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Monster Hunter Wilds:Charge Blade Build Guide

Joseph Gordon-Levitt
發布: 2025-03-13 11:51:08
932 人瀏覽過

The Charge Blade is often considered one of the most complicated weapons in Monster Hunter Wilds .憑藉其增強武器的每個部分,複雜的組合,後衛點和戰術流動,這並不難看為什麼。

Monster Hunter Wilds:Charge Blade Build Guide



Monster Hunter Wilds:Charge Blade Build Guide



The build outlined below is a standard one size fits all build that focuses on the Agitator skill , with a few levels in Burst. This build is meant to be customizable , allowing you to easily swap Charge Blades depending on your playstyle or target.

這種構建也可以使用五個級別的爆發和兩個攪拌器以另一種方式平衡。 This variation is more suited for use with Elemental Phials , but provides essentially the same skills and damage output. For a Burst-oriented build, swap the Arms for the Guardian Ebony alpha gloves , and the Talisman for the Exploiter Charm 2 . Also, slot in a Chain Jewel in the level three Decoration slot.


Monster Hunter Wilds:Charge Blade Build Guide




Monster Hunter Wilds:Charge Blade Build Guide堅硬的骨頭 Focus/KO Jewel 3

Monster Hunter Wilds:Charge Blade Build GuideG ebony Helm Beta 強大的珠寶2


Monster Hunter Wilds:Charge Blade Build GuideArkvulcan郵件Beta 挑戰者珠寶3


Monster Hunter Wilds:Charge Blade Build GuideG arkveld vambraces beta 國防珠寶1


Monster Hunter Wilds:Charge Blade Build GuideArkvulcan線圈Beta 保護珠寶1

Monster Hunter Wilds:Charge Blade Build GuideDahaad Shardgreaves Beta 強大的珠寶2


挑戰者魅力2 地函


  • 弱點利用5級
  • 攪拌器5級
  • 焦點3
  • 砲兵3級
  • 最大可能3級
  • 國防提升3級
  • 負載外殼2級
  • 攻擊提升2級
  • 爆發2級
  • 神的祝福級2
  • Slugger級別1
  • 恢復速度1


如上所述,您可以使用各種可行的武器,這些武器將獨立於裝甲製造。我們已經去了Monster Hunter Wilds:Charge Blade Build GuideHard Bone Strongarm for its high attack, Impact Phials , and Load Shells weapon skill.

您也可以使用Monster Hunter Wilds:Charge Blade Build GuideLeidenskraft for Dragon damage,Monster Hunter Wilds:Charge Blade Build GuideBardichion Blade for Fire damage,Monster Hunter Wilds:Charge Blade Build GuideValeroje-of-the-Waves for Water damage, or custom Artian weapon (Chrono Gear) for any other damage type.

As for the armor, in the Head slot, we are using the Guardian Ebony Helm beta , which provides two levels of Burst and a level two Decoration slot , which we will slot in our first Mighty Jewel to gain a level of Maximum Might.

In the Chest slot, we have the Arkvulcan Mail beta , which pairs with the Arkvulcan Coil beta to provide the first set bonus of the Arkveld's Hunger skill. In the Chest armor's Decoration slots, we have one Challenger Jewel for more levels in Agitator, and a second Mighty Jewel .

In the Arms slot, we are using Guardian Arkveld Vambraces beta , which provides two levels of Weakness Exploit , an essential damage-boosting skill. These gloves also have three level one Decoration slots , which you can really slot any skills you want into. We have three Defense Jewels for Defense Boost.


As previously mentioned, in the Waist slot is the Arkvulcan Coil beta to provide the second piece needed for Arkveld's Hunger , as well as two additional levels of Weakness Exploit .像手套一樣,您可以將任意兩個級的裝飾放在此裝甲件的插槽中。 We have chosen two levels of Divine Blessing for added protection.

In the Legs slot, we are using Dahaad Shardgreaves beta , granting two levels of Agitator . In the level two Decoration slot, we have a third Mighty Jewel providing the final point in Maximum Might.

Finally, for the Talisman, we are using the Challenger Charm 2 for the last two points in Agitator .此技能構成了DP的任何武器的最高收益,使其成為該版本的重要組成部分。

For your mantle, the Corrupted Mantle provides the highest damage boost, but the other three are safer options.最好使用最適合您的遊戲風格的方法。


Monster Hunter Wilds:Charge Blade Build Guide

As we've mentioned above, the weapon and armor set for this build can work interchangeably with other variations ;例如,使用此構建的裝甲套件,帶有不同的電荷刀片(例如Leidenskraft或Bardichion Blade)。因此,有許多不同的遊戲風格。

In particular, this build emphasizes the Hard Bone Strongarm's Impact Phials , using them to stun the monster as much as possible.同時,使用Bardichion Blade的構建將重點放在用整個武器處理基本損壞上。

因此,了解該構建的關鍵組成部分並將其付諸實踐將更加有益。 The core of the armor skills of this build are Weakness Exploit, Agitator, and Maximum Might , each providing essential damage bonuses across a variety of situations.

Weakness Exploit will have you dealing even more damage to Wounds , which the Charge Blade is great at breaking. At level five Weakness Exploit, attacks against weak points have 30 percent increased Affinity , while hitting Wounds grants an extra 20 percent .

Agitator level five grants increased 20 attack and 15 percent more Affinity when the monster enrages , while Maximum Might increases Affinity by an additional 30 percent when Stamina is kept at full for three seconds . This means if Maximum Might is active and the monster is enraged, hitting a Wound has a 95 percent increased Affinity on your attack.

Hitting normal weak points (not Wounds) with Maximum Might and Agitator active will grant your attacks 75 percent increased Affinity .

Outside of these three major skills, we also have Burst , which grants a decent damage bonus as long as you keep hitting the monster , and Artillery , which increases the damage of your Impat Phials , making it easier to stun the monster.

As mentioned above, this build has five free level one Decoration slots that you can really do anything you want with.防禦提升變得更加有效,您堆積的觀點越多,但是神的祝福有可能更好地提高,因此您可能想先將三個級別放入該水平。 Alternatively, Elemental or status resistance may come in handy against certain monsters.


Monster Hunter Wilds:Charge Blade Build Guide

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