在本文中,我們將建立一個無序的集合,並嘗試使用內建方法 'Collections.shuffle()' 來對其元素進行洗牌。
SortedSet< element_Type > collection_name = new TreeSet<>();
在這裡,element_Type 是包裝類,而不是原始資料類型。
這個方法由 'java.util' 套件提供,作為一個洗牌器。它接受一個集合作為參數,然後隨機重新排列元素。
Collections.shuffle( nameOfcollection );
我們將建立一個名為 'treeSt' 的Tree Set,並使用內建方法 'add()' 儲存一些類型為String的元素。
現在,建立一個新的ArrayList並複製先前的Tree Set的所有元素。
import java.util.*; public class Srtset { public static void main(String args[]) { // Creating a tree set SortedSet<String> treeSt = new TreeSet<>(); // Adding elements in the tree set treeSt.add("Tutorix"); treeSt.add("Simply"); treeSt.add("Easy"); treeSt.add("Learning"); treeSt.add("Tutorials"); treeSt.add("Point"); // print elements before shuffling System.out.println("Elements of the given set without performing shuffling: "); System.out.println(treeSt); // storing the elements of tree set in array list List<String> arayList = new ArrayList<>(treeSt); // performing shuffle operation on list Collections.shuffle(arayList); // display the shuffled elements System.out.println("Shuffled elements of the given set: "); System.out.println(arayList); } }
Elements of the given set without performing shuffling: [Easy, Learning, Point, Simply, Tutorials, Tutorix] Shuffled elements of the given set: [Easy, Simply, Learning, Tutorix, Tutorials, Point]
It is a class that is used to implement NavigableMap Interface. It stores the elements of the map in a tree structure. To sort the LinkedHashMap elements we need to use this class. The most obvious reason for this is that eed to useesan class. The most obvious reason for this is that eed to useesan class. The most obvious reason for this is that eed to useesan class. The most obvious reason for this is that eed to useesan class. The most obvious reason for this is that eed to useesan class. The most obvious reason for this is that eed to useesan class. The most obvious reason for this is that eed to useesan class. The most obvious reason for this is that 東西efficient alternative to store the key-value pairs in sorted order.
TreeMap< TypeOfKey, TypeOfValue > nameOfMap = new TreeMap<>();
繼續前進,使用方法 'Collections.shuffle()' 來打亂 ArrayList 的元素。
最後,定義一個for-each迴圈來列印重新洗牌的元素。 'getKey()'方法將檢索鍵,'getValue()'將取得其對應的值。
import java.util.*; public class Suffle { public static void main(String args[]) { TreeMap<String, Integer> workers = new TreeMap<>(); // Adding elements in the workers map workers.put("Vaibhav", 4000); workers.put("Ansh", 3000); workers.put("Vivek", 1500); workers.put("Aman", 2000); workers.put("Tapas", 2500); // printing details workers map without shuffle System.out.println("Elements of the map: "); for (String unKey : workers.keySet()) { System.out.println("Name: " + unKey + ", Salary: " + workers.get(unKey)); } // create new ArrayList List<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> arayList = new ArrayList<>(workers.entrySet()); Collections.shuffle(arayList); // printing details after shuffling System.out.println("Elements of the newly shuffled map: "); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> print : arayList) { System.out.println("Name: " + print.getKey() + ", Salary: " + print.getValue()); } } }
Elements of the map: Name: Aman, Salary: 2000 Name: Ansh, Salary: 3000 Name: Tapas, Salary: 2500 Name: Vaibhav, Salary: 4000 Name: Vivek, Salary: 1500 Elements of the newly shuffled map: Name: Vaibhav, Salary: 4000 Name: Aman, Salary: 2000 Name: Vivek, Salary: 1500 Name: Ansh, Salary: 3000 Name: Tapas, Salary: 2500