文明中的拿破崙皇帝7 是兩個拿破崙的變體之一,另一個是革命性的拿破崙。兩者在戰略意圖上具有相似之處,但在執行方面和首選勝利道路上有很大差異。革命拿破崙以各個單位和集中勝利的策略脫穎而出,拿破崙優先考慮經濟實力和巨大,不太珍貴的軍隊。
另外,他可以在經濟上占主導地位。 While late-game economic victories often benefit from positive relations, Napoleon's vast wealth renders unfriendly relations inconsequential.
Optimal Civilizations for Emperor Napoleon:
The best civilizations to pair with Emperor Napoleon vary depending on the chosen victory path and game era.
Rome (Antiquity Age): Rome's bonuses—the Legatus commander (efficient settlement creation), Basilica and Temple of Jupiter (gold and influence boosts), and Forum (increased gold and culture)—facilitate rapid economic growth through resource acquisition and trade, even with unfriendly neighbors.
Aksum (Antiquity Age): Aksum excels at water-based trade. Their bonuses—gold from resources, the unpillageable Tankwa trade ship, and the Hawilt improvement (gold and culture)—provide a strong economic foundation.
Chola (Exploration Age): The Chola's naval dominance—extra trade routes, the Kalam naval unit (extra attack), and the Ottru commander (movement, sight, and enemy combat strength reduction)—allows for efficient overseas resource exploitation and raiding.
Mongolia (Exploration Age): Mongolia's ability to rapidly expand its military through conquered settlements and the powerful Keshig unit makes it ideal for aggressive military expansion.
America (Modern Age): America's gold generation from resource improvement, cheap Marine units, and the Railyard and Steel Mill (production and gold bonuses) provide both wealth and production, supporting a large army and rapid technological advancement.
Prussia (Modern Age): Prussia's combat strength bonus from unfriendly civilizations, the Hussar and Stuka units, and the Staatseisenbahn railroad (gold and production) create a powerful late-game military force.