Angular v19 帶來了令人興奮的新功能和改進,可提高開發人員的工作效率和應用程式效能。在本文中,我們將探討關鍵更新並示範如何在您的專案中利用它們。
Angular v19 於 2023 年 11 月發布,繼續建立框架對開發人員體驗和應用程式效能的承諾。這個主要版本引入了幾個值得注意的功能,使 Angular 開發更加直觀和高效。
@Component({ selector: 'app-root', template: ` @defer { <heavy-component /> } @loading { <loading-spinner /> } ` }) export class AppComponent {}
@Component({ selector: 'app-user-list', template: ` @if (users.length) { <ul> @for (user of users; track { <li>{{ }}</li> } </ul> } @else { <p>No users found</p> } ` }) export class UserListComponent { users: User[] = []; }
Angular v19 透過新的實用程式和更好的效能增強了 Signals API:
import { signal, computed } from '@angular/core'; export class ProductComponent { private price = signal(100); private quantity = signal(1); // Computed signal that automatically updates total = computed(() => this.price() * this.quantity()); updateQuantity(newQuantity: number) { this.quantity.set(newQuantity); // total automatically updates! } }
讓我們使用 Angular v19 的功能來建立一個實際範例:
// dynamic-form.component.ts import { Component, signal, computed } from '@angular/core'; import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms'; @Component({ selector: 'app-dynamic-form', template: ` <form [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()"> @defer (on viewport) { <div> <h2> Performance Improvements </h2> <h3> Bundle Size Optimization </h3> <p>Angular v19 includes improved tree-shaking capabilities, resulting in smaller bundle sizes. The new deferred loading feature also contributes to better initial load times by splitting the code into smaller chunks.</p> <h3> Runtime Performance </h3> <p>The enhanced Signals API provides better change detection performance compared to traditional zone.js-based change detection.</p> <h2> Migration Guide </h2> <p>To upgrade to Angular v19:</p> <ol> <li>Update your Angular CLI: </li> </ol> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">npm install -g @angular/cli@19
ng update @angular/core@19 @angular/cli@19
Angular v19 代表了該框架向前邁出的重要一步,引入了可改善開發人員體驗和應用程式效能的功能。新的延遲載入、控制流語法和增強的 Signals API 使建立高效、可維護的應用程式變得更加容易。
開始在您的專案中使用這些功能,以利用 Angular v19 提供的功能!
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