KDE等離子用戶很高興! A highly anticipated feature, 15 years in the making, has finally arrived: easy file template creation directly integrated with the "Create New…" menu in Plasma's desktop environment and Dolphin file manager.
Image source: https://www.php.cn/link/0d43f5cbdcf4166b6d53833a4ad60cb1
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The journey began in 2009 with a user's feature request submitted to the KDE Bugtracking System.該請求尋求一種簡化的方法,以將文件模板添加到Dolphin中,靈感來自Kubuntu 9.04的改進工作流程。現在,在2024年,這種期待已久的增強是現實。
此成就突出了KDE對用戶反饋和持續改進的承諾。 Special thanks to Antti Savolainen and the contributing developers for realizing this long-standing request.
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