在的優質威士忌。」
食蠟者不知所措,跪倒在地。 「我看到了光明,」他低聲說。 「我不會再跪在管道諸神面前,大口喝酷愛無酒精雞尾酒。明智的開發者啊,教教我你的方法,這樣我就可以自由地編碼,毫無羞恥地啜飲JD 。 明智的開發者臉上露出了笑容。
前蠟筆食者聯合起來向世界展示了一條新道路:不再有酷愛無酒精雞尾酒,不再有更多吱吱作響的蠟筆,絕對不再有無休止的管道祈禱。 他們在日落時編寫程式碼,編寫出可以正常工作的應用程式。那麼那些仍然崇拜 DSL 複雜性的人呢?好吧,他們繼續高喊,祈禱下一個大框架。但時不時地,你會看到他們若有所思地望著最近的山,渴望喝一口加冰塊的甜甜的 JD。