Fortnite第6章,第2季:犯罪城搶劫指南 - 週零任務
在Fortnite的新季節,犯罪城市規則! 隨著戰利品的溢出,金庫溢出,銀行搶劫是一天的命令。 不過,在成為大師罪犯之前,零週的任務將幫助您學習本賽季激動人心的機制的繩索。
Quest | Completion Guide | Reward |
Collect 800 Bars inside a Bank Vault | Bank Vaults are marked on your map with vault icons. Use Thermite to breach them and collect the gold Bars. | 30K XP |
Receive two gifts from characters in a single match | Interact with NPCs to receive gifts, or hire them. | 30K XP |
Eliminate three opponents outside Named Locations | Named Locations are labeled on the map. Eliminate opponents outside these areas. | 30K XP |
Deal 500 damage to bosses | Bosses are frequently found at vault locations. | 30K XP |
Collect ten Boons or Medallions | Purchase Boons at the Black Market; Medallions are boss drops. | 30K XP |
以上是Fortnite:第6章,第2季 - 每週任務指南的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!