在本文中,我們將比較 Documenso 和 AWS S3 映像上傳範例之間將檔案上傳到 AWS S3 所涉及的步驟。
我們從 Vercel 提供的簡單範例開始。
Vercel 提供了一個將檔案上傳到 AWS S3 的良好範例。
此範例的自述文件提供了兩個選項,您可以使用現有的 S3 儲存桶或建立新儲存桶。了解這一點有幫助
又到了我們看源碼的時間了。我們正在尋找 type=file 的輸入元素。在 app/page.tsx 中,您將找到以下程式碼:
return ( <main> <h1>Upload a File to S3</h1> <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> <input > <h2> <strong>onChange</strong> </h2> <p>onChange updates state using setFile, but it does not do the uploading. upload happens when you submit this form.<br> </p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">onChange={(e) => { const files = e.target.files if (files) { setFile(files[0]) } }}
handleSubmit 函數中發生了很多事情。我們需要分析這個handleSubmit函數中的操作列表。我已在此程式碼片段中編寫了註釋來解釋這些步驟。
const handleSubmit = async (e: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => { e.preventDefault() if (!file) { alert('Please select a file to upload.') return } setUploading(true) const response = await fetch( process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL + '/api/upload', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ filename: file.name, contentType: file.type }), } ) if (response.ok) { const { url, fields } = await response.json() const formData = new FormData() Object.entries(fields).forEach(([key, value]) => { formData.append(key, value as string) }) formData.append('file', file) const uploadResponse = await fetch(url, { method: 'POST', body: formData, }) if (uploadResponse.ok) { alert('Upload successful!') } else { console.error('S3 Upload Error:', uploadResponse) alert('Upload failed.') } } else { alert('Failed to get pre-signed URL.') } setUploading(false) }
api/upload/route.ts 有以下程式碼:
import { createPresignedPost } from '@aws-sdk/s3-presigned-post' import { S3Client } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3' import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid' export async function POST(request: Request) { const { filename, contentType } = await request.json() try { const client = new S3Client({ region: process.env.AWS_REGION }) const { url, fields } = await createPresignedPost(client, { Bucket: process.env.AWS_BUCKET_NAME, Key: uuidv4(), Conditions: [ ['content-length-range', 0, 10485760], // up to 10 MB ['starts-with', '$Content-Type', contentType], ], Fields: { acl: 'public-read', 'Content-Type': contentType, }, Expires: 600, // Seconds before the presigned post expires. 3600 by default. }) return Response.json({ url, fields }) } catch (error) { return Response.json({ error: error.message }) } }
handleSubmit 中的第一個請求是 /api/upload 並發送內容類型和檔案名稱作為負載。解析如下:
const { filename, contentType } = await request.json()
下一步是建立一個 S3 用戶端,然後建立一個傳回 url 和欄位的預簽名貼文。您將使用此網址上傳您的檔案。
讓我們從 type=file 的輸入元素開始。 Documenso 中的程式碼組織方式不同。您會在名為 document-dropzone.tsx.
<input {...getInputProps()} /> <p className="text-foreground mt-8 font-medium">{_(heading[type])}</p>
這裡getInputProps回傳的是useDropzone。 Documenso 使用react-dropzone。
import { useDropzone } from 'react-dropzone';
onDrop 呼叫 props.onDrop,你會在 upload-document.tsx 中找到一個名為 onFileDrop 的屬性值。
<DocumentDropzone className="h-[min(400px,50vh)]" disabled={remaining.documents === 0 || !session?.user.emailVerified} disabledMessage={disabledMessage} onDrop={onFileDrop} onDropRejected={onFileDropRejected} />
讓我們看看 onFileDrop 函數會發生什麼事。
const onFileDrop = async (file: File) => { try { setIsLoading(true); const { type, data } = await putPdfFile(file); const { id: documentDataId } = await createDocumentData({ type, data, }); const { id } = await createDocument({ title: file.name, documentDataId, teamId: team?.id, }); void refreshLimits(); toast({ title: _(msg`Document uploaded`), description: _(msg`Your document has been uploaded successfully.`), duration: 5000, }); analytics.capture('App: Document Uploaded', { userId: session?.user.id, documentId: id, timestamp: new Date().toISOString(), }); router.push(`${formatDocumentsPath(team?.url)}/${id}/edit`); } catch (err) { const error = AppError.parseError(err); console.error(err); if (error.code === 'INVALID_DOCUMENT_FILE') { toast({ title: _(msg`Invalid file`), description: _(msg`You cannot upload encrypted PDFs`), variant: 'destructive', }); } else if (err instanceof TRPCClientError) { toast({ title: _(msg`Error`), description: err.message, variant: 'destructive', }); } else { toast({ title: _(msg`Error`), description: _(msg`An error occurred while uploading your document.`), variant: 'destructive', }); } } finally { setIsLoading(false); } };
發生了很多事情,但為了我們的分析,我們只考慮名為 putFile 的函數。
putPdfFile 定義在 upload/put-file.ts
/** * Uploads a document file to the appropriate storage location and creates * a document data record. */ export const putPdfFile = async (file: File) => { const isEncryptedDocumentsAllowed = await getFlag('app_allow_encrypted_documents').catch( () => false, ); const pdf = await PDFDocument.load(await file.arrayBuffer()).catch((e) => { console.error(`PDF upload parse error: ${e.message}`); throw new AppError('INVALID_DOCUMENT_FILE'); }); if (!isEncryptedDocumentsAllowed && pdf.isEncrypted) { throw new AppError('INVALID_DOCUMENT_FILE'); } if (!file.name.endsWith('.pdf')) { file.name = `${file.name}.pdf`; } removeOptionalContentGroups(pdf); const bytes = await pdf.save(); const { type, data } = await putFile(new File([bytes], file.name, { type: 'application/pdf' })); return await createDocumentData({ type, data }); };
這會呼叫 putFile 函數。
/** * Uploads a file to the appropriate storage location. */ export const putFile = async (file: File) => { const NEXT_PUBLIC_UPLOAD_TRANSPORT = env('NEXT_PUBLIC_UPLOAD_TRANSPORT'); return await match(NEXT_PUBLIC_UPLOAD_TRANSPORT) .with('s3', async () => putFileInS3(file)) .otherwise(async () => putFileInDatabase(file)); };
const putFileInS3 = async (file: File) => { const { getPresignPostUrl } = await import('./server-actions'); const { url, key } = await getPresignPostUrl(file.name, file.type); const body = await file.arrayBuffer(); const reponse = await fetch(url, { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream', }, body, }); if (!reponse.ok) { throw new Error( `Failed to upload file "${file.name}", failed with status code ${reponse.status}`, ); } return { type: DocumentDataType.S3_PATH, data: key, }; };
export const getPresignPostUrl = async (fileName: string, contentType: string) => { const client = getS3Client(); const { getSignedUrl } = await import('@aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner'); let token: JWT | null = null; try { const baseUrl = APP_BASE_URL() ?? 'http://localhost:3000'; token = await getToken({ req: new NextRequest(baseUrl, { headers: headers(), }), }); } catch (err) { // Non server-component environment } // Get the basename and extension for the file const { name, ext } = path.parse(fileName); let key = `${alphaid(12)}/${slugify(name)}${ext}`; if (token) { key = `${token.id}/${key}`; } const putObjectCommand = new PutObjectCommand({ Bucket: process.env.NEXT_PRIVATE_UPLOAD_BUCKET, Key: key, ContentType: contentType, }); const url = await getSignedUrl(client, putObjectCommand, { expiresIn: ONE_HOUR / ONE_SECOND, }); return { key, url }; };
您在 Documenso 中看不到任何 POST 要求。它使用名為 getSignedUrl 的函數來取得 url,而
vercel 範例向 api/upload 路由發出 POST 請求。
在 Vercel 範例中可以輕鬆找到輸入元素,因為這只是一個範例,但找到了 Documenso
在 Thinkthroo,我們研究大型開源專案並提供架構指南。我們開發了使用 Tailwind 建構的可重複使用元件,您可以在您的專案中使用它們。
我們提供 Next.js、React 和 Node 開發服務。
以上是Documenso 和 aws-smage-upload 範例之間的 Spload 功能比較的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!