是上午1:00,您的Web應用程序的交付截止日期為8小時……而且行不通。 當您嘗試弄清楚發生了什麼時,您將代碼填充var_dump()和die()到處都在查看錯誤在哪裡…
php -a Interactive shell php > $a = 'Hello world!'; php > echo $a; Hello world! php >
composer g require psy/psysh:~0.1 psysh
>wget psysh.org/psysh chmod +x psysh ./psysh
>請注意,如果我們將PSYS與PHP的交互式控制台進行比較,則PSYSH在分配後立即打印出$ A a值。
php -a Interactive shell php > $a = 'Hello world!'; php > echo $a; Hello world! php >
composer g require psy/psysh:~0.1 psysh
wget psysh.org/psysh chmod +x psysh ./psysh
./psysh Psy Shell v0.1.11 (PHP 5.5.8 — cli) by Justin Hileman >>>
>>>> help help Show a list of commands. Type `help [foo]` for information about [foo]. Aliases: ? ls List local, instance or class variables, methods and constants. Aliases: list, dir dump Dump an object or primitive. doc Read the documentation for an object, class, constant, method or property. Aliases: rtfm, man show Show the code for an object, class, constant, method or property. wtf Show the backtrace of the most recent exception. Aliases: last-exception, wtf? trace Show the current call stack. buffer Show (or clear) the contents of the code input buffer. Aliases: buf clear Clear the Psy Shell screen. history Show the Psy Shell history. exit End the current session and return to caller. Aliases: quit, q
我們可以通過PHP的CLI(命令行接口)執行代碼,或者如果配置了網絡服務器。 我們也可以使用PHP的內部Web服務器。
>>>> help ls Usage: ls [--vars] [-c|--constants] [-f|--functions] [-k|--classes] [-I|--interfaces] [-t|--traits] [-p|--properties] [-m|--methods] [-G|--grep="..."] [-i|--insensitive] [-v|--invert] [-g|--globals] [-n|--internal] [-u|--user] [-C|-- category="..."] [-a|--all] [-l|--long] [target] Aliases: list, dir Arguments: target A target class or object to list. Options: --vars Display variables. --constants (-c) Display defined constants. --functions (-f) Display defined functions. --classes (-k) Display declared classes. --interfaces (-I) Display declared interfaces. --traits (-t) Display declared traits. --properties (-p) Display class or object properties (public properties by default). --methods (-m) Display class or object methods (public methods by default). --grep (-G) Limit to items matching the given pattern (string or regex). --insensitive (-i) Case-insensitive search (requires --grep). --invert (-v) Inverted search (requires --grep). --globals (-g) Include global variables. --internal (-n) Limit to internal functions and classes. --user (-u) Limit to user-defined constants, functions and classes. --category (-C) Limit to constants in a specific category (e.g. "date"). --all (-a) Include private and protected methods and properties. --long (-l) List in long format: includes class names and method signatures. Help: List variables, constants, classes, interfaces, traits, functions, methods, and properties. Called without options, this will return a list of variables currently in scope. If a target object is provided, list properties, constants and methods of that target. If a class, interface or trait name is passed instead, list constants and methods on that class. e.g. >>> ls >>> ls $foo >>> ls -k --grep mongo -i >>> ls -al ReflectionClass >>> ls --constants --category date >>> ls -l --functions --grep /^array_.*/ >>>
中調試 通過命令行界面執行上述代碼的執行方式將如下所示:
<span>>>> $a = 'hello'; </span><span>=> "hello" </span><span>>>></span>
>腳本的執行將被暫停,我們現在有PSYS的提示可以進行。我將get_defined_vars()作為參數傳遞給psyshell :: debug(),所以我可以訪問shell中的所有定義變量:
>>> function say($a) { ... echo $a; ... } => null >>> say('hello'); hello => null >>>
讓我們檢查$ window變量:
php -a Interactive shell php > $a = 'Hello world!'; php > echo $a; Hello world! php >
composer g require psy/psysh:~0.1 psysh
wget psysh.org/psysh chmod +x psysh ./psysh
./psysh Psy Shell v0.1.11 (PHP 5.5.8 — cli) by Justin Hileman >>>
調用getWindowReference()方法,然後返回Render()方法的結果。 讓我們檢查getWindowReference()來源:>>> help help Show a list of commands. Type `help [foo]` for information about [foo]. Aliases: ? ls List local, instance or class variables, methods and constants. Aliases: list, dir dump Dump an object or primitive. doc Read the documentation for an object, class, constant, method or property. Aliases: rtfm, man show Show the code for an object, class, constant, method or property. wtf Show the backtrace of the most recent exception. Aliases: last-exception, wtf? trace Show the current call stack. buffer Show (or clear) the contents of the code input buffer. Aliases: buf clear Clear the Psy Shell screen. history Show the Psy Shell history. exit End the current session and return to caller. Aliases: quit, q
此方法正在返回對象的WindowReference屬性,正如我們從上面的LS -AL命令看到的那樣,它是Acmepatternsdecoratorsimplewindow的實例。 當然,我們本來可以研究DecoratedWindow :: __ construct()的工作方式,但這是我們可以檢查的另一種方式。
>>> help ls Usage: ls [--vars] [-c|--constants] [-f|--functions] [-k|--classes] [-I|--interfaces] [-t|--traits] [-p|--properties] [-m|--methods] [-G|--grep="..."] [-i|--insensitive] [-v|--invert] [-g|--globals] [-n|--internal] [-u|--user] [-C|-- category="..."] [-a|--all] [-l|--long] [target] Aliases: list, dir Arguments: target A target class or object to list. Options: --vars Display variables. --constants (-c) Display defined constants. --functions (-f) Display defined functions. --classes (-k) Display declared classes. --interfaces (-I) Display declared interfaces. --traits (-t) Display declared traits. --properties (-p) Display class or object properties (public properties by default). --methods (-m) Display class or object methods (public methods by default). --grep (-G) Limit to items matching the given pattern (string or regex). --insensitive (-i) Case-insensitive search (requires --grep). --invert (-v) Inverted search (requires --grep). --globals (-g) Include global variables. --internal (-n) Limit to internal functions and classes. --user (-u) Limit to user-defined constants, functions and classes. --category (-C) Limit to constants in a specific category (e.g. "date"). --all (-a) Include private and protected methods and properties. --long (-l) List in long format: includes class names and method signatures. Help: List variables, constants, classes, interfaces, traits, functions, methods, and properties. Called without options, this will return a list of variables currently in scope. If a target object is provided, list properties, constants and methods of that target. If a class, interface or trait name is passed instead, list constants and methods on that class. e.g. >>> ls >>> ls $foo >>> ls -k --grep mongo -i >>> ls -al ReflectionClass >>> ls --constants --category date >>> ls -l --functions --grep /^array_.*/ >>>
<span>>>> $a = 'hello'; </span><span>=> "hello" </span><span>>>></span>
>>> function say($a) { ... echo $a; ... } => null >>> say('hello'); hello => null >>>
>>>> class Foo ... { ... protected $a; ... ... public function setA($a) { ... $this->a = $a; ... } ... ... public function getA() { ... return $this->a; ... } ... } => null >>> $foo = new Foo(); => <Foo #000000001dce50dd000000002dda326e> {} >>> $foo->setA('hello'); => null >>> $foo->getA(); => "hello" >>>
>我們具有生成錯誤的測試,文件和行。 讓我們看一下標題為windowtest.php
>>> ls $foo Class Methods: getA, setA >>>
如果您不熟悉phpunit,請不要過分關注該代碼。 簡而言之,我正在設置所有內容,以測試標題window :: addtitle()方法,並期望收到一個非空價值。
>>> ls -la $foo Class Properties: $a "hello" Class Methods: getA public function getA() setA public function setA($a)
>那麼,我們如何使用psysh檢查發生了什麼?只需像以前一樣添加shell :: debug()方法。
>{ "name": "example/psysh", "authors": [ { "name": "John Doe", "email": "john@doe.tst" } ], "require": { "psy/psysh": "~0.1" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": {"Acme\": "src/"} } }
>因此,在$ rs中,我們應該有一個字符串;讓我們看看我們真正擁有的。
<span><span><?php </span></span><span><span>chdir(dirname(__DIR__)); </span></span><span> </span><span><span>require_once('vendor/autoload.php'); </span></span><span> </span><span><span>use Acme<span>\Patterns\Decorator\SimpleWindow</span>; </span></span><span><span>use Acme<span>\Patterns\Decorator\DecoratedWindow</span>; </span></span><span><span>use Acme<span>\Patterns\Decorator\TitledWindow</span>; </span></span><span> </span><span><span>echo PHP_EOL . 'Simple Window' . PHP_EOL; </span></span><span> </span><span><span>$window = new SimpleWindow(); </span></span><span> </span><span><span>echo $window->render(); </span></span><span> </span><span><span>echo PHP_EOL . 'Decorated Simple Window' . PHP_EOL; </span></span><span> </span><span><span>$decoratedWindow = new DecoratedWindow($window); </span></span><span> </span><span><span>echo $decoratedWindow->render(); </span></span><span> </span><span><span>echo PHP_EOL . 'Titled Simple Window' . PHP_EOL; </span></span><span> </span><span><span>$titledWindow = new TitledWindow($window); </span></span><span> </span><span><span>echo $titledWindow->render();</span></span>
> null值,難怪測試失敗了……讓我們檢查標題Window :: AddTitle()的源代碼。 如果我們執行LS命令,我們可以看到我們可以通過$ titledwindow對象獲得該對象的方法。
php public/decorator.php Simple Window +-------------+ | | | | | | | | | | +-------------+ Decorated Simple Window +-------------+ | | | | | | | | | | +-------------+ Titled Simple Window +-------------+ |Title | +-------------+ | | | | | | | | | | +-------------+
php -a Interactive shell php > $a = 'Hello world!'; php > echo $a; Hello world! php >
有錯誤。該方法是迴盪值而不是返回值。 即使該應用程序似乎可以正常工作,通過單元測試和PSYSH,我們發現了一個缺陷,現在我們可以修復它。
>本文並不是要詳盡地展示所有潛在的PSYS所具有的。 您應該嘗試其他一些很酷的功能(例如“ doc”)。 僅PSYS可能不是很有用,但是如果與其他工具和您的聰明調試功能相結合,則可以證明是寶貴的資產。