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1、 Android類別載入器





  • Service是在main Thread中執行,Service中不能執行耗時操作(網路請求,拷貝資料庫,大檔案)。
  • 可以在xml中設定Service所在的進程,讓Service在另外的進程中執行。
  • Service執行的操作最多是20s,BroadcastReceiver是10s,Activity是5s。
  • Activity透過bindService(Intent,ServiceConnection,flag)與Service綁定。
  • Activity可以透過startService和bindService啟動Service。


IntentService是一個抽象類,繼承自Service,內部存在一個ServiceHandler(Handler)和HandlerThread(Thread)。 IntentService是處理非同步請求的一個類,在IntentService中有一個工作執行緒(HandlerThread)來處理耗時操作,啟動IntentService的方式和普通的一樣,不過當執行完任務之後,IntentService會自動停止。另外可以多次啟動IntentService,每個耗時操作都會以工作佇列的形式在IntentService的onHandleIntent回呼中執行,並且每次執行一個工作執行緒。 IntentService的本質是:封裝了一個HandlerThread和Handler的非同步框架。


Service 作為 Android四大元件之一,應用非常廣泛。和Activity一樣,Service 也有一系列的生命週期回檔函數,具體如下圖。





onCreate: 執行startService方法時,如果Service沒有執行的時候會建立該Service並執行Service的onCreate回呼方法;如果Service已經處於執行中,那麼執行startService方法不會執行Service的onCreate方法。也就是說如果多次執行了Context的startService方法啟動Service,Service方法的onCreate方法只會在第一次建立Service的時候呼叫一次,以後都不會再呼叫。我們可以在onCreate方法中完成一些Service初始化相關的操作。


onStartCommand: 在執行了startService方法之後,有可能會呼叫Service的onCreate方法,在這之後一定會執行Service的onStartCommand回呼方法。也就是說,如果多次執行了Context的startService方法,那麼Service的onStartCommand方法也會對應的多次呼叫。 onStartCommand方法很重要,我們在該方法中根據傳入的Intent參數進行實際的操作,例如會在此處建立一個執行緒用於下載資料或播放音樂等。

public @StartResult int onStartCommand(Intent intent, @StartArgFlags int flags, int startId) {









Service中的onBind方法是抽象方法,所以Service類別本身就是抽象類,也就是onBind方法是必須重寫的,即使我們用不到。透過startService使用Service時,我們在重寫onBind方法時,只需要將其傳回null即可。 onBind方法主要用於給bindService方法呼叫Service時才會使用到。


onDestroy: 透過startService方法啟動的Service會無限期運行,只有當呼叫了Context的stopService或在Service內部呼叫stopSelf方法時,Service才會停止運行並銷毀,在銷毀的時候會執行Service回呼函數。





















  1. 创建待添加的fragment实例。
  2. 获取FragmentManager,在Activity中可以直接通过调用 getSupportFragmentManager()方法得到。
  3. 开启一个事务,通过调用beginTransaction()方法开启。
  4. 向容器内添加或替换fragment,一般使用repalce()方法实现,需要传入容器的id和待添加的fragment实例。
  5. 提交事务,调用commit()方法来完成。


















FragmentManager fragmentManager = getFragmentManager();

Fragment fragment = fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(tag);










一种是add方式来进行show和add,这种方式你切换fragment不会让fragment重新刷新,只会调用onHiddenChanged(boolean isHidden)。











在setUserVisibleHint( boolean isVisible)判斷是否顯示,設定isVisible=true

關於Android Fragment的懶加載,可以參考下面的連結:Fragment的懶加載


4.1、 Activity啟動流程

用戶從Launcher程式點擊應用程式圖示可啟動應用程式的入口Activity,Activity啟動時需要多個進程之間的交互,Android系統中有一個zygote進程專用於孵化Android框架層和應用程式層程式的進程。還有一個system_server進程,該進程裡運行了很多binder service。例如ActivityManagerService,PackageManagerService,WindowManagerService,這些binder service分別運行在不同的執行緒中,其中ActivityManagerService負責管理Activity堆疊,應用程式,task。






##Active/ Running:










When this method calls back, it means that the Activity is visible in the foreground and can interact with the user (in the Active/Running state mentioned earlier). The onResume method has two similarities with onStart. Everyone said that the Activity is visible, but when onStart is called back, the Activity is still in the background and cannot interact with the user, while onResume is already displayed in the foreground and can interact with the user. Of course, from the flow chart, we can also see that when the Activity stops (onPause method and onStop method are called), the onResume method will also be called when returning to the foreground, so we can also initialize some resources in the onResume method, such as re-initialization Resources released in the onPause or onStop method.


When this method is called back, it means that the Activity is stopping (Paused state). Under normal circumstances, the onStop method will be called back immediately. But through the flow chart, we can also see a situation where the onResume method is directly executed after the onPause method is executed. This is a relatively extreme phenomenon. This may be due to the user operation that caused the current Activity to retreat to the background and then quickly return to it. For the current Activity, the onResume method will be called back at this time. Of course, in the onPause method we can do some data storage or animation stopping or resource recycling operations, but it should not be too time-consuming, because this may affect the display of the new Activity - after the onPause method is executed, the onResume of the new Activity method will be executed.


Generally, it is executed directly after the onPause method is completed, indicating that the Activity is about to stop or is completely covered (Stopped state). At this time, the Activity is invisible and only runs in the background. Similarly, some resource release operations can be done in the onStop method (not too time-consuming).


Indicates that the Activity is being restarted. When the Activity changes from invisible to visible, this method is called back. This situation is generally when the user opens a new Activity, the current Activity will be suspended (onPause and onStop are executed), and then when the user returns to the current Activity page, the onRestart method will be called back.


At this time, the Activity is being destroyed, and it is also the last method to be executed in the life cycle. Generally, we can do some recycling work and final resource release in this method.


Here we come to a summary. When Activity starts, onCreate(), onStart(), onResume() will be called in sequence, and when Activity retreats to the background (invisible , click Home or be completely covered by a new Activity), onPause() and onStop() will be called in sequence. When the Activity returns to the foreground (returns to the original Activity from the desktop or returns to the original Activity after being overwritten), onRestart(), onStart(), and onResume() will be called in sequence. When the Activity exits and is destroyed (click the back button), onPause(), onStop(), and onDestroy() will be called in sequence. At this point, the entire life cycle method callback of the Activity is completed. Now let's look back at the previous flow chart, it should be quite clear. Well, this is the entire typical life cycle process of Activity.

2. View knowledge points

The relationship between Android’s Activity, PhoneWindow and DecorView can be represented by the following diagram:

2.1, DecorView in brief Analysis

For example, there is the following view. DecorView is the top-level View of the entire Window interface. It has only one child element, LinearLayout. Represents the entire Window interface, including the notification bar, title bar, and content display bar. There are two FrameLayout child elements in LinearLayout.

The role of DecorView

DecorView is a top-level View, which is essentially a FrameLayout. It contains two parts, the title bar and the content bar, both of which are FrameLayout. The content column id is content, which is the part of the activity where setContentView is set. Finally, the layout is added to the FrameLayout with the id of content.
Get content: ViewGroup content=findViewById(android.id.content)
Get the set View: getChildAt(0).

Usage summary

Each Activity contains a Window object, the Window object is usually implemented by PhoneWindow.
PhoneWindow: Set DecorView as the root View of the entire application window, which is the implementation class of Window. It is the most basic window system in Android. Each Activity creates a PhoneWindow object, which is the interface for interaction between Activity and the entire View system.
DecorView: It is the top-level view that presents the specific content to be displayed on PhoneWindow. DecorView is the ancestor of all Views in the current Activity. It does not present anything to the user.

2.2. View’s event distribution

View’s event distribution mechanism can be represented by the following figure:
As shown in the figure above, the figure is divided into 3 layers, from top to top Next are Activity, ViewGroup, and View.

  1. The event starts from the white arrow in the upper left corner and is distributed by Activity's dispatchTouchEvent
  2. The words above the arrow represent the method return value, (return true, return false, return super.xxxxx(), super
    means calling the parent class implementation.
  3. There is a word [true---->Consumption] in the boxes of dispatchTouchEvent and onTouchEvent, which means that if the method returns true, then it means The event is consumed here and will not be transmitted to other places. The event is terminated.
  4. Currently all the events of the graph are for ACTION_DOWN. We will do the final analysis for ACTION_MOVE and ACTION_UP.
  5. Before The dispatchTouchEvent of the Activity in the picture is wrong (the picture has been fixed). Only return
    super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev) goes down. If true or false is returned, the event will be consumed (termination of delivery).

ViewGroup event distribution

When a click event is generated, its delivery process will follow the following sequence:

Activity -> Window -> View

The event is always passed to the Activity, and then the Activity is passed to the Window, and finally the Window is passed to the top-level View. After receiving the event, the top-level View will distribute the event according to the event distribution mechanism. If a View's onTouchEvent returns FALSE , then the onTouchEvent of its parent container will be called, and so on. If none of them handle this event, then Activity will handle this event.

For the event distribution process of ViewGroup, it is probably like this : If the top-level ViewGroup interception event, that is, onInterceptTouchEvent, returns true, the event will be handed over to the ViewGroup for processing. If the ViewGroup's onTouchListener is set, then onTouch will be called, otherwise onTouchEvent will be called, that is to say: both If both are set, onTouch will block onTouchEvent. In onTouchEvent, if onClickerListener is set, then onClick will be called. If the top-level ViewGroup does not intercept it, the event will be passed to the child view of the click event where it is located. , at this time, the dispatchTouchEvent of the subview will be called

View's event distribution

dispatchTouchEvent -> onTouch(setOnTouchListener) -> onTouchEvent -> onClick

onTouch The difference between onTouchEvent
Both are called in dispatchTouchEvent. onTouch takes precedence over onTouchEvent. If onTouch returns true, then onTouchEvent will not be executed, and onClick will not be executed.

2.3. View drawing

In the xml layout file, our layout_width and layout_height parameters do not need to write specific sizes, but wrap_content or match_parent. These two settings do not specify the actual size, but the View we draw on the screen must have a specific width and height. It is for this reason that we must handle and set the size ourselves. Of course, the View class provides default processing, but if the default processing of the View class does not meet our requirements, we have to rewrite the onMeasure function~.

The onMeasure function is an int integer, which contains the measurement mode and size. Int type data occupies 32 bits, and what Google implements is that the first 2 bits of the int data are used to distinguish different layout modes, and the next 30 bits store size data.
The use of the onMeasure function is as shown below:
MeasureSpec has three measurement modes:

match_parent—>EXACTLY. How to understand it? match_parent is to use all the remaining space provided by the parent View, and the remaining space of the parent View is determined, which is the size stored in the integer of this measurement mode.

wrap_content—>AT_MOST. How to understand: We want to set the size to wrap our view content, then the size is the size given to us by the parent View as a reference. As long as it does not exceed this size, the specific size will be set according to our needs.

Fixed size (such as 100dp)—>EXACTLY. If the user specifies the size, we don't need to interfere anymore. Of course, the specified size will be the main one.


2.4. Drawing of ViewGroup

Customizing ViewGroup is not that simple~, because it not only needs to take care of itself , and its sub-Views must also be taken into consideration. We all know that ViewGroup is a View container, which holds the child View and is responsible for placing the child View in the specified location.

  1. First of all, we have to know the size of each sub-View. Only by knowing the size of the sub-View first can we know how big the current ViewGroup should be to accommodate them.

  2. Determine the size of the ViewGroup based on the size of the sub-View and the functions our ViewGroup wants to implement

  3. ViewGroup和子View的大小算出来了之后,接下来就是去摆放了吧,具体怎么去摆放呢?这得根据你定制的需求去摆放了,比如,你想让子View按照垂直顺序一个挨着一个放,或者是按照先后顺序一个叠一个去放,这是你自己决定的。

  4. 已经知道怎么去摆放还不行啊,决定了怎么摆放就是相当于把已有的空间”分割”成大大小小的空间,每个空间对应一个子View,我们接下来就是把子View对号入座了,把它们放进它们该放的地方去。






  1. 通过AAPT工具进行资源文件(包括AndroidManifest.xml、布局文件、各种xml资源等)的打包,生成R.java文件。
  2. 通过AIDL工具处理AIDL文件,生成相应的Java文件。
  3. 通过Javac工具编译项目源码,生成Class文件。
  4. 通过DX工具将所有的Class文件转换成DEX文件,该过程主要完成Java字节码转换成Dalvik字节码,压缩常量池以及清除冗余信息等工作。
  5. 通过ApkBuilder工具将资源文件、DEX文件打包生成APK文件。
  6. 利用KeyStore对生成的APK文件进行签名。
  7. 如果是正式版的APK,还会利用ZipAlign工具进行对齐处理,对齐的过程就是将APK文件中所有的资源文件举例文件的起始距离都偏移4字节的整数倍,这样通过内存映射访问APK文件的速度会更快。



Android apk的安装过程主要氛围以下几步:

  1. 复制APK到/data/app目录下,解压并扫描安装包。
  2. 资源管理器解析APK里的资源文件。
  3. 解析AndroidManifest文件,并在/data/data/目录下创建对应的应用数据目录。
  4. 然后对dex文件进行优化,并保存在dalvik-cache目录下。
  5. 将AndroidManifest文件解析出的四大组件信息注册到PackageManagerService中。
  6. 安装完成后,发送广播。


4、 第三方库解析






public interface NetApi {
    Call<ResponseBody> contributorsBySimpleGetCall(@Path("owner") String owner, @Path("repo") String repo);


Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()


NetApi repo = retrofit.create(NetApi.class);

retrofit2.Call<ResponseBody> call = repo.contributorsBySimpleGetCall("username", "path");
call.enqueue(new Callback<ResponseBody>() { //进行异步请求
    public void onResponse(Call<ResponseBody> call, Response<ResponseBody> response) {

    public void onFailure(Call<ResponseBody> call, Throwable t) {



Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()


public Retrofit build() {
  if (baseUrl == null) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Base URL required.");

  okhttp3.Call.Factory callFactory = this.callFactory;
  if (callFactory == null) {
    callFactory = new OkHttpClient(); //设置kHttpClient

  Executor callbackExecutor = this.callbackExecutor;
  if (callbackExecutor == null) {
    callbackExecutor = platform.defaultCallbackExecutor(); //设置默认回调执行器

  // Make a defensive copy of the adapters and add the default Call adapter.
  List<CallAdapter.Factory> adapterFactories = new ArrayList<>(this.adapterFactories);

  // Make a defensive copy of the converters.
  List<Converter.Factory> converterFactories = new ArrayList<>(this.converterFactories);

  return new Retrofit(callFactory, baseUrl, converterFactories, adapterFactories,
      callbackExecutor, validateEagerly); //返回新建的Retrofit对象


NetApi repo = retrofit.create(NetApi.class);


public <T> T create(final Class<T> service) {
  if (validateEagerly) {
  return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(service.getClassLoader(), new Class<?>[] { service },
      new InvocationHandler() {
        private final Platform platform = Platform.get();

        @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object... args)
            throws Throwable {
          // If the method is a method from Object then defer to normal invocation.
          if (method.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class) {
            return method.invoke(this, args); //直接调用该方法
          if (platform.isDefaultMethod(method)) {
            return platform.invokeDefaultMethod(method, service, proxy, args); //通过平台对象调用该方法
          ServiceMethod serviceMethod = loadServiceMethod(method); //获取ServiceMethod对象
          OkHttpCall okHttpCall = new OkHttpCall<>(serviceMethod, args); //传入参数生成okHttpCall对象
          return serviceMethod.callAdapter.adapt(okHttpCall); //执行okHttpCall







Picasso < Android-Universal-Image-Loader < Glide < Fresco

2. Introduction:

Picasso: It can work best together with Square's network library, because Picasso can choose to hand over the caching part of the network request to okhttp implementation.

Glide: It imitates Picasso's API and adds a lot of extensions (such as gif and other support). Glide's default Bitmap format is RGB_565, which has higher memory overhead than Picasso's default ARGB_8888 format. Half smaller; Picasso caches the full size (only caches one type), while Glide caches the same size as the ImageView (that is, 5656 and 128128 are two caches).

FB's image loading framework Fresco: The biggest advantage lies in bitmap loading below 5.0 (minimum 2.3). In systems below 5.0, Fresco places images in a special memory area (Ashmem area). Of course, when the picture is not displayed, the occupied memory will be automatically released. This will make the APP smoother and reduce OOM caused by image memory usage. Why is it said to be below 5.0? Because after 5.0, the system defaults to storing it in the Ashmem area.

3. Summary:

Glide can do all the functions that Picasso can achieve, but the required settings are different. However, the size of Picasso is much smaller than that of Glide. If the network request in the project itself uses okhttp or retrofit (the essence is still okhttp), then it is recommended to use Picasso, which will be much smaller (the work of Square family bucket). The advantage of Glide is large picture streams, such as GIF and Video. If you are making video applications such as Meipai and Aipai, it is recommended to use it.

Fresco's memory optimization below 5.0 is very good, but the price is that the volume is also very large. Fresco>Glide>Picasso

However, it is also somewhat inconvenient to use (small suggestion: he These functions can only be realized with a built-in ImageView, which is troublesome to use. We usually modify it according to Fresco and directly use his Bitmap layer)

4.3. Use of various json parsing libraries

Reference link: https://www.cnblogs.com/kunpengit/p/4001680.html

(1) Google’s Gson

Gson is currently the most comprehensive Json parser An artifact, Gson was originally developed by Google in response to Google's internal needs. However, since the first version was publicly released in May 2008, it has been used by many companies or users. The application of Gson mainly consists of two conversion functions: toJson and fromJson. It has no dependencies and does not require additional jars. It can run directly on the JDK. Before using this kind of object conversion, you need to create the object type and its members before you can successfully convert the JSON string into the corresponding object. As long as there are get and set methods in the class, Gson can completely convert complex types of json to beans or beans to json. It is an artifact of JSON parsing. Gson is impeccable in terms of functionality, but its performance is lagging behind FastJson.

(2) Alibaba’s FastJson

Fastjson is a high-performance JSON processor written in Java language, developed by Alibaba.

No dependencies, no need for extra jars, and can run directly on the JDK. FastJson will have some problems when converting complex types of beans to Json. Reference types may appear, causing Json conversion errors, and references need to be specified. FastJson uses an original algorithm to increase the speed of parse to the extreme, surpassing all json libraries.

To sum up the comparison of Json technology, Google's Gson and Alibaba's FastJson can be used in parallel when selecting projects. If it is just a functional requirement and no performance requirements, you can use Google's Gson. If you have performance requirements, you can use Gson to convert beans to json to ensure the accuracy of the data. Use FastJson to convert Json to beans

5. Hotspot technology

Reference link - Android componentization solution

5.1. Componentization

(1) Concept:

Componentization: It is to divide an APP into multiple modules. Each module is a component or a basic library. Component dependencies, some components can be debugged separately during development. The components do not need to depend on each other but can call each other. When finally released, all components are packaged into an apk in the form of lib by the main APP project dependency.

(2) Origin:

  1. APP version iteration, new functions are constantly added, the business becomes complex, and maintenance costs are high
  2. The business coupling is high, the code is bloated, and the team internal Difficulty in multi-person collaborative development
  3. Android compilation code is stuck, and the code coupling in a single project is serious. Modifying one part requires recompiling and packaging, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive.
  4. Convenient for unit testing, you can change one business module alone without focusing on other modules.

(3) Advantages:

  1. Componentization separates common modules and manages them uniformly to improve reuse and split the page into components with smaller granularity. The component contains UI implementation, and can also include data layer and logic layer
  2. Each component can be compiled independently, speeding up compilation, and packaged independently.
  3. Modifications within each project will not affect other projects.
  4. Business library projects can be quickly separated and integrated into other apps.
  5. Business modules with frequent iterations adopt a component approach. Business line research and development can not interfere with each other, improve collaboration efficiency, control product quality, and enhance stability.
  6. Parallel development, team members only focus on small modules developed by themselves, reducing coupling and facilitating later maintenance.

(4) Consideration issues:

Mode switching: How to make the APP freely switch between individual debugging and overall debugging

Each business module after componentization It can be a separate APP (isModuleRun=false). When releasing the package, each business module is used as a lib dependency. This is completely controlled by a variable. In the root project gradle.properties, isModuleRun=true. The isModuleRun status is different, and the loading application and AndroidManifest are different to distinguish whether it is an independent APK or a lib.

Configure in build.grade:


Resource conflict

How to resolve the same resources when we create multiple Modules Conflicts in file name merging. Duplicate names of business Module and BaseModule resource files will cause conflicts. The solution is:

Each module has app_name. In order to prevent duplicate resource names, in the build of each component. Add resourcePrefix "xxx_ to forcibly check the resource name prefix in gradle. Fix the resource prefix of each component. However, the resourcePrefix value can only limit the resources in xml, and cannot limit image resources.


How to reference some common libraries and tool classes between multiple Modules

Component communication

After componentization, Modules are isolated from each other, how to perform UI jumps and methods To call, you can use routing frameworks such as Alibaba ARouter or Meituan's WMRouter.

Each business module does not need any dependencies before and can be jumped through routing, perfectly solving the coupling between businesses.

Entry parameters

We know that components are related, so how to get the parameters passed by other Modules when debugging alone


When the component is alone When running, each Module forms its own APK, which means there will be multiple Applications. Obviously we don't want to write so much code repeatedly, so we only need to define one BaseApplication, and other Applications directly inherit this BaseApplication. That's OK. Public parameters can also be defined in BaseApplication.

Regarding how to implement componentization, you can refer to: Anjuke Android Project Architecture Evolution

5.2, Plug-inization

Reference link - Introduction to plug-in

(1) Overview

When it comes to plug-in, we have to mention the problem that the number of methods exceeds 65535. We can solve it through Dex subcontracting, and we can also Solved by using plug-in development. The concept of plug-in is for the host APP to load and run the plug-in APP.

(2 advantages)

In a large project, in order to have a clear division of labor , often different teams are responsible for different plug-in APPs, so the division of labor is clearer. Each module is encapsulated into different plug-in APKs, and different modules can be compiled separately, which improves development efficiency.
Solve the above problem of the number of methods exceeding the limit. Online bugs can be solved by launching new plug-ins to achieve a "hot fix" effect.
Reduced the size of the host APK.

(3 Disadvantages)

Apps developed as plug-ins cannot be launched on Google Play, which means there is no overseas market.

6. Screen adaptation

6.1. Basic concepts

Screen size

Meaning: The physical size unit of the diagonal of the mobile phone: inches (inch) , 1 inch = 2.54cm

The common sizes of Android phones are 5 inches, 5.5 inches, 6 inches, 6.5 inches, etc.

Screen resolution

Meaning: The phone is in The sum of the number of pixels in the horizontal and vertical directions

is generally described as the "width x height" =AxB of the screen. Meaning: The screen has A pixels in the horizontal direction (width), and in the vertical direction

(Height) has B pixels Example: 1080x1920, that is, there are 1080 pixels in the width direction and 1920 pixels in the height direction

Unit: px (pixel), 1px=1 pixel

UI designer’s design drawings will use px as a unified unit of measurement

Common resolutions for Android phones: 320x480, 480x800, 720x1280, 1080x1920

Screen pixel density

Meaning: Number of pixels per inch Unit: dpi (dots per ich)

Assuming there are 160 pixels per inch in the device, then the screen pixel density of the device =160dpi

6.2. Adaptation method

1. Support various screen sizes: Use wrap_content, match_parent, weight. To ensure the flexibility of the layout and adapt to various screen sizes, you should use "wrap_content", "match_parent" control the width and height of certain view components.

2. Use relative layout and disable absolute layout.

3. Use the weight attribute of LinearLayout

What if our width is not 0dp (wrap_content and 0dp have the same effect), but match_parent?

The true meaning of android:layout_weight is: If the View sets this attribute and it is valid, then the width of the View is equal to the original width (android:layout_width) plus the proportion of the remaining space.

From this perspective, let’s explain the above phenomenon. In the above code, we set the width of each Button to match_parent. Assuming the screen width is L, then the width of each Button should also be L, and the remaining width is equal to L-(L L) ​​= -L.

Button1’s weight=1, and the remaining width ratio is 1/(1 2)= 1/3, so the final width is L 1/3*(-L)=2/3L. The calculation of Button2 is similar , the final width is L 2/3(-L)=1/3L.

4. Use .9 pictures

6.3. Today’s Toutiao screen adaptation

Reference link: Today’s Toutiao screen adaptation solution ultimate version

7. Performance Optimization

Reference link: Android performance monitoring tool, methods to optimize memory, lag, power consumption, and APK size
Performance optimization of Android is mainly optimized from the following aspects:
Stable (memory overflow, crash)
Smooth (stuck)
Consumption (power consumption, traffic)
Installation package (APK slimming)
There are many reasons that affect stability, such as unreasonable memory usage , Inadequate consideration of code exception scenarios, unreasonable code logic, etc. will all affect the stability of the application. The two most common scenarios are: Crash and ANR. These two errors will make the program unusable. Therefore, do a good job in global monitoring of Crash, handle crashes, and collect and record crash information and exception information for subsequent analysis; rationally use the main thread to process business, and do not perform time-consuming operations in the main thread to prevent ANR programs from becoming unresponsive.

(1) Stability - Memory Optimization

(1) Memory Monitor tool:

It is a memory monitoring tool that comes with Android Studio. It can be used very well. Help us perform real-time analysis of memory. By clicking the Memory Monitor tab in the lower right corner of Android Studio and opening the tool, you can see that the lighter blue represents free memory, while the darker part represents the used memory. From the memory transformation trend chart, you can determine the memory usage status, for example When the memory continues to increase, memory leaks may occur; when the memory suddenly decreases, GC, etc. may occur, as shown in the figure below.

LeakCanary tool:
LeakCanary is an open source framework developed by Square based on MAT to monitor Android memory leaks. The working principle is:
The monitoring mechanism uses Java's WeakReference and ReferenceQueue. By packaging the Activity into WeakReference, if the Activity object wrapped by WeakReference is recycled, the WeakReference reference will be placed in the ReferenceQueue. Through monitoring The content in the ReferenceQueue can be used to check whether the Activity can be recycled (it is stated in the ReferenceQueue that it can be recycled, and there is no leak; otherwise, there may be a leak. LeakCanary executes GC once. If it is not in the ReferenceQueue, it will be considered a leak. ).

If the Activity is determined to be leaked, grab the memory dump file (Debug.dumpHprofData); then analyze the memory file through HeapAnalyzerService.runAnalysis; then analyze the memory through HeapAnalyzer (checkForLeak—findLeakingReference—findLeakTrace) Leak analysis. Finally, the memory leak is displayed through DisplayLeakService.

(3) Android Lint Tool:

Android Lint Tool is an Android code prompt tool integrated with Android Sutido. It can provide very powerful help for your layout and code. Hard coding will prompt a level warning. For example: writing three redundant LinearLayout layouts in the layout file, writing the text to be displayed directly in TextView, and using dp instead of sp as the unit for the font size will appear on the right side of the editor. See the prompt.

(2) Smoothness - Stuttering Optimization

Stuttering scenarios usually occur in the most direct aspects of user interaction experience. The two major factors that affect lag are interface drawing and data processing.

Interface drawing: The main reason is that the drawing level is deep, the page is complex, and the refresh is unreasonable. Due to these reasons, stuck scenes more often appear in the UI, the initial interface after startup, and the drawing that jumps to the page. superior.

Data processing: The reason for this lagging scenario is that the amount of data processing is too large, which is generally divided into three situations. One is that the data is processed in the UI thread, and the other is that the data processing takes up a lot of CPU, causing the main thread to The time slice cannot be obtained. Third, the increase in memory leads to frequent GC, which causes lags.

(1) Layout optimization

When the Android system measures, layouts and draws Views, it operates by traversing the number of Views. If the height of a View number is too high, it will seriously affect the speed of measurement, layout and drawing. Google also recommends in its API documentation that the View height should not exceed 10 layers. In the current version, Google uses RelativeLayout instead of LineraLayout as the default root layout. The purpose is to reduce the height of the layout tree generated by LineraLayout nesting, thereby improving the efficiency of UI rendering.

Layout reuse, use labels to reuse layout;
Increase display speed, use delayed View loading;
Reduce levels, use labels to replace parent layout;
Note that using wrap_content will increase measure Calculate cost;
Delete useless attributes in controls;

(2)Drawing optimization

Overdrawing means that a certain pixel on the screen is drawn too many times in the same frame. Second-rate. In a multi-level overlapping UI structure, if the invisible UI is also performing drawing operations, it will cause certain pixel areas to be drawn multiple times, thus wasting redundant CPU and GPU resources. How to avoid overdrawing?

Layout optimization. Remove unnecessary backgrounds in XML, remove Window's default background, and display placeholder background images on demand

Customized View optimization. Use canvas.clipRect() to help the system identify those visible areas, and only within this area will be drawn.

(3) Startup optimization

Apps generally have a splash screen page SplashActivity, which optimizes the UI layout of the splash screen page and can detect frame loss through Profile GPU Rendering.

(3) Savings - Power Consumption Optimization

Before Android 5.0, the test of application power consumption was troublesome and inaccurate. After 5.0, Google specially introduced a device to obtain API for power consumption information——Battery Historian. Battery Historian is an Android system power analysis tool provided by Google. It visually displays the power consumption process of the mobile phone and displays the consumption situation by inputting the power analysis file.

Finally, some methods for power consumption optimization are provided for reference:

(1) Calculation optimization. Algorithm, for loop optimization, Switch...case instead of if...else, avoiding floating point operations.

Floating point arithmetic: In computers, integers and decimals are stored in normal formats, such as 1024, 3.1415926, etc. This has no characteristics, but the accuracy of such numbers is not high, and the expression is not comprehensive enough. In order to be able to have A universal representation of numbers, floating point numbers were invented. The representation of floating point numbers is a bit like scientific notation (.×10***), its representation is 0.*****×10, the form in the computer is .*** e ±**), where the first asterisk represents a fixed-point decimal, that is, a pure decimal with the integer part being 0, and the following The exponent part of is a fixed-point integer. Any integer or decimal can be expressed using this form. For example, 1024 can be expressed as 0.1024×10^4, which is .1024e 004, and 3.1415926 can be expressed as 0.31415926×10^1, which is .31415926e 001. This It's a floating point number. The operations performed on floating point numbers are floating point operations. Floating-point operations are more complex than regular operations, so computers perform floating-point operations much slower than regular operations.

(2) Avoid improper use of Wake Lock.

Wake Lock is a lock mechanism, mainly relative to the sleep of the system. As long as someone holds this lock, the system cannot enter sleep. This means that my program has added this lock to the CPU. The system will not sleep. The purpose of this is to fully cooperate with the operation of our program. In some cases, if you do not do this, some problems will occur. For example, heartbeat packets for instant messaging such as WeChat will stop network access shortly after the screen is turned off. Therefore, Wake_Lock is used extensively in WeChat. In order to save power, the system automatically goes to sleep when the CPU is not busy with tasks. When there is a task that needs to wake up the CPU for efficient execution, a Wake_Lock will be added to the CPU. A common mistake everyone makes is that it is easy to wake up the CPU to work, but it is easy to forget to release Wake_Lock.

(3) Use Job Scheduler to manage background tasks.

In Android 5.0 API 21, Google provides a component called JobScheduler API to handle the scenario of executing a task at a certain point in time or when a specific condition is met, such as when the user performs a task at night When resting or when the device is connected to the power adapter and connected to WiFi, it starts the task of downloading updates. This can improve application efficiency while reducing resource consumption.

(4) Installation package - APK slimming

(1) Structure of the installation package

assets folder. To store some configuration files and resource files, assets will not automatically generate corresponding IDs, but will obtain them through the interface of the AssetManager class.

res. res is the abbreviation of resource. This directory stores resource files. The corresponding ID will be automatically generated and mapped to the .R file. Use the resource ID directly for access.

META-INF. Save the application's signature information, which can verify the integrity of the APK file.

AndroidManifest.xml. This file is used to describe the configuration information of the Android application, the registration information of some components, usable permissions, etc.

classes.dex. Dalvik bytecode program makes the Dalvik virtual machine executable. Generally, Android applications use the dx tool in the Android SDK to convert Java bytecode into Dalvik bytecode when packaging.

resources.arsc. It records the mapping relationship between resource files and resource IDs, and is used to find resources based on resource IDs.

(2) Reduce the installation package size

Code obfuscation. Use the proGuard code obfuscator tool that comes with the IDE, which includes compression, optimization, obfuscation and other functions.
Resource optimization. For example, use Android Lint to delete redundant resources, minimize resource files, etc.
Image optimization. For example, use PNG optimization tools to compress images. Recommend the most advanced compression tool Googlek open source library zopfli. If the application is version 0 or above, it is recommended to use the WebP image format.
Avoid third-party libraries with duplicate or useless functionality. For example, Baidu Maps can be connected to the basic map, iFlytek Voice does not need to be connected offline, the picture library Glide\Picasso, etc.
Plug-in development. For example, functional modules are placed on the server and downloaded on demand, which can reduce the size of the installation package.
You can use the WeChat open source resource file obfuscation tool-AndResGuard. Generally, the apk size can be compressed to about 1M.

7.1. Cold start and warm start

Reference link: https://www.jianshu.com/p/03c0fd3fc245

Cold start
When starting the application, there is no process for the application in the system. At this time, the system will create a new process and assign it to the application;

Hot start
When starting the application , there is already a process of the application in the system (for example: press the back key or home key, although the application will exit, the process of the application will still remain in the background);

Cold start: The system does not have a process for the application, and a new process needs to be created and assigned to the application, so the Application class will be created and initialized first, then the MainActivity class (including a series of measurements, layout, and drawing) will be created and initialized, and finally displayed on the interface. Hot start: Start from an existing process. The Application class will not be created and initialized. The MainActivity class will be created and initialized directly (including a series of measurements, layout, and drawing), and finally displayed on the interface.

Cold start process
Fork creates a new process in the Zygote process; creates and initializes the Application class, creates MainActivity; inflate layout, when onCreate/onStart/onResume methods are all gone Finished; contentView's measure/layout/draw is displayed on the interface.

Cold start optimization
Reduce the workload in the onCreate() method of Application and the first Activity; Do not let Application participate in business operations; Do not perform time-consuming operations in Application ; Do not save data in Application in the form of static variables; Reduce the complexity and depth of the layout;

8. MVP pattern architecture

8.1. MVP pattern

MVP architecture Developed from MVC. In MVP, M stands for Model, V stands for View, and P stands for Presenter.

Model layer (Model): Mainly used to obtain data functions, business logic and entity models.

View layer (View): corresponds to Activity or Fragment, responsible for partial display of the view and business logic user interaction

Control layer (Presenter): responsible for completing the interaction between the View layer and the Model layer , obtain the data in the M layer through the P layer and return it to the V layer, so that there is no coupling between the V layer and the M layer.

In MVP, the Presenter layer completely separates the View layer and the Model layer, and implements the main program logic in the Presenter layer. The Presenter is not directly related to the specific View layer (Activity), but is implemented through Define an interface for interaction, so that when the View layer (Activity) changes, the Presenter can still remain unchanged. The View layer interface class should only have set/get methods, and some interface display content and user input. In addition, there should be no redundant content. The View layer is never allowed to directly access the Model layer. This is the biggest difference from MVC and the core advantage of MVP.

9. Virtual machine

9.1. Comparison between Android Dalvik virtual machine and ART virtual machine


Android4.4 and earlier use Dalvik Virtual machine, we know that during the packaging process, Apk will first compile java and other source codes into .class files through javac, but our Dalvik virtual machine will only execute .dex files. At this time, dx will convert the .class files into Dalvik virtual machines. .dex file for machine execution. When the Dalvik virtual machine starts, it will first convert the .dex file into a fast-running machine code. Because of the problem of 65535, we have a co-packaging process when the application is cold-started. The final result is our The app starts slowly. This is the JIT feature (Just In Time) of the Dalvik virtual machine.


The ART virtual machine is an Android virtual machine that was only started to be used in Android 5.0. The ART virtual machine must be compatible with the characteristics of the Dalvik virtual machine, but ART has a very good feature AOT (ahead of time), this feature is that when we install the APK, we directly process dex into machine code that can be directly used by the ART virtual machine. The ART virtual machine converts the .dex file into an .oat file that can be directly run. ART The virtual machine inherently supports multiple dexes, so there is no synchronization process, so the ART virtual machine greatly improves the APP cold start speed.

ART advantages:

Speed ​​up APP cold start speed

Improve GC speed






关于ART更详细的介绍,可以参考Android ART详解



熟悉Android APP架构设计,模块化、组件化、插件化开发







类加载器包括 BootClassLoader、ExtClassLoader、APPClassLoader







范例:Person person = new Person();为例进行说明。


  1. 找到class文件,将它加载到内存
  2. 在堆内存中分配内存地址
  3. 初始化
  4. 将堆内存地址指给栈内存中的p变量




StringBuilder > StringBuffer > String


  1. 创建一个新对象,名字和原来的一样
  2. 在新对象上面进行修改
  3. 原对象被垃圾回收掉





  • 方法区:用于存储类结构信息的地方,包括常量池、静态变量、构造函数等。
  • Java堆(heap):存储Java实例或者对象的地方。这块是gc的主要区域。
  • Java栈(stack):Java栈总是和线程关联的,每当创建一个线程时,JVM就会为这个线程创建一个对应的Java栈。在这个java栈中又会包含多个栈帧,每运行一个方法就创建一个栈帧,用于存储局部变量表、操作栈、方法返回值等。每一个方法从调用直至执行完成的过程,就对应一个栈帧在java栈中入栈到出栈的过程。所以java栈是线程私有的。
  • 程序计数器:用于保存当前线程执行的内存地址,由于JVM是多线程执行的,所以为了保证线程切换回来后还能恢复到原先状态,就需要一个独立的计数器,记录之前中断的地方,可见程序计数器也是线程私有的。
  • 本地方法栈:和Java栈的作用差不多,只不过是为JVM使用到的native方法服务的。





  1. 检测出垃圾;
  2. 回收垃圾;

4.1 Java对象引用


Object obj = new Object();


Object obj = new Object();
SoftReference<Object> softReference = new SoftReference<>(obj);


Object obj = new Object();
WeakReference<Object> weakReference = new WeakReference<>(obj);


Object obj = new Object();
ReferenceQueue<Object> referenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue<>();
PhantomReference<Object> phantomReference = new PhantomReference<>(obj, referenceQueue);










现在商业虚拟机采用这种算法回收新生代,但不是按1:1的比例,而是将内存区域划分为eden 空间、from 空间、to 空间 3 个部分。
其中 from 空间和 to 空间可以视为用于复制的两块大小相同、地位相等,且可进行角色互换的空间块。from 和 to 空间也称为 survivor 空间,即幸存者空间,用于存放未被回收的对象。

在垃圾回收时,eden 空间中的存活对象会被复制到未使用的 survivor 空间中 (假设是 to),正在使用的 survivor 空间 (假设是 from) 中的年轻对象也会被复制到 to 空间中 (大对象,或者老年对象会直接进入老年带,如果 to 空间已满,则对象也会直接进入老年代)。此时,eden 空间和 from 空间中的剩余对象就是垃圾对象,可以直接清空,to 空间则存放此次回收后的存活对象。这种改进的复制算法既保证了空间的连续性,又避免了大量的内存空间浪费。











每个ClassLoader实例都有一个父类加载器的引用(不是继承关系,是一个包含的关系),虚拟机内置的类加载器(Bootstrap ClassLoader)本身没有父类加载器,但是可以用做其他ClassLoader实例的父类加载器。

当一个ClassLoader 实例需要加载某个类时,它会试图在亲自搜索这个类之前先把这个任务委托给它的父类加载器,这个过程是由上而下依次检查的,首先由顶层的类加载器Bootstrap CLassLoader进行加载,如果没有加载到,则把任务转交给Extension CLassLoader视图加载,如果也没有找到,则转交给AppCLassLoader进行加载,还是没有的话,则交给委托的发起者,由它到指定的文件系统或者网络等URL中进行加载类。还没有找到的话,则会抛出CLassNotFoundException异常。否则将这个类生成一个类的定义,并将它加载到内存中,最后返回这个类在内存中的Class实例对象。

5.2、 为什么使用双亲委托模型


考虑安全因素,假设自定义一个String类,除非改变JDK中CLassLoader的搜索类的默认算法,否则用户自定义的CLassLoader如法加载一个自己写的String类,因为String类在启动时就被引导类加载器Bootstrap CLassLoader加载了。

关于Android的双亲委托机制,可以参考android classloader双亲委托模式



Collection接口是集合类的根接口,Java中没有提供这个接口的直接的实现类。但是却让其被继承产生了两个接口,就是 Set和List。Set中不能包含重复的元素。List是一个有序的集合,可以包含重复的元素,提供了按索引访问的方式。



List特点:元素有放入顺序,元素可重复; Set特点:元素无放入顺序,元素不可重复,重复元素会覆盖掉,(注意:元素虽然无放入顺序,但是元素在set中的位置是有该元素的HashCode决定的,其位置其实是固定的,加入Set 的Object必须定义equals()方法;





public boolean add(E e) {
return map.put(e, PRESENT)==null;

// Dummy value to associate with an Object in the backing Map
private static final Object PRESENT = new Object();


  • 如果hash码值不相同,说明是一个新元素,存;
  • 如果hash码值相同,且equles判断相等,说明元素已经存在,不存;
  • 如果hash码值相同,且equles判断不相等,说明元素不存在,存;
  • 如果有元素和传入对象的hash值相等,那么,继续进行equles()判断,如果仍然相等,那么就认为传入元素已经存在,不再添加,结束,否则仍然添加;


  • HashSet是基于Hash算法实现的,其性能通常都优于TreeSet。为快速查找而设计的Set,我们通常都应该使用HashSet,在我们需要排序的功能时,我们才使用TreeSet。
  • TreeSet 是二叉树(红黑树的树据结构)实现的,Treeset中的数据是自动排好序的,不允许放入null值
  • HashSet是哈希表实现的,HashSet中的数据是无序的,可以放入null,但只能放入一个null,两者中的值都不能重复,就如数据库中唯一约束。
  • HashSet是基于Hash算法实现的,其性能通常都优于TreeSet。为快速查找而设计的Set,我们通常都应该使用HashSet,在我们需要排序的功能时,我们才使用TreeSet。


HashMap 非线程安全,基于哈希表(散列表)实现。使用HashMap要求添加的键类明确定义了hashCode()和equals()[可以重写hashCode()和equals()],为了优化HashMap空间的使用,您可以调优初始容量和负载因子。其中散列表的冲突处理主要分两种,一种是开放定址法,另一种是链表法。HashMap的实现中采用的是链表法。

7、 常量池



public int hashCode() {
return Integer.hashCode(value);




泛型是Java SE 1.5的新特性,泛型的本质是参数化类型,也就是说所操作的数据类型被指定为一个参数。这种参数类型可以用在类、接口和方法的创建中,分别称为泛型类、泛型接口、泛型方法。 Java语言引入泛型的好处是安全简单。


它提供了编译期的类型安全,确保你只能把正确类型的对象放入 集合中,避免了在运行时出现ClassCastException。


  • 泛型的类型参数只能是类类型(包括自定义类),不能是简单类型。
  • 同一种泛型可以对应多个版本(因为参数类型是不确定的),不同版本的泛型类实例是不兼容的。
  • 泛型的类型参数可以有多个。
  • 泛型的参数类型可以使用extends语句,例如。习惯上称为“有界类型”。
  • 泛型的参数类型还可以是通配符类型。例如Class> classType =

8.1 T泛型和通配符泛型

  • ? 表示不确定的java类型。
  • T  表示java类型。
  • K V 分别代表java键值中的Key Value。
  • E 代表Element。

8.2 泛型擦除


泛型是通过类型擦除来实现的,编译器在编译时擦除了所有类型相关的信息,所以在运行时不存在任何类型相关的信息。例如 List在运行时仅用一个List来表示。这样做的目的,是确保能和Java 5之前的版本开发二进制类库进行兼容。你无法在运行时访问到类型参数,因为编译器已经把泛型类型转换成了原始类型。

8.3 限定通配符


One is extends T> which sets the upper bound of the type by ensuring that the type must be a subclass of T.
The other is super T> which sets the upper bound of the type by ensuring that the type must be a subclass of T. parent class to set the lower bound of the type.
On the other hand, > represents an unqualified wildcard character, because > can be replaced by any type.
For example, List extends Number> can accept List or List.

8.4 Generics Interview Questions

Can you pass a List to a method that accepts a List parameter?

For anyone who is not familiar with generics, this Java generics question may seem confusing, because at first glance String is a kind of Object, so List should be used wherever List is needed. ,But that is not the case. Doing so will cause compilation errors. If you think about it further, you will find that it makes sense for Java to do this, because List can store any type of object including String, Integer, etc., but List can only be used to store Strings.

Can generics be used in Array?

Array actually does not support generics, which is why Joshua Bloch suggested using List instead of Array in the book Effective Java, because List can Provides compile-time type safety guarantees, while Array does not.

What is the difference between List and primitive type List in Java?

The main difference between primitive types and parameterized types is that the compiler does not perform type safety on primitive types at compile time Check, but the type with parameters will be checked. By using Object as the type, you can tell the compiler that the method can accept any type of object, such as String or Integer. The test point of this question lies in the correct understanding of primitive types in generics. The second difference between them is that you can pass any type with parameters to the primitive type List, but you cannot pass a List to a method that accepts a List, because a compilation error will occur.

List> is a List of unknown type, and List is actually a List of any type. You can assign List, List to List>, but you cannot assign List to List.

9. Reflection

9.1. Concept

The JAVA reflection mechanism is that in the running state, for any class, all properties and methods of the class can be known; for Any object can call any of its methods; this dynamic acquisition of information and the function of dynamically calling the object's methods are called the reflection mechanism of the Java language.

9.2. Function

The Java reflection mechanism mainly provides the following functions: Determine the class to which any object belongs at runtime; Construct an object of any class at runtime; Determine any class at runtime; Member variables and methods owned by a class; calling methods of any object at runtime; generating dynamic proxies.

10. Agent

You must be very familiar with the word agent, because you have come into contact with it a lot in reality. In fact, things in reality can reflect the abstract process of the pattern very vividly and intuitively. Nature. Isn't the house very noisy now? Let’s take a house as an example to remove the veil of agency.

Suppose you have a house to sell. One way is to post the sale information directly online, and then directly take the people who want to buy the house to see the house, transfer the ownership, etc. until the house is sold, but it may be difficult for you to do so. If you are busy, you don't have time to deal with these things, so you can go to an intermediary and let the intermediary help you handle these trivial things. The intermediary is actually your agent. It was originally something you had to do, but now the intermediary helps you handle it one by one. For the buyer, there is no difference between direct transactions with you and direct transactions with the intermediary. The buyer may not even be aware of your existence. This is actually a part of the agency. Maximum benefit.

Next let’s consider in depth why you don’t buy a house directly but need an agent? In fact, one question exactly answers the question of when to use the proxy mode.

Reason 1: You may work out of town, and house buyers cannot find you for direct transactions.

Corresponds to our program design: the client cannot directly operate the actual object. So why can't it be done directly? One situation is that the object you need to call is on another machine, and you need to access it across the network. If you call it directly by coding, you need to process the network connection, package, unpack and other very complicated steps, so In order to simplify the processing of the client, we use the proxy mode to establish a proxy for the remote object on the client. The client calls the proxy just like calling the local object, and then the proxy contacts the actual object. For the client, there may be no It feels like the thing being called is on the other end of the network. This is actually how Web Service works. In another case, although the object you want to call is local, because the call is very time-consuming, you are afraid of affecting your normal operations, so you specially find an agent to handle this time-consuming situation. One of the easiest to understand is in Word There is a large picture installed. When word is opened, we must load the content inside and open it together. However, if the user waits until the large picture is loaded before opening Word, the user may have already jumped in the waiting, so we can Set up a proxy and let the proxy slowly open the image without affecting the original opening function of Word. Let me clarify that I just guessed that Word might do this. I don’t know exactly how it is done.

Reason 2: You don’t know how to go through the transfer procedures, or in addition to what you can do now, you need to do other things to achieve your goal.

Corresponds to our program design: in addition to the functions that the current class can provide, we also need to add some other functions. The easiest situation to think of is permission filtering. I have a class that does a certain business, but due to security reasons only certain users can call this class. At this time, we can make a proxy class of this class, requiring all requests to pass through This proxy class will make permission judgment. If it is safe, the business of the actual class will be called to start processing. Some people may ask why I need to add an additional proxy class? I just need to add permission filtering to the method of the original class, right? In programming, there is a problem of the unity principle of classes. This principle is very simple, that is, the function of each class is as single as possible. Why should it be single? Because only a class with a single function will be least likely to be changed. Take the example just now, if you put the permission judgment in the current class, the current class must be responsible for its own business logic, Also responsible for permission judgment, there are two reasons for the change of this class. Now if the permission rules change, this class must be changed. Obviously this is not a good design.

Okay, I’ve pretty much talked about the principles. If I continue to talk about it endlessly, everyone may throw bricks. Haha, let’s see how to implement agency next.

Data structure and algorithm


http://crazyandcoder.tech/2016 /09/14/android algorithm and data structure - sorting/

1. Sorting

Sorting has internal sorting and external sorting. Internal sorting is to sort data records in memory, while external sorting This is because the sorted data is very large and cannot accommodate all the sorted records at one time. During the sorting process, external memory needs to be accessed.

1.1. Direct insertion sort


Sort the first number and the second number, and then form an ordered sequence
Sort the third number The numbers are inserted into it to form a new ordered sequence.
Repeat the second step for the fourth number, the fifth number... until the last number.

First set the number of insertions, that is, the number of loops, for (int i=1;iSet the number of insertions and the number of digits to get the last number in the sequence. insertNum and j=i-1.

2. Design patterns

Reference: Some design patterns in Android development

2.1. Singleton design pattern

Single cases are mainly divided into: lazy people Type singleton, Hungry style singleton, registered singleton.


  1. The singleton class has only one instance
  2. The singleton class must create its own unique instance
  3. The singleton class must give All other objects provide this instance.

In computer systems, thread pools, caches, log objects, dialog boxes, printers, etc. are often designed as singletons.

Lazy singleton:

Singleton avoids the class from being instantiated externally by limiting the construction method to private. Within the scope of the same virtual machine, the only instance of Singleton can only pass the getInstance() method. access. (In fact, it is possible to instantiate classes with private constructors through the Java reflection mechanism, which will basically invalidate all Java singleton implementations.
It is thread-unsafe and concurrent It is very likely that there will be multiple Singleton instances. To achieve thread safety, there are the following three ways:
1. Add synchronization to the getInstance method
2. Double check locking
3. Static inner class
Compared with the first two methods, this method not only achieves thread safety, but also avoids the performance impact caused by synchronization.

Hungry Han style singleton:

Hungry Han style has already created a static object for system use when creating the class, and it will not change in the future, so it is inherently system safe.

