>在 的《模擬人生2
》中,您的青少年模擬人生可以在著名的大學接受高等教育,經歷了年輕的成年,成人責任較少。 這為畢業後的新職業機會打開了大門。 這是指導您的SIM達到學術成功的方法:>
>您的SIM卡成為青少年,他們可以通過電話或計算機申請大學。 這是免費的,但建議事先獲得獎學金。另外,您可以使用“創建學生”選項直接在大學社區內創建年輕的成人模擬。 缺少青少年申請窗口意味著失去機會。
> 確保獎學金青少年模擬人生可以根據技能和成績獲得各種獎學金:
Scholarship | Requirements | Award |
Hogan Award for Athletics | Body skill of 8 or higher | 750 Simoleons |
Bain-Gordon Communication Fellowship | Charisma skill of 8 or higher | 750 Simoleons |
Kim Metro Prize for Hygenics | Cleaning skill of 8 or higher | 750 Simoleons |
London Culinary Arts Scholarship | Cooking skill of 8 or higher | 750 Simoleons |
Will Wright Genius Grant | Logic skill of 8 or higher | 750 Simoleons |
Bui Engineering Award | Mechanical skill of 8 or higher | 750 Simoleons |
Quigley Visual Arts Grant | Creativity skill of 8 or higher | 750 Simoleons |
Young Entrepreneurs Award | Teen at career level 3 | 750 Simoleons |
SimCity Scholar's Grant | A- or above grades | 1,000 Simoleons |
Phelps-Wilsonoff Billiards Prize | High pool skill | 1,000 Simoleons |
Tsang Footwork Award | High dancing skill | 1,000 Simoleons |
Undead Educational Scholarship | Vampirism or Zombie status | 1,500 Simoleons |
Orphaned Sims Assistance Fund | No living parents | 1,500 Simoleons |
Extraterrestrial Reparation Grant | Previous alien abduction | 1,500 Simoleons |
> domm vs.租賃
大學生活選擇包括宿舍(免費的,共享設施,可用的自助餐廳工作,凌亂的室友的潛力)和租金(昂貴,私人,需要更多的自給自足)。 加入兄弟會後,希臘人的生活提供了更多的社交機會。
畢業需要完成四年(72小時)的大學。 受課堂出勤,作業和學期論文影響的成績確定考試成績。 聲明一台主要(通過計算機)以集中技能開發。 未宣稱的模擬人生默認為哲學。 可能發生重大變化。
Major | Occupations |
Undeclared | None |
Art | Culinary, Slacker, Artist, Journalism, Architecture |
Biology | Law Enforcement, Medicine, Natural Science, Education, Oceanography |
Drama | Athletics, Politics, Show Business, Dance, Entertainment |
Economics | Business, Politics, Show Business, Music, Intelligence |
History | Military, Politics, Artist, Law |
Literature | Criminal, Slacker, Show Business, Adventurer, Music, Entertainment |
Mathematics | Criminal, Science, Natural Science, Gamer, Architecture |
Philosophy | Culinary, Slacker, Paranormal, Journalism |
Physics | Medicine, Science, Paranormal, Gamer |
Political Science | Politics, Military, Show Business, Law, Intelligence |
Psychology | Business, Law Enforcement, Paranormal, Education, Law, Intelligence |