1. 靜態屬性
<?php class StaticExample { static public $aNum = 0; // 静态共有属性 static public function sayHello() { // 静态共有方法 print "hello"; } } print StaticExample::$aNum; StaticExample::sayHello(); ?>
輸出:0 hello
<?php class StaticExample { static public $aNum = 0; static public function sayHello() { // 这里的static 和 public的顺序可以颠倒 self::$aNum++; print "hello (".self::$aNum.")\n"; // self 指向当前类, $this指向当前对象。 } } StaticExample::sayHello(); StaticExample::sayHello(); StaticExample::sayHello(); ?>
hello (1) hello (2) hello (3)
點評:self 指向目前類別, this指向目前物件。 self可以呼叫目前類別的靜態屬性和方法。 this指向當前物件。 self可以呼叫目前類別的靜態屬性和方法。 this可以呼叫目前類別的正常屬性和方法。
3. 常數屬性
<?php class ShopProduct { const AVAILABLE = 0; // 只能用大写字母命名常量 const OUT_OF_STOCK = 1; public $status; } print ShopProduct::AVAILABLE; ?>
4. 介面
<?php interface Chargeable { // 接口,抽象类是介于基类与接口之间的东西 public function getPrice(); } class ShopProduct implements Chargeable { // ... protected $price; // ... public function getPrice() { return $this->price; } // ... } $product = new ShopProduct(); ?>
Fatal error: Class ShopProduct contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Chargeable::getPrice)
<?php class TimedService{ } interface Bookable{ } interface Chargeable{ } class Consultancy extends TimedService implements Bookable, Chargeable { // 继承类与接口 // ... } ?>
6. 抽象類別
#先來看一段程式碼<?php abstract class DomainObject { } class User extends DomainObject { public static function create() { return new User(); } } class Document extends DomainObject { public static function create() { return new Document(); } } $document = Document::create(); print_r( $document ); ?>
Document Object ( )
7. 靜態方法
<?php abstract class DomainObject { private $group; // 私有属性group public function construct() { $this->group = static::getGroup();//static 静态类 } public static function create() { return new static(); } static function getGroup() { // 静态方法 return "default"; } } class User extends DomainObject { } class Document extends DomainObject { static function getGroup() { // 改变了内容 return "document"; } } class SpreadSheet extends Document { // 继承之后,group也就与document相同了 } print_r(User::create()); print_r(SpreadSheet::create()); ?>
User Object ( [group:DomainObject:private] => default ) SpreadSheet Object ( [group:DomainObject:private] => document )
#7. final欄位
<?php final class Checkout { // 终止类的继承 // ... } class IllegalCheckout extends Checkout { // ... } $checkout = new Checkout(); ?>
Fatal error: Class IllegalCheckout may not inherit from final class (Checkout)#final方法不能夠被重寫
<?php class Checkout { final function totalize() { // calculate bill } } class IllegalCheckout extends Checkout { function totalize() { // 不能重写final方法 // change bill calculation } } $checkout = new Checkout(); ?>
Fatal error: Cannot override final method Checkout::totalize()<?php class Person { protected $name; private $age; private $id; function construct( $name, $age ) { $this->name = $name; $this->age = $age; } function setId( $id ) { $this->id = $id; } function destruct() { // 析构函数 if ( ! empty( $this->id ) ) { // save Person data print "saving person\n"; } if ( empty( $this->id ) ) { // save Person data print "do nothing\n"; } } } $person = new Person( "bob", 44 ); $person->setId( 343 ); $person->setId( '' ); // 最后执行析构函数,使用完之后执行 ?>
#do nothing
<?php class Person { private $name; private $age; private $id; function construct( $name, $age ) { $this->name = $name; $this->age = $age; } function setId( $id ) { $this->id = $id; } function clone() { // 克隆时候执行 $this->id = 0; } } $person = new Person( "bob", 44 ); $person->setId( 343 ); $person2 = clone $person; print_r( $person ); print_r( $person2 ); ?>
Person Object ( [name:Person:private] => bob [age:Person:private] => 44 [id:Person:private] => 343 ) Person Object ( [name:Person:private] => bob [age:Person:private] => 44 [id:Person:private] => 0 )
<?php class Account { // 账户类 public $balance; // 余额 function construct( $balance ) { $this->balance = $balance; } } class Person { private $name; private $age; private $id; public $account; function construct( $name, $age, Account $account ) { $this->name = $name; $this->age = $age; $this->account = $account; } function setId( $id ) { $this->id = $id; } function clone() { $this->id = 0; } } $person = new Person( "bob", 44, new Account( 200 ) ); // 以类对象作为参数 $person->setId( 343 ); $person2 = clone $person; // give $person some money $person->account->balance += 10; // $person2 sees the credit too print $person2->account->balance; // person的属性account也是一个类,他的属性balance的值是210 // output: // 210 ?>
10. toString<?php class Person { function getName() { return "Bob"; } function getAge() { return 44; } function toString() { $desc = $this->getName()." (age "; $desc .= $this->getAge().")"; return $desc; } } $person = new Person(); print $person; // 打印时候集中处理 // Bob (age 44) ?>