在刀劍神域:破碎白日夢漫長而引人入勝的故事中,你會遇到廣闊的地圖。在這些地圖上,您可以找到許多寶箱,其中包含用於增強角色的 Mod 和用於恢復健康的治療球。然而,被視為寶箱的物品之一是資料單元。
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North of the Granite Elemental's location, in the ruins area. You can't go much farther north because of the barrier. |
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位於元素區域以北的路徑Magma更遠的地方。 |
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Located at the base of the rocky hill at the northeastern edge of the map. You’ll also find a Remnant and a Console here. |
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From the container area with the golden chest at the northeastern edge, head south. Hidden among the bushes at the base of the cliff, you’ll find this Data Cell. |
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Located south of the easternmost ship. After finding the two chests, continue further south, and you’ll find this Data Cell at the base of the cliff. |
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East of the southernmost strong enemy location, near the boundary barrier. |
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In the trees at the top of the hill to the east of the western open area. |
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In the area accessed by the southern bridge, south of the island where you fought the Might Chariot boss. |
地圖圖 |
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描述 |
一棟低矮建築的屋頂上位於地圖南部的大型Circular建築的東北部。你可以透過西莉卡飛行來收集它。 |
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Go to the northeastern street on the map, then head south. After passing through the large gate, you’ll find it on the roof of the building to the right, at the corner. |
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After heading south from the starting point, go east. You’ll find a volcanic pool to the north. This is located on one of the stone islets north of the pool. |
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描述 |
西南Circular建築北面,圓柱形水箱旁。 |
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Stand in the middle of the northernmost street and move south. You'll see a building with columns; it’s inside. |
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Located north of the northernmost shipwreck buried in the sand. |
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After teleporting for the first time, head north, then follow the southern path to its dead end to find this item. |
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After heading north from the room with bottomless pits, you’ll reach a corridor with guardians. This is located in a room to the east of this corridor. Be cautious, as many enemies will spawn after entering this room. |
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Located in the western room of the area with bottomless pits and moving platforms. Break the glowing yellow wall on the southern side to find it. |
地圖圖 |
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描述 |
發現於大聖騎士以南,靠近邊界屏障的花朵區域。 |
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East of the southern yellow marker on your map. |
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Go to the northeasternmost part of the map. Check the southeastern area to find a volcanic island accessible by a bridge. The Data Cell is there. |
地圖圖 |
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描述 |
前往指定敵人以南的道路。 當道路分開時,在西邊的岩石上尋找這個。 |
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在森林的最東北部。 |
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Cross to the east side of the northern bridge, and you'll see it. |
在遊戲的最後一章第五章中,有許多任務等著您,但其中大多數不包含資料單元,因為許多任務都是 Boss 戰。此外,兩個支線任務包含資料單元。
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Above the western barrier, near the ruins where the Furious Fortress boss is located. |
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Located in the northeasternmost room. If not collected, there is also a Chest and Console nearby. |
地圖圖 |
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描述 |
街道上建築物之間的黑暗區域地圖西南方Circular建築以東。 |
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In the room east of the one before the second teleporter, alongside a chest. Be cautious as a Named Enemy is in this room. |
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Found near the river, quite far east of the westernmost bridge. |
地圖圖 |
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描述 |
boss區西側,邊界屏障附近。 |
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Located on the eastern side of the map, near the trees by the pier. |
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East of the northern bridge, next to a column by the roadside. |