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內容管理系統 (CMS) 是用於建立和管理數位內容的軟體應用程式或一組相關程式。多年來,重點一直放在 WordPress 或 Drupal 等傳統 CMS。然而,許多後端和前端開發人員正在轉向更現代的解決方案,即無頭 CMS。

這種所謂的「無頭 CMS」將後端(內容創建和管理)和資料庫與前端和表示層分開。這意味著 CMS 可用於支援任何類型的前端應用程序,最終提供更大的靈活性和可擴展性。

在這篇文章中,我們將全面概述無頭 CMS。討論它的起源、好處、它解決的問題以及常見的實現。

1.什麼是無頭 CMS?

無頭 CMS 是一種後端 CMS,可讓您輕鬆管理和儲存內容,而無需前端網站。這意味著您可以使用任何平台或裝置來存取和編輯您的內容,而不必擔心其呈現方式。

要完全理解什麼是無頭 CMS,首先要了解它的起源。那麼讓我們來看看傳統的CMS架構以及它是如何演進的。

2.Headless CMS 與傳統CMS 有何不同

傳統的CMS,也稱為「耦合」CMS,最初是在開發初期開始的。它們由流行的平台(如 WordPress 和 Drupal)代表,作為儲存和顯示各種類型內容(如文字和圖像)的一種方式。

使用傳統的 CMS,所有元素都在一個地方,包括 HTML、CSS、文字、圖像等。它使用 Web 框架來組織網站內容並將前端與後端連接。

2.1 傳統CMS 的主要特點:

  • #內部託管和交付

  • ##支援有限的同時設備

  • 單體後端系統

  • #預定更新

傳統CMS 有許多好處。例如,它從單一系統為整個網站提供服務,從而輕鬆管理內容。它還允許開發人員透過模板和主題來控制網站的設計。

然而,隨著 Web 開發的進步和變得更加複雜,我們對可擴展和靈活的解決方案的需求也在增加。例如,許多開發人員希望創建可以在網站以外的裝置上提供的內容。這就是無頭 CMS 的用武之地。

無頭內容管理系統是一種解耦的 CMS。解耦 CMS 是儲存和管理內容但不在前端網站上呈現內容的後端系統。這意味著它們可以與任何受支援的前端系統一起使用,無論是傳統網站、行動應用程序,甚至是語​​音助理。

2.2 無頭CMS 的主要特點

  • #雲端託管和交付

  • 無限支援的裝置

  • 微服務後端系統

#無頭CMS 和傳統CMS之間的主要區別在於,無頭CMS 沒有用於在前端呈現內容的內建模板系統。這意味著您需要使用單獨的前端系統來呈現來自無頭 CMS 的內容。此外,無頭架構通常比傳統架構更具可擴展性,因為它可以與多個伺服器和裝置一起使用。

3.無頭 CMS 的工作原理

#無頭 CMS 將您的內容儲存在基於雲端的資料庫中。然後可以透過應用程式介面 (API) 存取此內容,該 API 可用於在任何類型的裝置或平台上呈現內容。

內容儲存庫,稱為“body”,與“head”(也稱為表示層)解耦。這就是為什麼它被稱為無頭 CMS。表示層與正文(內容)分離。

無頭基礎架構建立了一個自訂框架,用於組織您的內容類型以及它們如何相互關聯。這包括分解單個元素。換句話說,您不會像使用傳統 CMS 那樣使用預編程模型。

要使用無頭 CMS,您首先需要在後端系統中建立內容。這可以使用多種方法來完成,例如所見即所得 (WYSIWYG) 編輯器、markdown,甚至直接透過 API。創建內容後,會將其儲存在基於雲端的資料庫中。

要注意的是,無頭 CMS 不會直接連接到網站的前端。它只處理內容。然後透過 API 發佈內容。

當您想在您的網站或應用程式上顯示此內容時,您只需向 API 發送請求,該 API 將從資料庫中返回內容。然後,前端系統將使用 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript 等各種方法呈現此內容。

4.使用無頭 CMS 的好處

#大型公司正在使用無頭 CMS 來管理他們的內容。然而,小型企業也發現使用無頭方法的好處。

Headless CMS is ideal for businesses that want to create a dynamic and responsive website or that want to be able to easily update their content without having to rely on a web developer. It also gives you the freedom to choose any platform or device to access your content, making it versatile. There are many other benefits to using a headless CMS solution. Let's take a look at some of them.

4.1 You can use any supported front-end system

With a headless CMS, you are not tied to a specific platform. Instead, your content is easily accessible through APIs, making it easy to use with multiple types of devices or platforms.

Serving via API means you can choose your front-end system. Developers can also use PHP via JavaScript or Ruby (and vice versa). Switching frameworks on the frontend does not affect the CMS on the backend.

4.2 You can easily change your website or application

Headless CMS allows you to easily change your website or application. You can edit your content without focusing on the code.

Content Infrastructure eliminates the need for redundant copy and paste as it unifies all your content in one place. You can change images or text from this centralized center and the changes will automatically be applied wherever it goes.

Headless CMS also helps teams collaborate because it replaces the traditional waterfall development process with an agile framework. Additionally, it helps you reuse your content and make it accessible on different platforms.

4.3 You can scale your website or application seamlessly

A headless CMS is generally more scalable than a traditional CMS because it can be deployed to multiple server and used on multiple devices. Therefore, it is ideal for businesses who want to create dynamic and responsive websites.

Basically, a headless CMS gives you more flexibility. It allows you to change developer tools and use your favorite tools.

5. When to use a headless CMS

While a headless CMS offers many benefits, it may not always be necessary to use them . A traditional CMS is still a very solid solution.

For example, if you are creating a website for yourself or a small business, a traditional CMS may be enough. You'll be able to manage everything from one place and have your website up and running in no time.

On the other hand, if you have more complex needs, a headless CMS may be a better choice. More specifically, it may be ideal if your website or application uses a JavaScript framework such as Angular, VueJS, or React.

It is also advisable if you plan to make native mobile apps and any projects that require you to publish content across multiple platforms simultaneously. Headless CMS is also useful for e-commerce websites.

If you are considering a headless CMS for your business, consider the following questions:

  • Do you need a front-end website?

  • Do you want to be able to easily update your content?

  • Do you want the freedom to choose any platform or device to access your content?

  • Do you like working with code?

  • Do you have the budget to hire a web developer?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then a headless CMS could be a solid solution.

6. How to Choose a Headless CMS

If you decide to use a headless CMS, there are some important factors to keep in mind. In most cases, you may need to spend some time testing interfaces and APIs to find the platform you are most comfortable with. When deciding to use a headless CMS, you may want to consider the following questions:

  • What type of content do you need to manage?

  • How will this content be used?

  • Who will be responsible for creating and managing content?

  • What is your budget for a headless CMS?

  • What level of technical expertise do you have?

You will also want to research the different headless CMS options available and read reviews from other users to see which one best suits your needs. Again, there are many options available, so it's important to take the time to fully understand the use cases and capabilities of each platform.

Many headless CMSs are available as software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions. Others let you handle hosting, databases, and servers yourself. For example, you can use a DreamHost Virtual Private Server (VPS) environment.

Reference materials

This article is a reprinted article, original address:

https://www.wordpresshy.com/276761?share_token=F7557D63-D1B5-4BB8 -8EBA-15EEEB7AAEF4&tt_from=copy_link&utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=toutiao_ios&utm_campaign=client_share


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