import threading def func1(a): #Do something print('Do something') a+=1 print(a) print('当前线程数为{}'.format(threading.activeCount())) if a>5: return t=threading.Timer(5,func1,(a,)) t.start()
#!/user/bin/env python #定时执行任务命令 import time,os,sched schedule = sched.scheduler(time.time,time.sleep) def perform_command(cmd,inc): os.system(cmd) print('task') def timming_exe(cmd,inc=60): schedule.enter(inc,0,perform_command,(cmd,inc)) schedule.run() print('show time after 2 seconds:') timming_exe('echo %time%',2)
#!/user/bin/env python import time,os,sched schedule = sched.scheduler(time.time,time.sleep) def perform_command(cmd,inc): #在inc秒后再次运行自己,即周期运行 schedule.enter(inc, 0, perform_command, (cmd, inc)) os.system(cmd) def timming_exe(cmd,inc=60): schedule.enter(inc,0,perform_command,(cmd,inc)) schedule.run()#持续运行,直到计划时间队列变成空为止 print('show time after 2 seconds:') timming_exe('echo %time%',2)
#!/user/bin/env python import time,os def re_exe(cmd,inc = 60): while True: os.system(cmd) time.sleep(inc) re_exe("echo %time%",5)
import threading ,time from time import sleep, ctime class Timer(threading.Thread): """ very simple but useless timer. """ def __init__(self, seconds): self.runTime = seconds threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): time.sleep(self.runTime) print ("Buzzzz!! Time's up!") class CountDownTimer(Timer): """ a timer that can counts down the seconds. """ def run(self): counter = self.runTime for sec in range(self.runTime): print (counter) time.sleep(1.0) counter -= 1 print ("Done") class CountDownExec(CountDownTimer): """ a timer that execute an action at the end of the timer run. """ def __init__(self, seconds, action, args=[]): self.args = args self.action = action CountDownTimer.__init__(self, seconds) def run(self): CountDownTimer.run(self) self.action(self.args) def myAction(args=[]): print ("Performing my action with args:") print (args) if __name__ == "__main__": t = CountDownExec(3, myAction, ["hello", "world"]) t.start() print("2333")
''' 使用sched模块实现的timer,sched模块不是循环的,一次调度被执行后就Over了,如果想再执行, 可以使用while循环的方式不停的调用该方法 ''' import time, sched #被调度触发的函数 def event_func(msg): print("Current Time:", time.strftime("%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), 'msg:', msg) def run_function(): #初始化sched模块的scheduler类 s = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep) #设置一个调度,因为time.sleep()的时间是一秒,所以timer的间隔时间就是sleep的时间,加上enter的第一个参数 s.enter(0, 2, event_func, ("Timer event.",)) s.run() def timer1(): while True: #sched模块不是循环的,一次调度被执行后就Over了,如果想再执行,可以使用while循环的方式不停的调用该方法 time.sleep(1) run_function() if __name__ == "__main__": timer1()