EventWaitHandle 類別及其衍生類別AutoResetEvent 與 ManualResetEvent,這是本篇的主角。 ##map
hore 類,即信號量,我們下一篇再講(忽然覺得沒有必要介紹了)。用來同步的方法。 :SignalAndWait(WaitHandle, WaitHandle):以原子操作的形式,向第一個WaitHandle發出訊號並等待第二個。 /進程,然後自己等待第二個WaitHandle,且這兩個動作是原子性的。 TimeSpan來定義等待逾時時間,以及是否從上下文的同步域中
EventWaitHandle、AutoResetEvent、ManualResetEvent名字裡都有一個“Event”,不過這跟. net的本身的
bool:Reset():Sets the state of the event to nonsignaled, causing threads to block. 將事件狀態設為非終止狀態,導致執行緒封鎖。 同樣,我們需要明白「nonsignaled」和「非終止」是一回事。同樣的是,仍然有個無厘頭的回傳值。 Reset()的作用,相當於讓事件重新開始處於“進行中”,那麼此後所有WaitOne()/WaitAll()/WaitAny()/SignalAndWait()這個事件的線程都會再次被擋在門外。
EventWaitHandle(Boolean initialState, EventResetMode mode):初始化EventWaitHandle類別的新實例,並指定等待句柄最初是否處於終止狀態,以及它是自動重置還是手動重置。大多數時候我們會在第一個參數裡使用false,這樣新實例會缺省為「非終止」狀態。第二個參數EventResetMode是個列舉,總共兩個值:
EventResetMode.ManualReset:當終止時,EventWaitHandle 釋放所有等待的線程,並在手動重置前,即Reset()被呼叫前,一直保持終止狀態。
Set()的作用不僅僅是“喚醒”而是“釋放”,可以讓執行緒繼續工作(proceed);相反, Pulse()喚醒的執行緒只是重新進入Running狀態,參與物件鎖定的爭奪,誰都不能保證它一定會獲得物件鎖定。
Pulse()的已被呼叫的狀態不會被維護。因此,如果在沒有等待執行緒時呼叫Pulse(),那麼下一個呼叫Monitor.Wait()的執行緒仍然會被阻塞,就像Pulse() 沒有被呼叫過。也就是說Monitor.Pulse()只在呼叫當時發揮作用,並不像Set()的作用會持續到下一個WaitXXX()。
EventWaitHandle(Boolean initialState, EventResetMode mode, String name):前兩個參數我們已經看過,第三個參數name用於在系統範圍內指定同步事件的名稱。是的,正如我們在Mutex一篇中提到的,由於父類WaitHandle是具有跨進程域的能力的,因此跟Mutex一樣,我們可以創建一個全域的EventWaitHandle,讓後將它用於進程間的通知。注意,name仍然是大小寫敏感的,仍然有命名前綴的問題跟,你可以參考這裡。當name為null或空字串時,這等效於建立一個局部的未命名的EventWaitHandle。仍然同樣的還有,可能會因為已經系統中已經有同名的EventWaitHandle而只回傳一個實例表示同名的EventWaitHandle。所以最後仍舊同樣地,如果你需要知道這個EventWaitHandle是否由你最早創建,你需要使用以下兩個建構函式之一。
EventWaitHandle(Boolean initialState, EventResetMode mode, String name, out Boolean createdNew):createdNew用來表示是否成功建立了EventWaitHandle,true表示成功,false表示已經存在同名的事件。
EventWaitHandle(Boolean initialState, EventResetMode mode, String name, out Boolean createdNew, EventWaitHandleSecurity):關於安全的問題,直接查看這個建構子上的範例吧。全域MutexEventWaitHandle的安全性問題應該相對Mutex更需要注意,因為有可能駭客程式用相同的事件名稱對你的執行緒發送訊號或進行組織,那樣可能會嚴重危害你的業務邏輯。
using System;using System.Threading;public class Example { // The EventWaitHandle used to demonstrate the difference // between AutoReset and ManualReset synchronization events. // private static EventWaitHandle ewh; // A counter to make sure all threads are started and // blocked before any are released. A Long is used to show // the use of the 64-bit Interlocked methods. // private static long threadCount = 0; // An AutoReset event that allows the main thread to block // until an exiting thread has decremented the count. // private static EventWaitHandle clearCount = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.AutoReset); [MTAThread] public static void Main() { // Create an AutoReset EventWaitHandle. // ewh = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.AutoReset); // Create and start five numbered threads. Use the // ParameterizedThreadStart delegate, so the thread // number can be passed as an argument to the Start // method. for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) { Thread t = new Thread( new ParameterizedThreadStart(ThreadProc) ); t.Start(i); } // Wait until all the threads have started and blocked. // When multiple threads use a 64-bit value on a 32-bit // system, you must access the value through the // Interlocked class to guarantee thread safety. // while (Interlocked.Read(ref threadCount) < 5) { Thread.Sleep(500); } // Release one thread each time the user presses ENTER, // until all threads have been released. // while (Interlocked.Read(ref threadCount) > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to release a waiting thread."); Console.ReadLine(); // SignalAndWait signals the EventWaitHandle, which // releases exactly one thread before resetting, // because it was created with AutoReset mode. // SignalAndWait then blocks on clearCount, to // allow the signaled thread to decrement the count // before looping again. // WaitHandle.SignalAndWait(ewh, clearCount); } Console.WriteLine(); // Create a ManualReset EventWaitHandle. // ewh = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset); // Create and start five more numbered threads. // for(int i=0; i<=4; i++) { Thread t = new Thread( new ParameterizedThreadStart(ThreadProc) ); t.Start(i); } // Wait until all the threads have started and blocked. // while (Interlocked.Read(ref threadCount) < 5) { Thread.Sleep(500); } // Because the EventWaitHandle was created with // ManualReset mode, signaling it releases all the // waiting threads. // Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to release the waiting threads."); Console.ReadLine(); ewh.Set(); } public static void ThreadProc(object data) { int index = (int) data; Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} blocks.", data); // Increment the count of blocked threads. Interlocked.Increment(ref threadCount); // Wait on the EventWaitHandle. ewh.WaitOne(); Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} exits.", data); // Decrement the count of blocked threads. Interlocked.Decrement(ref threadCount); // After signaling ewh, the main thread blocks on // clearCount until the signaled thread has // decremented the count. Signal it now. // clearCount.Set(); } }
以上是.NET 同步與非同步 之 EventWaitHandle的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!