利用Anthropic的Claude 3.5 Sonnet產生報表:兩種方法的比較
大家好!我是Raphael,巴西房地產公司Pilar的共同創辦人兼CTO。 Pilar為房地產經紀人和經紀公司提供軟體和服務,採用低成功費模式。我們不收取高昂的前期費用,而是從每次成功的交易中收取少量佣金,使我們的成功直接與客戶的成功掛鉤。我們由20位技術人員組成的團隊不斷創新,最新產品是Pilar Homes,一個全新的房地產入口網站,旨在為購屋者和房地產經紀人提供最佳體驗。
在這篇文章中,我將分享我們使用人工智慧產生報告的經驗,特別是Anthropic的Claude 3.5 Sonnet,並比較兩種不同的方法。
在我們的初始方法中,我們將工具暴露給Claude的3.5 Sonnet模型,使其能夠執行資料庫查詢、將檢索到的文檔轉換為CSV並將其結果寫入.csv檔案。
<code># 每个collection对象描述一个MongoDB集合及其字段 # 这有助于Claude理解我们的数据模式 COLLECTIONS = [ { 'name': 'companies', 'description': 'Companies are the real estate brokerages. If the user provides a code to filter the data, it will be a company code. The _id may be retrieved by querying the company with the given code. Company codes are not used to join data.', 'fields': { '_id': 'The ObjectId is the MongoDB id that uniquely identifies a company document. Its JSON representation is \"{"$oid": "the id"}\"', 'code': 'The company code is a short and human friendly string that uniquely identifies the company. Never use it for joining data.', 'name': 'A string representing the company name', } }, # 此处之后描述了更多集合,但思路相同... ] # 这是client.messages.create的“system”参数 ROLE_PROMPT = "You are an engineer responsible for generating reports in CSV based on a user's description of the report content" # 这是“user”消息 task_prompt = f"{report_description}.\nAvailable collections: {COLLECTIONS}\nCompany codes: {company_codes}\n.Always demand a company code from the user to filter the data -- the user may use the terms imobiliária, marca, brand or company to reference a company. If the user wants a field that does not exist in a collection, don't add it to the report and don't ask the user for the field." </code>
report_description只是一個透過argparse讀取的命令列參數,company_codes是從資料庫中檢索到的,並將其暴露給模型,以便它知道哪些公司存在以及用戶輸入中什麼是公司代碼。範例:(MO - Mosaic Homes,NV - Nova Real Estate,等等)。
<code>def find(collection: str, query: str, fields: list[str]) -> Cursor: """Find documents in a collection filtering by "query" and retrieving fields via projection""" return db.get_collection(collection).find(query, projection={field: 1 for field in fields}) def docs2csv(documents: list[dict]) -> list[str]: """ Convert a dictionary to a CSV string. """ print(f"Converting {len(documents)} documents to CSV") with open('report.csv', mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as file: writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=documents[0].keys()) writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(documents) return "report.csv"</code>
<code># 每个collection对象描述一个MongoDB集合及其字段 # 这有助于Claude理解我们的数据模式 COLLECTIONS = [ { 'name': 'companies', 'description': 'Companies are the real estate brokerages. If the user provides a code to filter the data, it will be a company code. The _id may be retrieved by querying the company with the given code. Company codes are not used to join data.', 'fields': { '_id': 'The ObjectId is the MongoDB id that uniquely identifies a company document. Its JSON representation is \"{"$oid": "the id"}\"', 'code': 'The company code is a short and human friendly string that uniquely identifies the company. Never use it for joining data.', 'name': 'A string representing the company name', } }, # 此处之后描述了更多集合,但思路相同... ] # 这是client.messages.create的“system”参数 ROLE_PROMPT = "You are an engineer responsible for generating reports in CSV based on a user's description of the report content" # 这是“user”消息 task_prompt = f"{report_description}.\nAvailable collections: {COLLECTIONS}\nCompany codes: {company_codes}\n.Always demand a company code from the user to filter the data -- the user may use the terms imobiliária, marca, brand or company to reference a company. If the user wants a field that does not exist in a collection, don't add it to the report and don't ask the user for the field." </code>
<code>def find(collection: str, query: str, fields: list[str]) -> Cursor: """Find documents in a collection filtering by "query" and retrieving fields via projection""" return db.get_collection(collection).find(query, projection={field: 1 for field in fields}) def docs2csv(documents: list[dict]) -> list[str]: """ Convert a dictionary to a CSV string. """ print(f"Converting {len(documents)} documents to CSV") with open('report.csv', mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as file: writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=documents[0].keys()) writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(documents) return "report.csv"</code>
我們與Claude 3.5 Sonnet的歷程表明,人工智慧可以顯著提高營運效率,但成功的關鍵在於選擇正確的架構。程式碼產生方法被證明比直接的AI處理更強大,同時保持了自動化的優勢。
為了完全自動化流程,消除人工參與並處理更大數量的報告,跨多個代理實例分配工作——每個實例處理更少的令牌——將是該系統的自然演變。對於這類分散式AI系統中的架構挑戰,我強烈推薦Phil Calçado關於建構AI產品的最新文章。
以上是使用 Anthropic 的 Claude Sonnet 產生報告的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!