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IE8 新增的Javascript 开发接口说明_基础知识

May 16, 2016 pm 06:11 PM

IE8 新增的Javascript 对象 (Object)

Attr Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the Attr Constructor prototype chain.

BehaviorUrnsCollection Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the BehaviorUrnsCollection Constructor prototype chain.

BookmarkCollection Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the BookmarkCollection Constructor prototype chain.

CompatibleInfo Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the CompatibleInfo Constructor prototype chain.

CompatibleInfoCollection Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the CompatibleInfoCollection Constructor prototype chain.

ControlRangeCollection Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the ControlRangeCollection Constructor prototype chain.

CSSCurrentStyleDeclaration Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the CSSCurrentStyleDeclaration Constructor prototype chain.

CSSRuleList Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the CSSRuleList Constructor prototype chain.

CSSRuleStyleDeclaration Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the CSSRuleStyleDeclaration Constructor prototype chain.

CSSStyleDeclaration Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the CSSStyleDeclaration Constructor prototype chain.

CSSStyleRule Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the CSSStyleRule Constructor prototype chain.

CSSStyleSheet Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the CSSStyleSheet Constructor prototype chain.

DataTransfer Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the DataTransfer Constructor prototype chain.

DOMImplementation Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the DOMImplementation Constructor prototype chain.

Element Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the Element Constructor prototype chain.

Event Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the Event Constructor prototype chain.

History Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the History Constructor prototype chain.

HTCBehavior Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTCBehavior Constructor prototype chain.

HTCElementBehaviorDefaults Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTCElementBehaviorDefaults Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLAnchorElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLAnchorElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLAreaElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLAreaElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLAreasCollection Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLAreasCollection Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLBaseElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLBaseElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLBaseFontElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLBaseFontElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLBGSoundElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLBGSoundElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLBlockElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLBlockElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLBodyElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLBodyElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLBRElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLBRElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLButtonElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLButtonElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLCollection Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLCollection Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLCommentElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLCommentElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLDDElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLDDElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLDivElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLDivElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLDListElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLDListElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLDocument Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLDocument Constructor prototype chain.


Provides information about the compatibity mode specified by the Web page. If the Web page specifies multiple compatibility modes, they can be retrieved using documentCompatibleInfoCollection.

HTMLDTElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLDTElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLEmbedElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLEmbedElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLFieldSetElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLFieldSetElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLFontElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLFontElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLFormElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLFormElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLFrameElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLFrameElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLFrameSetElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLFrameSetElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLGenericElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLGenericElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLHeadElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLHeadElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLHeadingElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLHeadingElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLHRElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLHRElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLHtmlElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLHtmlElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLIFrameElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLIFrameElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLImageElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLImageElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLInputElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLInputElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLIsIndexElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLIsIndexElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLLabelElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLLabelElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLLegendElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLLegendElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLLIElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLLIElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLLinkElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLLinkElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLMapElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLMapElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLMarqueeElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLMarqueeElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLMetaElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLMetaElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLModelessDialog Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLModelessDialog Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLNamespaceInfo Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLNamespaceInfo Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLNamespaceInfoCollection Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLNamespaceInfoCollection Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLNextIdElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLNextIdElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLObjectElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLObjectElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLOListElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLOListElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLOptionElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLOptionElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLParagraphElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLParagraphElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLParamElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLParamElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLPhraseElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLPhraseElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLPluginsCollection Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLPluginsCollection Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLPopup Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLPopup Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLScriptElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLScriptElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLSelectElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLSelectElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLSpanElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLSpanElement Constructor prototype chain.


Represents the list of key/value pairs that have been assigned to a single storage area.

HTMLStyleElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLStyleElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLTableCaptionElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLTableCaptionElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLTableCellElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLTableCellElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLTableColElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLTableColElement Constructor prototype chain.

HTMLTableElement Constructor

Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the



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