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Jennifer Aniston
發布: 2025-03-23 10:35:11
145 人瀏覽過

Links on Web Components

  • How we use Web Components at GitHub — Kristján Oddsson talks about how GitHub is using web components. I remember they were very early adopters, and it says here they released a component in 2014! Now they’ve got a whole bunch of open source components. So easy to use! Awesome! I wanted to poke around their HTML and see them in action, so I View’d Source and used the RegEx (<\w+-[\w|-|]+.*>) (thanks, Andrew) to look for them. Seven on the logged-in homepage, so they ain’t blowin’ smoke.
  • Using web components to encapsulate CSS and resolve design system conflicts — Tyler Williams says the encapsulation (Shadow DOM) of web components meant avoiding styling conflicts with an older CSS system. He also proves that companies that make sites for Git repos love web components.
  • Container Queries in Web Components — Max Böck shares that the :host of a web component can be the @container which is extremely great and is absolutely how all web components should be written.
  • Faster Integration with WebComponents — Jason Grigsby does client work and says that web components don’t make integration fast or easy, they make integration fast and easy.
  • FicusJS — I remember being told once that native web components weren’t really meant to be used “raw” but meant to be low-level such that tooling could be built on top of them. We see that in competition amongst renderers, like lit-html vs htm. Then, in layers of tooling on top of that, like Ficus here, that adds a bunch of fancy stuff like state, methods, and events.
  • Shadow DOM and Its Effect on the Unofficial Styling API — JimNielsen expands on the idea I poked at on ShopTalk that the DOM is the styling API. It’s self-documenting, in a way. “As an author, you have to spend time and effort thinking about, architecting, and then documenting a styling API for your component. And as a consumer, you have to read, understand, and implement that API.” Yes. That’s why, to me, it feels like a good idea to have an option to “reach into the Shadow DOM from outside CSS” in an unencumbered way.
  • Awesome Standalones — I think Dave’s list here is exactly the kind of thing that gets developers feet wet and thinking about web components as actually useful.

Two years ago, hold true:

