<?php $my_array = array('apple', 'banana', 'orange'); $last_key = array_key_last($my_array); echo "The last key of the array is: " . $last_key . " "; ?>
The last key of the array is: 2
<?php $my_array = array('apple', 'banana', 'orange'); $first_key = array_key_first($my_array); echo "The first key of the array is: " . $first_key . " "; ?>
The first key of the array is: 0
<?php $my_array = array('apple' => 1, 'banana' => 2, 'orange' => 3); $first_key = array_key_first($my_array); $last_key = array_key_last($my_array); for ($i = $first_key; $i <= $last_key; $i++) { echo "The value of " . $my_array[$i] . " is " . $i . " "; } ?>
The value of 1 is apple The value of 2 is banana The value of 3 is orange
<?php $my_array = array('apple', 'banana', 'orange'); $last_index = array_key_last($my_array); $last_element = $my_array[$last_index]; echo "The last element of the array is: " . $last_element . " "; ?>
The last element of the array is: orange
<?php class Deque { private $queue; public function __construct() { $this->queue = array(); } public function addFirst($value) { array_unshift($this->queue, $value); } public function addLast($value) { $this->queue[] = $value; } public function removeFirst() { if (!empty($this->queue)) { $first_key = array_key_first($this->queue); unset($this->queue[$first_key]); } } public function removeLast() { if (!empty($this->queue)) { $last_key = array_key_last($this->queue); unset($this->queue[$last_key]); } } public function display() { foreach($this->queue as $value) { echo $value . " "; } echo " "; } } $deque = new Deque(); $deque->addFirst(1); $deque->addFirst(2); $deque->addLast(3); $deque->addLast(4); $deque->display(); // expected output: 2 1 3 4 $deque->removeFirst(); $deque->removeLast(); $deque->display(); // expected output: 1 3 ?>
2 1 3 4 1 3