要訪問Vana'diel Alliance Raid系列的迴聲,請完成Dawntrail主場景任務。然後,與Tuliyollal中的Hoobigo Messager(X:13.0,Y:11.6)交談以發起“超凡脫俗的遇到”任務。 在過場動畫之後,您將被指向Yak t'el,並沿途解鎖。 對於24名玩家(三個
突襲有四個主要的老闆遭遇,彼此之間遇到小敵人。 最初的垃圾暴民是可以管理的;避免長時間接觸其AOE攻擊並策略性地利用您的1分鐘的冷卻。
Attack | Type | Description |
Banishga | AoE | Raidwide AoE. |
Knuckle Sandwich | Special | Prishe indicates the target circle (small, medium, large) by repeating "Wait for it..." (once, twice, or thrice). |
Nullifying Dropkick | Tankbuster | Shared tankbuster requiring all three alliance tanks to stack. |
Banish Storm | Line AoE | Line AoE attacks indicated by scepters; find a safe spot between them. |
Holy | Spread | Spread debuff; affected players must distance themselves from others with the same debuff. |
Crystalline Thorns | Special | Creates spikes; players receive tethers indicating knockback direction during Auroral Uppercut. The "Wait for it..." count determines the tether direction, mirroring Knuckle Sandwich. |
Auroral Uppercut | Special | Knockback based on tether direction (mirroring Knuckle Sandwich). Avoid arena edges and spikes. |
Banishga IV | Orbs AoE | Raidwide damage followed by exploding orbs; find safe spots or utilize orb explosions for positioning. |
Asuran Fists | Tower AoE | Stack on a tower to share damage; heavy mitigation needed. |
> fafnir被遺忘的
Attack | Type | Description |
Dark Matter Blast | AoE | Raidwide damage with a deadly purple circle. |
Offensive Posture | Special | Fafnir glows, indicating the target area for its next attack (Baleful Breath or Sharp Spike). |
Baleful Breath | Stack AoE | Stack AoE targeting a healer; raid-wide mitigation is crucial. |
Sharp Spike | Triple Tankbuster | AoE tankbuster targeting all tanks; require heavy mitigation; DPS should avoid the tanks. |
狂熱者出現在坦克布斯特斯之後;非坦克坦克應管理其定位。 Fafnir的後期引入了颶風翼(龍捲風),恐怖咆哮(散佈AOE),並反復出現進攻姿勢/bale呼。 治療師可以使用救援來防止歇斯底里的伴隨球員撞到牆壁。 Fafnir在重複第1階段機制之前恢復到角落,允許近戰自由。
ARK Angels
這次獨特的遭遇涉及五個方舟天使,每個天使代表FFXI種族。 關鍵規則:
最終的老闆,影子勳爵(Shadow Lord),利用各種攻擊,包括千千斜線,烏姆巴拉斜線,仇恨火焰,內爆,cthonic憤怒,仇恨sigils,仇恨的sigils,黑暗的星雲,痛苦的迴聲和約束sigil。 夜幕降臨階段引入了其他挑戰,包括Tera Slash和Cloned Shadow Lords。 遭遇需要精確的躲避和緩解。
獎勵包括破裂的novaclusters,Ordelle硬幣,各種設備(截至補丁7.1的情況下,每周有戰利品限制),三重三合會卡和材料。 破爛的樂譜可以換成突襲的音樂。
這種修訂的響應使信息凝結在一起,同時保持關鍵的戰略要素並保留圖像格式。 保留了表,但要簡短地縮短了一些描述。
以上是最終幻想14:Dawntrail -Jeuno:第一次步行聯盟突襲演練的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!