React-Rock 是一個輕量級包,用於管理 React 應用程式中的全域狀態。它透過提供包含行和元資料的儲存來簡化資料處理,同時提供執行 CRUD 操作等的方法。它可以輕鬆地與 React 元件集成,使其成為管理大型應用程式中複雜狀態的理想解決方案。
要安裝 React-Rock 軟體包,請在專案中執行以下命令:
npm install react-rock
要建立新商店並新增記錄,請使用 createStore 函數。這是一個例子:
import { createStore } from 'react-rock'; // Define RowType and MetaType type RowType = { name: string, age: number }; type MetaType = { totalRecords: number }; // Create a store const users = createStore<RowType, MetaType>({ name: '', age: 0 }, { totalRecords: 0 }); // Add a new row to the store users.create({ name: 'John Doe', age: 30 });
type RowType<Row> = Row & { _id: string; // Unique identifier for the row _index: number; // Index of the row in the store _observe: number; // Internal property to track changes }
每一行將包含原始資料(Row)和一些附加屬性,如 _id、_index 和 _observe。
Method | Description |
create(row, freeze?) | Adds a new record to the store. Optionally, prevents re-rendering if freeze is true. |
createMany(rows, freeze?) | Adds multiple records to the store. Optionally, prevents re-rendering if freeze is true. |
update(row, where, freeze?) | Updates records based on the condition specified in where. |
updateAll(row, freeze?) | Updates all records in the store. Optionally, prevents re-rendering if freeze is true. |
delete(where, freeze?) | Deletes records based on the condition specified in where. |
move(oldIdx, newIdx, freeze?) | Moves a record from one index to another. |
clearAll(freeze?) | Clears all records from the store. Optionally, prevents re-rendering if freeze is true. |
getAll(args?) | Retrieves all rows from the store. |
find(where, args?) | Finds rows based on a condition specified in where. |
findFirst(where, freeze?) | Finds the first row that matches the condition in where. |
findById(_id, freeze?) | Finds a row by its _id. |
setMeta(key, value, freeze?) | Sets a value for a specific meta key. |
getMeta(key, freeze?) | Retrieves the value of a specific meta key. |
getAllMeta(freeze?) | Retrieves all meta data from the store. |
deleteMeta(key, freeze?) | Deletes a specific meta key. |
clearMeta(freeze?) | Clears all meta data from the store. |
find 方法可讓您根據特定條件搜尋商店中的行:
npm install react-rock
React-Rock 透過提供凍結機制來最佳化重新渲染。當發生儲存更新並且啟用凍結選項時,使用 find 或 findFirst 等方法存取儲存的 React 元件將不會自動重新渲染。這使您可以控制元件何時重新渲染,從而提高大型應用程式的效能。
WhereType 用於指定查詢行時的條件。它定義了用於過濾行的查詢結構。
QueryValueType 在WhereType 中使用來定義可能的查詢條件:
Property | Description |
contain | Finds values containing the specified string, number, or boolean. |
startWith | Finds values that start with the specified string or number. |
endWith | Finds values that end with the specified string or number. |
equalWith | Finds values that are exactly equal to the specified value. |
notEqualWith | Finds values that are not equal to the specified value. |
gt | Finds values greater than the specified number. |
lt | Finds values less than the specified number. |
gte | Finds values greater than or equal to the specified number. |
lte | Finds values less than or equal to the specified number. |
import { createStore } from 'react-rock'; // Define RowType and MetaType type RowType = { name: string, age: number }; type MetaType = { totalRecords: number }; // Create a store const users = createStore<RowType, MetaType>({ name: '', age: 0 }, { totalRecords: 0 }); // Add a new row to the store users.create({ name: 'John Doe', age: 30 });
ArgsType 定義用於自訂查詢行為的選項,例如選擇特定行或跳過行。
Property | Description |
getRow | Custom function to process rows before returning them. |
skip | Number of rows to skip. |
take | Number of rows to return. |
freeze | If true, prevents re-rendering when accessing the data. |
要在類別元件中使用存儲,請擴充 StoreComponent 類別:
npm install react-rock
import { createStore } from 'react-rock'; // Define RowType and MetaType type RowType = { name: string, age: number }; type MetaType = { totalRecords: number }; // Create a store const users = createStore<RowType, MetaType>({ name: '', age: 0 }, { totalRecords: 0 }); // Add a new row to the store users.create({ name: 'John Doe', age: 30 });
type RowType<Row> = Row & { _id: string; // Unique identifier for the row _index: number; // Index of the row in the store _observe: number; // Internal property to track changes }
React-Rock 允許您在多個組件之間共享同一個存儲,確保整個應用程式的狀態一致:
const foundUsers = users.find({ name: { equalWith: 'John Doe' } }); console.log(foundUsers);
此軟體包已根據 MIT 許可證獲得許可。
本文檔應該提供如何有效使用 React-rock 套件的簡明概述。
該專案已獲得 MIT 許可。