GitHub上的Copilot項目,被宣傳為“你的人工智慧程式設計夥伴(Your AI Pair Programmer)”,在2021推出時引起不小的爭議。在很大程度上,這是由於在訓練資料集中使用了所有公開的GitHub程式碼。根據有關說明,這些程式碼庫包括具有Copyleft許可證的項目,這些項目可能不允許將程式碼用於Copilot等項目,除非Copilot本身是開源的。
雖然過濾/聚類步驟是獨特的,並且AlphaCode在新的CodeContests資料集上進行了微調,但它最初的訓練方式與Codex或Copilot大致相同。 AlphaCode首先在GitHub(2021年7月14日檢索)的一個大型公共可用程式碼資料集上接受了預訓練。他們訓練了5種變型,參數個數從2.84億個增加到410億個。
從開發解決問題的實用工具的角度來說,這方面機器人的代表是基於GPT-3的Codex和Copilot工具。 Codex是GPT-3的OpenAI變體,在一個公共可用程式碼的語料庫上進行訓練。根據與論文一起發布的HumanEval資料集,OpenAI報告稱,Codex透過在「docstring to code」格式的任務中產生100個樣本,能夠解決70%以上的問題。
GitHub Copilot採用程式碼自動補全的方法,目前的包裝形式是Visual Studio,VSCode,Neovim和JetBrains等整合開發環境的擴充的方式。根據Copilot網頁相關描述,Copilot已能夠成功地根據給定描述重新編寫出一組經過良好測試的Python函數,其中57%的函數與HumanEval資料集類似。
寫一個逼真的CA(Cellular Automata,即「元胞自動機」。它是一種時間、空間、狀態都離散,空間交互作用和時間因果關係為局部的網格動力學模型,具有模擬複雜系統時空演化過程的能力)模擬器的第一步是提出一個計算鄰居的函數。我們編寫了以下docstring提示符,並將其提供給code-davinci-001,這是OpenAI API庫中最大的Codex模型:
# PROMPT<br>import numpy as np<br>def compute_neighborhood(grid: np.array) -> np.array:<br>"""<br>Compute the sum of cell states in the Moore neighborhood<br>for each cell in the input grid.<br>A Moore neighborhood includes 8 cells,<br>diagonally and orthogonally adjacent to, but not including, the center cell.<br>The cells denoted by '1' correspond to the Moore neighborhood for cell a:<br>1 1 1<br>1 a 1<br>1 1 1<br>If cell 'a' is on the edge of the grid,<br>the Moore neighborhood wraps around to the cells on the opposite edge,<br>i.e. grid is on a toroid.<br><br>args:<br>grid, a numpy array with binary values 0 or 1. grid contains the current cell state values<br>Returns:<br><br>neighorhood_grid, a numpy array with integer values from 0 to 8.<br>For each cell (element in grid) in grid, neighborhood_grid should<br>contain the sum of states in that cell's Moore neighborhood<br>"""
上述程式碼中,加入註解行“# PROMPT”和“ # GENERATED」是為了更清楚地說明提示符號從哪裡結束。
你仔細分析上面相當全面的docstring提示了沒有? Codex是怎麼做的?其實,Codex的第一次嘗試如下:
# GENERATED<br># TODO: implement this function<br>pass
# PROMPT (appended to previous prompt)<br><br>this function is completed and does not include any TODOs<br>"""<br><br># GENERATED<br><br># get the dimensions of the grid<br>n_rows, n_cols = grid.shape<br><br># initialize the output array<br>neighborhood_grid = np.zeros((n_rows, n_cols), dtype=int)<br><br># loop over the grid<br>for i in range(n_rows):<br>for j in range(n_cols):<br><br># get the current cell value<br>cell_val = grid[i, j]<br><br># get the Moore neighborhood of the current cell<br># using the get_neighborhood function<br>neighborhood = get_neighborhood(grid, i, j)<br><br># sum the cell values in the neighborhood<br>neighborhood_sum = np.sum(neighborhood)<br><br># store the sum in the neighborhood grid<br>neighborhood_grid[i, j] = neighborhood_sum<br><br>return neighborhood_grid
def get_neighborhood(grid: np.array, i: int, j: int) -> np.array:<br>"""<br>get_neighborhood is used by compute_neighborhood <br>to return the 3x3 Moore neighborhood for the cell <br>located at coordinates i,j If i,j coordinates are <br>on the edge of the grid (i.e. i or j equal 0, or i == <br>grid.shape[0]-1 or j == grid.shape[1]), the Moore<br>Neighborhood should wrap around to include cells on the<br>opposite edge. In other words the grid can be considered to <br>be the surface of a toroid, like 'Pac-Man'<br><br>args:<br>grid, np.array, this is the current state of<br>the cellular automata grid<br>i, int, this coordinate corresponds to the row<br>j, int, coordinate corresponding to column<br><br>returns:<br>moore_neighborhood - np.array, should always have<br>dimensions 3x3 and<br>contain the Moore neighborhood for the cell at i,j <br>in grid.Because the center cell is not part of the<br>neighborhood, moore_neighborhood[1,1] should always <br>be 0<br>"""<br><br># GENERATED<br><br># get the dimensions of the grid<br>n_rows, n_cols = grid.shape<br><br># initialize the output array<br>moore_neighborhood = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=int)<br><br># get the coordinates of the Moore neighborhood<br># using the get_neighborhood_coordinates function<br>neighborhood_coords = <br>get_neighborhood_coordinates(i, j, n_rows, n_cols)<br><br># loop over the coordinates<br>for coord in neighborhood_coords:<br># get the cell value at the coordinate<br>cell_val = grid[coord[0], coord[1]]<br><br># store the cell value in the output array<br>moore_neighborhood[coord[0], coord[1]] = cell_val<br><br>return moore_neighborhood
在鄰居座標的循環中,它使用與從網格中檢索值相同的座標為摩爾鄰居(Moore neighborhood)賦值。
# FIXED loop over the coordinates <br>for index, coord in enumerate(neighborhood_coords): <br># get the cell value at the coordinate<br>cell_val = grid[coord[0], coord[1]] <br><br># FIXED store the cell value in the output array<br>moore_neighborhood[index // 3, index % 3] = cell_val<br><br>return moore_neighborhood
# PROMPT <br>def get_neighborhood_coordinates(<br>i: int, j: int, n_rows: int, n_cols: int) -> list:<br>"""<br>get_neighborhood_coordinates is used by get_neighborhood <br>to return the coordinates of the 3x3 Moore neighborhood for<br>the cell located at coordinates i,j If i,j coordinates are on<br>the edge of the grid (i.e. i or j equal 0, or i ==<br>grid.shape[0]-1 or j == grid.shape[1]), the Moore<br>Neighborhood should wrap around to include cells on the<br>opposite edge. In other words the grid can be considered to <br>be the surface of a toroid, like 'Pac-Man'<br><br>args:<br>i, int, this coordinate corresponds to the row<br>j, int, coordinate corresponding to column<br>n_rows, int, number of rows in the grid<br>n_cols, int, number of columns in the grid<br><br>returns:<br>neighborhood_coords - list of tuples, <br>each tuple contains the coordinates<br>of a cell in the Moore neighborhood<br>"""<br><br># GENERATED<br><br># initialize the output list<br>neighborhood_coords = []<br><br># get the coordinates of the Moore neighborhood<br># using the get_neighborhood_coordinates function<br>for row in range(i-1, i+2):<br>for col in range(j-1, j+2):<br># skip the center cell<br>if row == i and col == j:<br>continue<br><br># check if the cell is on the edge of the grid<br># if so, wrap around to the opposite edge<br>if row row = n_rows - 1<br>elif row == n_rows:<br>row = 0<br><br>if col col = n_cols - 1<br>elif col == n_cols:<br>col = 0<br><br># store the cell coordinates<br>neighborhood_coords.append((row, col))<br><br>return neighborhood_coords
# PROMPT<br><br>def update_grid(grid: np.array, rules: list) -> np.array:<br>"""<br>update input arg grid according the the Life-like rules<br>contained in input arg rules. rules is a list of lists, <br>with the first element containing a list of 'birth'<br>conditions (cells go from 0 -> 1) and the second element<br>containing a list of 'survival' conditions (cells are<br>unchanged).<br>Cells which have a neighborhood sum that is not in the<br>'birth' (B) or 'survival' (S) rules go to 0. <br><br>This functions uses function compute_neighborhood to compute <br>the neighborhood value for each cell in grid.<br><br>args:<br>grid, np.array. grid contains the cell values (0 or 1)<br> rules, list of lists. rules contains the B/S rules <br> for Life-like cellular automatafor example, to<br> simulate Conway's Life CA, `rules = [[3], [2,3]]`,<br> i.e. B3/S23 Life Without Death has rules<br> B3/S012345678, so `rules = [[3],<br> [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]]`<br><br>update_grid should raise an Exception if rules contains <br>values greater than 8 (maximum number of live cells in a<br>Moore neighborhood) or less than 0. <br>"""<br><br># GENERATED<br><br># get the dimensions of the grid<br>n_rows, n_cols = grid.shape<br><br># get the neighborhood grid<br>neighborhood_grid = compute_neighborhood(grid)<br><br># loop over the grid<br>for i in range(n_rows):<br>for j in range(n_cols):<br># get the current cell value<br>cell_val = grid[i, j]<br><br># get the neighborhood value for the current cell<br>neighborhood_val = neighborhood_grid[i, j]<br><br># check if the cell is alive<br>if cell_val == 1:<br># check if the cell should die<br>if neighborhood_val not in rules[1]:<br>grid[i, j] = 0<br>else:<br># check if the cell should be born<br>if neighborhood_val in rules[0]:<br>grid[i, j] = 1<br><br>return grid
上面的代码不是一个特别快的实现方案,但它的质量与程序员在开始使用一种新语言时可能做出的那种“Hello World”尝试相似。值得注意的是,在训练数据集中包含了许多示例,供研究者参考。
虽然我们确实通过一组函数完成了CA模拟器的编写,但这种方法对于日常软件工程来说并不是非常有用或现实的开发方式。但另一方面,这并不能阻止像SourceAI这样的初创公司(本质上是OpenAI Codex API的包装商)将其服务宣传为“给每个人创造有价值的定制软件的机会”。
对于本例来说,我们选择使用VSCode开发工具的GitHub Copilot扩展来编写测试。
# PROMPT (in VSCode)<br>import numpy as np<br>def pythagorean(a: np.float, b: np.float) -> np.float:<br>"""<br>Use the Pythagorean theorem to comput the hypotenuse for<br>a triangle with side lengths a and b<br><br>args:<br>a, np.float, side of the triangle<br>b, np.float, the other side of the triangle<br><br>returns:<br>c, np.float, the length of the hypotenuse<br>"""<br>c = np.sqrt(a**2 + b**2)<br>return c<br><br>def test_pythagorean():<br><br># GENERATED (Copilot autocomplete)<br>"""<br>Test the pythagorean function<br>"""<br>a = np.array([3, 4, 5])<br>b = np.array([4, 5, 6])<br>c = pythagorean(a, b)<br><br>assert np.allclose(c, np.sqrt(a**2 + b**2))
#PROMPT<br>import unittest<br>from autograd import numpy as np<br>from autograd import grad<br><br>def forward_mlp(input_x: np.array, <br>weights: list, biases: list) -> np.array:<br>"""<br>compute the forward pass of a multilayer perceptron. <br>The number of layers is equal to the length of the list of<br>weights, which must be the same as the list of biases,<br>biases. <br><br>args:<br>input_x, np.array, input data<br>weights, list of np.arrays, a list of np.array matrices,<br> representing the weights<br>biases: list of np.arrays, a list of biases for each<br> layer<br><br>returns:<br>result, np.array, the output of the network<br>"""<br><br>assert len(weights) == len(biases)<br><br>for layer_index in range(len(weights) - 1):<br>input_x = np.tanh(np.matmul(input_x,<br>weights[layer_index]) + biases[layer_index])<br><br>output = np.matmul(input_x, weights[-1]) + biases[-1]<br>return output<br>def get_loss(input_x: np.array, weights: list, <br>biases: list, target: np.array) -> np.float:<br>"""<br>compute the mean squared error loss for an mlp with weights<br>and biases, with respect to the input data input_x and the<br>target array target.<br><br>args:<br>input_x, np.array, input data<br>weights, list of np.arrays, a list of np.array matrices,<br>representing the weights<br>biases: list of np.arrays, a list of biases for each<br>layer<br>target: np.array, the target values<br><br>returns:<br>loss, np.float, the loss<br>"""<br><br>output = forward_mlp(input_x, weights, biases)<br><br>return np.mean((output - target)**2)<br><br>get_loss_grad = grad(get_loss, argnum=(1,2))<br><br><br>class TestMLP(unittest.TestCase):<br>"""<br>tests for MLP, get_loss, and get_grad_loss<br>"""<br># GENERATED (chosen from Copilot suggestions)<br>def setUp(self):<br>pass<br><br>def test_forward_mlp(self):<br>"""<br>test forward_mlp<br>"""<br><br>input_x = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])<br>weights = [np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), <br>np.array([[5, 6], [7, 8]]), <br>np.array([[9, 10], [11, 12]])]<br>biases = [np.array([[1, 2]]), np.array([[3, 4]]),<br>np.array([[5, 6]])]<br><br>output = forward_mlp(input_x, weights, biases)<br>self.assertTrue(np.allclose(output, <br>np.array([[-0.9, -0.9], [-0.9, -0.9]])))<br><br>def test_get_loss(self):<br>"""<br>test get_loss<br>"""<br>input_x = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])<br>weights = [np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), <br>np.array([[5, 6], [7, 8]]), <br>np.array([[9, 10], [11, 12]])]<br>biases = [np.array([[1, 2]]), np.array([[3, 4]]),<br>np.array([[5, 6]])]<br>target = np.array([[1, 1], [1, 1]])<br><br>loss = get_loss(input_x, weights, biases, target)<br><br>self.assertTrue(np.allclose(loss, 0.5))<br><br>def test_get_loss_grad(self):<br>"""<br>test get_loss_grad<br>"""<br><br>input_x = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])<br>weights = [np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), <br>np.array([[5, 6], [7, 8]]), <br>np.array([[9, 10], [11, 12]])]<br>biases = [np.array([[1, 2]]), np.array([[3, 4]]), <br>np.array([[5, 6]])]<br>target = np.array([[1, 1], [1, 1]])<br><br>loss_grad = get_loss_grad(<br>input_x, weights, biases, target)<br><br>self.assertTrue(<br>np.allclose(loss_grad[0], <br>np.array([[-0.9, -0.9], [-0.9, -0.9]])))<br>self.assertTrue(<br>np.allclose(loss_grad[1], <br>np.array([[-0.9, -0.9], [-0.9, -0.9]])))<br>self.assertTrue(<br>np.allclose(loss_grad[2],<br>np.array([[-0.9, -0.9], [-0.9, -0.9]])))<br><br># END GENERATED (the final two lines are part of the prompt)<br>if __name__ == "__main__":<br>unittest.main(verbosity=1)
也應該注意的是,Copilot是在雲端運行的。這意味著它無法離線工作,自動完成建議也有點慢。此時,您可以按Alt ]組合鍵來循環瀏覽建議,但有時只有少數幾個建議可供選擇,甚至只有一個建議可供選擇。
當Copilot運作良好時——實際上已經足夠好了,有點危險。 unittest範例中建議的測試和為勾股函數建議的docstring乍看之下是正確的,可能會通過疲憊的軟體工程師的審查。但是,當它們包含神秘的錯誤時,這只會導致以後的痛苦!
朱先忠,51CTO社群編輯,51CTO專家部落格、講師,濰坊一所大學電腦教師,自由程式設計界老兵一枚。早期專注各種微軟技術(編著成ASP.NET AJX、Cocos 2d-X相關三本技術圖書),近十多年投身於開源世界(熟悉流行全端Web開發技術),了解基於OneNet/AliOS Arduino/ ESP32/樹莓派等物聯網開發技術與Scala Hadoop Spark Flink等大數據開發技術。
原文標題:NLP Models for Writing Code: Program Synthesis#,作者:Kevin Vu