>在公民臥舖的遠端修理船隻後2:Starward矢量,探索Flotsam站,這是“診斷您的框架”驅動器的關鍵位置。 在此期間,收集廢金屬,完成擱淺的鑽機合同以易於輕鬆發動機組件,並獲取獨特的零件。旅程非常值得燃油成本。
> flotsam站指南:
Location | Options | Type/Cost | Risk Level |
Flotsam Hub | Explore Flotsam | Engage Interface | Risky |
Analyze Structure | Engineer | Risky | |
The Narrow Escape | Take Recovery Contract | 8 Cryo | - |
Flotsam Explorer | Buy A Meal | 15 Cryo | - |
Ferris Tanker | Buy Fuel | 6 Cryo | - |
Flotsam Explorer | Fill Fuel | 60 Cryo | - |
Buy Scrap Component | 22 Cryo | - | |
Old Takahe | Work The Hydroponics | Endure | Risky |
Flotsam Explorer | Buy Supplies | 15 Cryo | - |
Fill Supplies | 45 Cryo | - | |
Flotsam Integrator | Flotsam Maintenance | Intuit | Risky |
Flotsam Explorer | Flotsam Integration | Interface | Risky |
Buy Engine Components | 50 Cryo | - |
完成Flotsam Explorer目標將與Jean-Mi解鎖對話,導致您前往Helion Gate並進行“診斷框架”驅動器。 (有關後續步驟,請參見我們的Helion Gate指南)。
從狹窄的逃生中獲得的這份合同涉及阿爾瑪和她廢棄的鑽機。 它由兩個領域組成:阿爾瑪的鑽機和毀壞的設施。
Location | Options | Type | Danger Level |
Alma's Rig | Engine Labor | Endure | Danger |
Engine Study | Engineer | Risky | |
Ruined Facility | Gather Scrap | Endure | Risky |
Component Search | Intuit | Danger |
>在阿爾瑪(Alma)的鑽機中完成“阿爾瑪(Alma)的女孩”(Alma's Girl),以完成合同,賺取四個廢料和兩個發動機組件。 帶來極大的角色發展。
以上是公民臥舖2:Starward Vector - 全面指南的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!