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Infinity Nikki:新布盧姆音樂節活動指南

Linda Hamilton
發布: 2025-01-26 12:04:10
1105 人瀏覽過

Miraland 的新花節:遊戲內活動和獎勵指南

無限尼克中舉辦奢華的新花節來慶祝新年! 這個限時活動充滿了任務、迷你游戲和令人驚嘆的獎勵。 從 2025 年 2 月 25 日起,沉浸在節日氣氛中並解鎖專屬物品。

Infinity Nikki: New Bloom Festival Event Guide



Infinity Nikki: New Bloom Festival Event Guide

該任務介紹了來自琳瑯帝國的音樂家杜玉白。 你的旅程包括找到她,幫助她與她祖先的後裔建立聯繫,並最終見證她的表演。 您需要找到三個人:

  • 摩納哥:利利納街上的掃街工。
  • Fournier:Ray and Wing 店的主廚。
  • Elettra:夢想倉庫塔的建築師。



Infinity Nikki: New Bloom Festival Event Guide

除了主要任務之外,許多較小的任務也提供了寶貴的獎勵。 這些分為“新花編年史”和“有趣的邂逅”。


Quest Description Rewards
Sailing Through Lens Photograph the White Jade's interior and a Florawish landmark.
Where the Strings Echo Help Xian find inspiration by locating Alber in Florawish.
Lost Cargo Recover lost cargo by speaking with Yun, Lai, and Donald.


任務名稱 描述 獎勵 標題> 觀察:白玉 識別白玉號的徽章(提示:檢查帆!)。 正確答案是
Quest Name Description Rewards
Observation: The White Jade Identify the White Jade's emblem (Hint: Check the sails!). The correct answer is A Pipa.
Kindled Inspiration: New Bloom's Outfit Show Yayin a paper crane-themed accessory, like the Star of Wishes necklace.
Wish of Lanterns Repair a damaged lantern using Florascent Wool.
琵琶。 點燃靈感:New Bloom 的服裝 向亞音展示紙鶴主題配飾,例如願望之星項鍊。 燈籠願望 使用花羊毛修復損壞的燈籠。 表>


Infinity Nikki: New Bloom Festival Event Guide

攝影在這次活動中扮演著重要的角色。 您需要在「聆聽過去的迴聲」任務和「透過鏡頭航行」任務中捕捉特定場景。

Photo Name Location Quest Hint
Melodies of the Boat The White Jade Ship exterior Listening To The Echoes of the Past quest
Strings in the Meadow The Pony Pasture, south of the Bug Song Hills Listening To The Echoes of the Past quest
The Rebirth of the Old City Lilina Street, outside the Kingdom Guards' Office Listening To The Echoes of the Past quest
A Joyful Marriage Inside Ray and Wing's Listening To The Echoes of the Past quest
Wish-loaded Paper Cranes Atop the Dream Wearhouse Listening To The Echoes of the Past quest
Pipa Play of Nostalgia Inside the White Jade ship, after Du Yubai's performance Listening To The Echoes of the Past quest
Flower Lantern's Glow Inside the White Jade cabin Sailing Through Lens quest
The Art of Indoor Plants Inside the White Jade cabin Sailing Through Lens quest
A Gift for Tea Lovers Inside the White Jade cabin Sailing Through Lens quest
Signature Scenery of Florawish Florawish Stylist's Guild, Ray and Wing's, The Great Wishtree Sailing Through Lens quest

照片的獎勵等級:2張照片:40顆鑽石; 4張照片:40顆鑽石; 7張照片:60顆鑽石; 10張照片:60顆鑽石。

如何播放Whim Tangram

這個迷你游戲會挑戰您將七個塊安排成各種形狀。 成功技巧包括:從最大的塊開始,經常旋轉,如果需要時重新啟動並進行實驗。



Infinity Nikki: New Bloom Festival Event Guide


  • 地面鞭炮:在散落在佛羅里達的五顏六色小包上,以產生節日的聲音效果。
  • 新的Bloom燈籠:從碼頭的Zhuo Hua購買Lotus Lanterns(每個100個融合,最多可達1000),然後將其放入水中。 Infinity Nikki: New Bloom Festival Event Guide


Infinity Nikki: New Bloom Festival Event Guide

完成每日任務,以賺取旋律和諧點並解鎖無盡的渴望服裝。 任務和獎勵定期更新。


Infinity Nikki: New Bloom Festival Event Guide


Reward Description Cost
Unbound Pass: Fireworks Summon a fireworks-themed Whimcycle. 120 Stellarites
Momo's Cloak: Coachman New cloak for Momo. 240 Diamonds
Momo's Cloak: Festive New cloak for Momo, allowing him to play the Suona. 300 Stellarites
New Year's Dawn Outfit New outfit for Nikki, with a Dizi. Purchase twice for evolution. 980 Diamonds
Stellarite (Triple Rewards) 3,840 Stellarites at a 60% discount. .99 USD
Flowery Picnic Decoration for a picnic. 90 Diamonds
Luminous Pack Includes various rewards (one-time purchase). .99 USD

Infinity Nikki: New Bloom Festival Event Guide



以上是Infinity Nikki:新布盧姆音樂節活動指南的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
