1、本文的軟體是Photoshop CS5版本
In this tutorial I will show you how to manipulate some simple shapes, to obtain a wonderful layout. As you have seen I am trying to create unual layout. As you have seen I am trying to create unusual layout swate w. of layouts (not usual ones).
在本教程中我將向您展示如何巧妙處理一些簡單的形狀,以獲取一個精彩的佈局。您已經看到我試圖創建非同尋常的佈局。我想告訴你它是可能也創建另一種類型的佈局 (不是通常的那種)。
Start by creating a new document (CTRL+N) with the following size: 960 x 900 pixels, and with the background color #5c7a02.
一開始建立新尺寸(Crl* 900px,背景顏色: #5c7a02
Select Rounded Rectangle Tool, and set your corner radius to 50 Pixels
With this tool I will create a shape in the middle of my layout, then I will press on CTRL+T and while I am holding the Shift key down, I will rotate the shape.Right now it doesn't matter what color you will choose. I will use different colors for each shape I make, because I want to show you where I will place the shapes.Now I will change the color for all this shapes to #3c3427.On the top of my layout I all this shapes to #3c3427.On the top of my layout I all this will shape, but this time I will use the Rectangle Tool.I will change the color for this shape to # 3c3427, and on the bottom right of this layout I will add another shape.
在頁面的中部建立一個圓角矩形,然後按Ctrl +T自由變換,按住Shift鍵,旋轉圓角矩形。現在還沒告訴你要用哪一種顏色。我將用不同的顏色建立一些圓角矩形,因為我要展示給你我如何擺放這些圓角矩形。現在我要更改這些矩形顏色為#3c3427。在網頁的頂部我將添加一個矩形,這次用的是矩形工具。我給這個矩形還是用顏色#3c3427,在佈局的右下角我將添加另一個圓角矩形
建立一個圓角矩形(0,0,485,485 -50*2)/1.414+50*2≈485
在佈局的右下角創建一個圓角矩形(45707,455 500),顏色還是#3c3427
With Rounded Rectangle Tool, I will create another 2 shapes
, CTicBe sure youal, select, select, sep. your mouse pointer rotate the shape to the left. I will place my shapes like in the following image. Over this green shape I will have my text button.用圓角矩形畫兩個圓角矩形層,按Ctrl+T,用滑鼠旋轉你的長方形。按照下圖佈置矩形,在綠色的上方我將添加一些文字按鈕還是按照自己的思路製作
首先設置圓角矩形的半徑為70,新建一個圓角矩形,寬970px高154px,顏色: #c7da8b。按Ctrl+T,旋轉-45度,依回車決定。再按Ctrl+T,調整到圓角矩形位置到(-428,59)
複製該圖層,按Ctrl+T,調整大小為原來的70%,位置在(-216, 96)。顏色變更為#a8ca01
I will create a new layer above all layers, and with my Brush Tool, I will add some points with af rushs, and with my Brush Tool, I will add some points with af rushss7ed層,用畫筆工具,調整畫筆為巨大的光滑的畫筆(顏色為白色,畫筆的大小為600px,硬度:10%)
Then I will change the blending mode for this layer to overlay更改此圖層的混合模式為疊加這是我的結果
Now with Horizontal Type Tool I will write some text. The font I will choose is Bookman Old Style. Italic.現在用水平文字工具添加一些文本字體,用 ItalicBook.Book.Book.
頂部的文字Welcome to our web site和底部的文字Services用如下的字體設定
兩個欄目傾斜的文字Portfolio、Latest News,用如下的文字設置:
右側的選單列的文字,Company、Products、Program、Contact Us,顏色:黑色。文字設定如下:
Welcome to our web site下的一段文字的文字設定如下:
Now I will add some images from my last tutorials in the middle part of my layout. I will cut my last tutorials in the middle part of my layout. I will cut somef5% .版面的中部添加一些先前的教學的圖片,我將從之前的教學中切一些圓的圖片
On the top of the website I will add another rounded shape.在網站的頂部,再增加一個圓角矩形(361,142,524,40),半徑為20px,顏色為白色
I will select Line Tool, and with aI will select Line Tool, and with a thincreate, and with a thincreate (1 pixel) two lines between my text buttons
I will select both line layers in my layer palette, and then I will press on CTRL+E (to merge the layers into a swill one)。 brush with a size between 200 and 300 pixels. Then I will delete the right part of the line.
I will delete alsolic the left partates, I
I will delete alsolic the left partates, I ake make make after this layer. With Move Tool or with your arrow key I will move the duplicated layers to the bottom.
With the same technique as above I will add some lines also on other parts of the layout.
用同樣的技術在佈局的其他部分添加直線。更改這些直線圖層的混合模式為疊加 I will create a new layer right under my round images. I will select Brush Tool, and with a round soft brush, I images. I will select Brush Tool, and with a round softout brush, I lay softouta ges in the following spot. Please set your foreground color to black.新建一個圖層在圓的圖片的下方。選擇畫筆工具,選擇一個柔邊圓工具,依照下圖增加一個大點(半徑設定為360px,硬度20%)
。前景色選擇黑色。 Select Rectangular Marquee Tool, and create a selection like mine.選擇矩形選擇工具,建立如下的一個矩形選框🜎 zontal lines you have placed a few steps ago. Now be sure you have the right layer selected (with the black brush drawing), and now press on CTRL+I, or go to Image > Adjustments > Invert. Your layout will look like like this one. 你的選擇區域在之前做好的兩條水平線之間,選擇之前的黑色的大點圖層,按Ctrl+I,或點擊:圖像> 調整> 反相,你的佈局看起來像如下:
Press on CTRL+D if you have the selection still active, and now change the blending mode for this layer to Overlay, and you can also lower the oopa value to 40%選擇,更改該圖層的混合模式為疊加,不透明度為40%This is how my simple slideshow will look like這是我滑動的圖片
Now I will add some round buttons
描邊的顏色: #4e4c48
,In themIn the mraper the mhout.描邊,填色:#5a4d3a,描邊顏色: #b9f308)
這樣的佈局的確是不常見的本教程的亮點有:1、利用橡皮擦的工具實現漸變效果2、利用圖層混合選項為疊加實現高光3、尤其是教程中的反相的效果,令人叫絕。 更多PS網頁設計教程VIII——在Photoshop中設計不同尋常佈局 相關文章請關注PHP中文網!