雖然透過nginx accesslog可以記錄使用者存取某個介面或網頁所消耗的時間,但是不能清楚地追蹤到具體哪個位置或說函數慢,所以透過php-fpm慢日誌,slowlog設定可以讓我們很好的看見哪些php行程速度太慢而導致的網站問題
; The timeout for serving a single request after which a PHP backtrace will be ; dumped to the 'slowlog' file. A value of '0s' means 'off'. ; Available units: s(econds)(default), m(inutes), h(ours), or d(ays) ; Default Value: 0; request_slowlog_timeout = 0
當request_slowlog_timeout 設為一個具體秒時request_slowlog_timeout =1,表示如果哪個腳本執行時間大於1秒,會記錄這個腳本到慢日誌檔案中
request_slowlog_timeout =0表示關閉慢日誌輸出。
慢日誌檔案位置預設在php的安裝目錄下的log資料夾中,可以透過修改slowlog = log/$pool.log.slow參數來指定。
; The log file for slow requests ; Default Value: not set ; Note: slowlog is mandatory if request_slowlog_timeout is set ; slowlog = log/$pool.log.slow
[27-May-2016 13:20:37] NOTICE: child 16683 stopped for tracing [27-May-2016 13:20:37] NOTICE: about to trace 16683[27-May-2016 13:20:37] NOTICE: finished trace of 16683[27-May-2016 13:20:37] WARNING: [pool www] child 16720, script '/Data/webapps/test/public/index.php' (request: "POST /index.php/test/test/") executing too slow (1.204894 sec), logging
request_slowlog_timeout 和slowlog需要同時設置,開啟request_slowlog_timeout的同時需要開啟slowlog,慢日誌路徑需要手動建立
#具體開啟php- fpm慢日誌步驟:
cd /apps/phpvi /apps/php/etc/php-fpm.conf 去掉request_slowlog_timeout 、slowlog的前缀分号';',设置request_slowlog_timeout =1; :wq 保存退出 创建慢日志目录mkdir -p /apps/php/etc/log 重启php-fpmkillall php-fpm/apps/php/sbin/php-fpm