在 MySQL UPDATE 查詢過程中遇到錯誤「You can't指定目標表在 FROM 子句中更新」?當您嘗試在子查詢中引用正在更新的表時,通常會發生這種情況。 讓我們來看一個常見的場景:
UPDATE pers P SET P.gehalt = P.gehalt * 1.05 WHERE (P.chefID IS NOT NULL OR gehalt <p>...This approach fails because MySQL prohibits referencing the updated table (pers) inside its own subquery.</p><h2>The Solution: Employing a Temporary Table (or JOIN)</h2><p>The solution involves creating a temporary representation of the table data to avoid directly referencing the `pers` table in the `WHERE` clause. Here's how:</p>UPDATE pers P SET P.gehalt = P.gehalt * 1.05 WHERE (P.chefID IS NOT NULL OR gehalt <p>This method uses a `SELECT` statement to create a temporary dataset. This allows the `WHERE` clause to reference the data without directly referencing the `pers` table being updated.</p><h2>Alternative: Using a JOIN</h2><p>Another effective method is to use a `JOIN` instead of a subquery:</p>UPDATE pers p INNER JOIN (SELECT chefID, gehalt FROM pers) AS temp ON p.chefID = temp.chefID AND p.gehalt = temp.gehalt SET p.gehalt = p.gehalt * 1.05 WHERE p.chefID IS NOT NULL OR p.gehalt <p>This approach achieves the same result by joining the `pers` table with itself (aliased as `temp`), thereby avoiding the restriction.</p><h2>Best Practices</h2><p>While using `SELECT *` simplifies the example, selecting only necessary columns and adding a `WHERE` clause to your subquery or `JOIN` significantly improves performance. Always prioritize efficiency in your database operations.</p>
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