--选出价格区间的商品信息create procedure sp_goods_price@minprice float ,@maxprice floatas select * from goods where price>=@minprice and price <=@maxpricego
執行預存程序:execute sp_goods_price 200 2000
create procedure sp_goods_betw@minprice float =200,@maxprice float=3000as select * from goods where price>=@minprice and price <=@maxpricego
drop procedure sp_goods_price
sp_helptext procedureName sp_help procedureName
exec sp_rename oldName newName
<p style="margin-bottom: 7px;">create procedure #sp_goods_betw@minprice float ,@maxprice floatas select * from goods <br/>where price>=@minprice and price <=@maxpricego<br/></p>
create procedure ##sp_goods_betw@minprice float ,@maxprice floatas select * from goods where price>=@minprice and price <=@maxpricego
with recompile
as select * from goods where price>=@minprice and price <=@maxpricego
with enctyption
as select * from goods where price>=@minprice and price <=@maxpricego