$string = "this is a test";
echo str_replace(" is", " was", $string);
echo ereg_replace(",1); 1就是第一個括號中空格
echo ereg_replace("(( )is)", "2was", $string); //其中2就是第二個括號的空格,上面三行也就是把" is"替換為" was";都有空格的。
ereg_replace ( string pattern, string replacement, string string)
語法: string ereg_replace(string pattern, string replacement, string string);
函數種類類型:資料處理內容說明:本函數以pattern 的規則來解析比對字串string,欲取而代之的字串為參數replacement,傳回值為字串型別,為取代後的字串結果.
使用範例,ken@freebsdrocks. com 在16-mar-1999 提出的例子,代碼如下:
$text = 'this is a {1} day, not {2} and {3}.'; {1} day, not {2} and {3}.'; ( 1 => 'fine',
2 => => 'rainy' );
while (ereg ('{([0-9]+)}', $text, $ regs)) {
$found = $regs[1];
$text = ereg_replace("{".$found.")",1$daytype[$d "$textn";
// this is a fine day, not overcast and rainy.
ken@freebsdrocks.com 並同時提出相同的程序功能is a {1} day, not {2} and {3}.'; %daytype = ( 1 => 'fine',3 => 'rainy' );
$text =~ s/{(d+)}/$daytype{$1}/eg;
print "$textn";