<span>Ways to to change CSS in an iframe </span><span>Some of these work, and some don't but i've included both for you to ponder amd make up your own decisions. </span> <span><span>This</span> method didn't work for me. </span><span>[js] </span><span>var text = 'hi'; </span><span>var content = "" + text + ""; </span> <span>var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); </span>iframe<span>.src = ' document.body.appendChild(iframe); </span> <span>var doc = iframe.document; </span><span>if(iframe.contentDocument) </span>doc <span>= iframe.contentDocument; // For NS6 </span><span>else if(iframe.contentWindow) </span>doc <span>= iframe.contentWindow.document; // For IE5.5 and IE6 </span><span>// Put the content in the iframe </span>doc<span>.open(); </span>doc<span>.writeln(content); </span>doc<span>.close(); </span> doc<span>.getElementsByTagName("body").style.backgroundColor = 'red';</span>
<span>var cssLink = document.createElement("link") </span>cssLink<span>.href = "style.css"; </span>cssLink <span>.rel = "stylesheet"; </span>cssLink <span>.type = "text/css"; </span>frames<span>['frame1'].document.body.appendChild(cssLink);</span>
<span>var frm = frames['frame'].document; </span><span>var otherhead = frm.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; </span><span>var link = frm.createElement("link"); </span>link<span>.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); </span>link<span>.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); </span>link<span>.setAttribute("href", "style.css"); </span>otherhead<span>.appendChild(link);</span>
var iframedoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentwindow.document;
iframedoc.body.style.style.backgroundColor =“ red”;
>。 iframe可能來自另一個域,在這種情況下,由於相同的原始策略,您無法修改其CSS。或者,當您嘗試更改CSS時,IFRAME的內容可能未被充分加載。 To ensure the iFrame is fully loaded, you can use the load event.
Yes, if you have control over the iFrame’s source page, you can use the postMessage method to send messages from the parent page to the iFrame, and add a listener in the iFrame’s page to receive the messages and make the necessary更改。
$(“#myiframe”)。 on(“ load”,function(){
$(this).contents()。不,我可以更改iframe內容的CSS,不,您無法更改PDF文件的CSS。 CSS是一種樣式表語言,用於描述用HTML或XML編寫的文檔的外觀和格式。 PDF文件具有自己的格式,無法使用CSS進行樣式。
iframe {
iframe {