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發布: 2023-04-15 09:58:02
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但真實情況可能沒有聽起來那麼糟。 Bonfire公司是一家為新一代職場女性提供人才發展加速器服務的公司。聯合創始人雷切爾·貝洛(Rachel Bellow)解釋說:「這種調整經常發生,公司常常會利用經濟低迷的藉口裁員。」「如果我們看看過去24個月的招聘和解僱數據,我們會發現Meta、Salesforce、微軟等公司僱用的員工遠遠多於解僱的員工數量,有時招聘新人的數量甚至是解僱人數的10倍。」但根據招聘網站LinkedIn今年2月份的勞動力報告,自去年春季以來,招募降幅最大的產業是科技、資訊和媒體產業,招募人數下降41%。為了在這些領域保持競爭力,求職者必須擁有強大的技能。


「由於整個世界和工作方式都發生了巨大改變,我們如何定義管理、溝通和領導力等術語都必須與時俱進,因為之前的許多方式已經過時了,」職場專家、 Delivering Happiness執行長、暢銷書《超越幸福》的作者傑恩·利姆(Jenn Lim)說。 「是時候提醒自己,我們需要明智選擇如何成長、發展和重新獲得技能,如果我們在自動化永遠不會取代的事情上做得更好,那麼我們保持相關價值的可能性將永遠存在。」

LinkedIn最近發布了《2023年最緊缺技能報告》,這是評估科技工作者經驗以及可能需要強化哪些技能的依據,但需要的技能還遠不止於此。 「公司不僅在尋找軟體開發人員,也在尋找能夠將財務、銷售、營運和雲端運算知識結合的開發人員。」利姆表示,「換句話說,公司正在尋找擁有多種技能的人。 」

20年前,人們都被教導要成為某一領域的專家,但如今這是有風險的,因為一項特定技能很可能會變得多餘或被自動化所取代。致力於利用和激勵人才的人力資源科技公司Sandbox執行長兼創辦人丹妮爾·鮑里斯(Danielle Boris)表示:「要想在2023年的科技業取得成功,人才需要具備T型技能(技能廣泛、某項專精)這種複合技能。」鮑里斯解釋:「人們應該擁有跨學科的知識廣度和某一領域的知識深度,這樣對組織來說才更有價值,對那些不斷調整員工隊伍的組織來說更是如此。」

目前的就業市場不斷發展,許多雇主在招募時已經傾向於技能優先。 LinkedIn職業專家安德魯·麥卡斯基爾(Andrew McCaskill)解釋說,衡量求職者的技能,就像衡量學位或工作經驗一樣重要。麥卡斯基爾建議求職者把技能看作是“職業工具箱”,突出自己已經擁有的技能,列出清單來培養沒有的技能。他說:「尤其是在動盪時期,採用技能優先的策略可以讓你在就業市場上更有信心、更有主動權。」

和LinkedIn一樣,Upwork也發布了2023年最受歡迎的技能清單。數據顯示,6,000萬美國人在過去12個月至少從事一些自由業,占到美國勞動力的39%。 Upwork自由工作者、Mr. SharePoint創始人瑞恩·克拉克(Ryan Clark)說:“我的大部分技能都是通過自學、通過YouTube上的微軟365頻道等平台,以及反複試錯得來的。” 「我擁有的高品質技能越多,我就越有市場價值,所以我一直保持學習的動力,走在科技業的前沿。」

Kelly Donovan & Associates, a firm that serves job seekers across the United States, said skills in automation, artificial intelligence and digital marketing will be key in the coming months and years. is critical, and the demand for cybersecurity experts continues to grow. Donovan said: "The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the number of information security analyst jobs will grow 35% from 2021 to 2031, and many web development and software development skills such as Java, C and Python are also important for cybersecurity. Value."

To quickly build professional technical skills, Donovan recommends cheap, low-stress, self-paced options like online courses like those on Udemy, LinkedIn Learning, edX, and Coursera. While online courses are a great way to learn new skills, Donovan warns that if you're taking an online course without a live instructor and homework, you should also find ways and outlets to practice the skill and truly master it. Donovan suggests: “You can find suitable courses through the promotion programs of major universities, major technology companies, and edX and Coursera.” Both Coursera and edX work with many large technology companies to provide training certificates to graduates.

Marni Baker Stein, chief content officer at Coursera, said: "As employers generally lower their degree requirements, they value industry micro-credentials like this more." Coursera offers 5,500 courses. Free auditing service. Some of the most popular technical courses on Coursera in 2022 are User Experience Design Fundamentals, Introduction to Python Programming, and Algorithms Part I.

As artificial intelligence accelerates its development, more jobs are beginning to face the risk of being replaced, which makes leadership skills increasingly important. In a new course at the University of Michigan, students immerse themselves in real-life scenarios, practice organizing tasks and receive feedback. Stein said: "Leaders are those who help employees navigate change and even enable employees to thrive in change. This is a unique human skill that artificial intelligence may never replace."

Akhila Satish is the CEO of Meseekna and an award-winning professional scientist. She has worked with employers including NASA, Eli Lilly and Company, and Credit Suisse to assess and improve employee performance. "The biggest topic in the tech industry right now is artificial intelligence and what deploying tools like ChatGPT in the workplace means for tech workers," she said. Satish believes that the tools that will allow people to get ahead of artificial intelligence and thrive in the tech field Two essential skills have nothing to do with programming and coding, but rather creativity and innovation.

Satish said: "The creativity of artificial intelligence is far from the level of humans, which is why it is important to cultivate your own innovation capabilities, because artificial intelligence cannot replace it in the short term."

It turns out that what one thinks can be more valuable than what one knows. Celine Floyd, vice president and senior industrial psychologist at Cappfinity, a global talent recruitment and management company, said: "All studies show that emotional intelligence is a better predictor of a person's workplace performance than IQ." Cappfinity research report Showing that skills like resilience, agility, self-insight and inclusive leadership are critical for tech job seekers.

"Remaining resilient and motivated means you can get through difficult times, be a source of stability and positivity for others, and adapt to new circumstances. Everything goes to show that adaptability is the key to the tech industry this decade' Meta-skill' one," Floyd said. “Inclusive leadership is the ability to see and draw on the value of the diversity of others.” Emily Anhalt, clinical psychologist, co-founder and chief clinical officer of Coa Emily Anhalt also believes that "if you are not emotionally healthy, mastering all the technical skills in the world will not have a positive impact on your career in the technology industry." Anhalt said that if you want to achieve success in the technology field Sustaining success without working on communication, adaptability, and self-awareness is like being an Olympic athlete who wants to be successful but doesn't eat well and sleep well.

To develop these skills, it is necessary to maintain active practice, and Anhalt recommends doing emotional exercises. She said: "Emotional exercise can be any small emotional exertion that gets you a little bit out of your comfort zone so you can grow."

