- Handcrafted Feature Extraction with Radiomics: The article details the process of extracting radiomic features, emphasizing their role in capturing complex tumor characteristics not readily apparent in visual analysis.
- MRI Scan Analysis Enhancement: Radiomics significantly improves the speed and accuracy of tumor detection and classification from MRI scans.
- Multi-Class Classification: The extracted features are utilized to classify brain scans into distinct categories (in this case, tumor present or absent).
- MLP for Classification: The article demonstrates the use of an MLP for robust classification based on the extracted radiomic features.
- Data Preparation: Loading images and creating binary masks to define the region of interest (ROI) for feature extraction.
- Feature Extraction: Employing the PyRadiomics library to extract a wide range of radiomic features from the masked ROIs.
- Data Preprocessing: Cleaning and standardizing the extracted features, handling missing values, and preparing the data for the MLP.這包括將分類標籤(“是”/“否”)轉換為數值表示(1/0)。
- MLP Model Training: Building and training a two-hidden-layer MLP using PyTorch.該模型是使用ADAM優化器和交叉滲透損失函數訓練的。輟學正規化用於防止過度擬合。
- Model Evaluation: Assessing the trained MLP's performance on a held-out test set using accuracy as the evaluation metric. A loss curve is plotted to visualize the training process.
